Biggest ruling class lie of the 21st century

Yeah, "free markets" were helping prior to the recession..

They were. The economy was the strongest ever.

It took two wars, fucking with jnflation, and new tariffs instituted by Bush that finally caused the socialist bubble economy to pop. There were a lot of other things contributed by a lot of other presidents that led to the recession, but free trade was not among them.

Remember? Free trade always produces jobs and consumption, therefore economic growth. Reduced trade always costs jobs and lowers consumption, which leads to economic decline.

No one is going to get involved in a trade relationship that is unprofitable. The first principal of free market capitalism is that entrepreneurs will only make deals that produce money.
well, I cant seem to disagree with any of that.
I respect your POV. I just don't agree with some of it. Hundreds of billions of dollars trade deficit is NOT Good. We are getting our ass kicked. Hell, even Mexico beats us! And on top of that we give them welfare!
Its not free trade I hate. It is our corprotists running the show. I don't blame businesses for doing what they are doing. I just wish we didn't basically kick them out.
And for fucks sakes, lower their goddamn tax rate.
Hundreds of billions of dollars trade deficit is NOT Good.

Again, never said it was.

It is not bad either.

We are getting our ass kicked. Hell, even Mexico beats us!

What are you talking about?

Both sides are producing profit. These are voluntary business interactions. Nobody is getting screwed over.

Its not free trade I hate. It is our corprotists running the show.

Protectionism, being a form of government socialism, is a tool for corporatists to run the show.

I don't blame businesses for doing what they are doing. I just wish we didn't basically kick them out.
And for fucks sakes, lower their goddamn tax rate.

I agree.

The answer to offshoring (which I actually do not care about) is not more socialism, but rather allowing businesses to become competitive again. The government chokehold is undesirable. I oppose crooks like Donald trying to tighten the governments grip to benefit their own wallets over the good of the American people.
That the globalization of the economy is bad for small businesses, independent manufacturing, and the working class.

Hello? Since when has expanding the scope of the market, IE, your choices as entrepreneurs and consumers, ever been a bad thing? The reality is that it leads to lower prices, more competition, more products, and more profit.

Guess what free trade also creates? More jobs. Yeah, I know your political masters have hammered this false idea into your head that reducing trade barriers costs American jobs, but this is totally wrong.

The problem? Not only is the conclusion that protectionism shields jobs totally fallacious, but history has proven it to be a failed theory. Protectionism is command state economics; Socialism exemplified. It is redistributing wealth and protecting the rich at the expense of long term economic stability and consumer power.

Maybe I can break it down for you. Increased trade equals job growth and increased consumption. Tariffs equal reduced trade and reduced consumption . Therefore, naturally, protectionism equals job decline.

Protectionism also correlates with decreased competition and inferior manufacturing both at home and abroad. The increased cost of materials means small businesses and independent manufacturing at home have decreased profit margins, often making it uneconomical to compete with the big US manufacturers. Since the big US manufacturers no longer have to compete with the little guy or other nations, they do not only get away with producing inferior products, but they also become less accountable to consumers.

Right there is the root of why we still have protectionist policies, despite most economists universally agreeing that they damage the greater economy. They benefit the filthy rich by captivating the market. These crooks can jack up prices to their leisure and step on you all they want. No competition at home and no competition abroad. No care for anything beyond their bottom line.

As long as the government protects these crooks from the harsh reality of capitalism, we will continue to live in a weak socialist bubble economy.

I was going to say "climate change" but you make a strong case.

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