Bigggg deposits of lithium discovered in Maine and Oregon/Nevada since 2021.


Mar 5, 2022

Well what ya’ll got to say about this, USMessageBoard?

IIIIIII hope we don’t resort to having to mine in Maine someday. I like moose and would like to see the vassssst forests in Maine someday..

Well what ya’ll got to say about this, USMessageBoard?

IIIIIII hope we don’t resort to having to mine in Maine someday. I like moose and would like to see the vassssst forests in Maine someday..
As long as companies can get it far cheaper from e.g. South-America - why hire an expensive US labor force + expensive infrastructural and industrial investments, and additionally wreck the lovely environment? so dear and precious to certain groups.

Naturally the human scumbag will highlight this as a massive failure by Biden - intentionally sabotaging the path towards the "Greatness of America" - if elected, naturally he will side with buying it as cheap as possible from overseas.

Thus helping the elite circles to become more rich - making environmentalists even happy - whilst retaining his voter sheep due to them still being unhappy and concerned - as such no one could claim that St. Donald is the one, who is dumb.
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Well what ya’ll got to say about this, USMessageBoard?

IIIIIII hope we don’t resort to having to mine in Maine someday. I like moose and would like to see the vassssst forests in Maine someday..
They're no going to open strip mines in Maine.

Half of Florida might look like a fuckin' moonscape, but they're not going to do strip mines in Maine.

Google Earth Mosaic land in Florida sometime around the drag lines.
If not mining the deposits helps stymie the command EV industry then it's a good thing. ;)

Sourcing lithium overseas means that EV prices will remain high to where fewer people will want them. Combine that with the concessions that the Big 3 will be making to their workers to avoid a strike and the cost of EVs will never go down. :)
As long as companies can get it far cheaper from e.g. South-America - why hire an expensive US labor force + expensive infrastructural and industrial investments, and additionally wreck the lovely environment? so dear and precious to certain groups.

Naturally the human scumbag will highlight this as a massive failure by Biden - intentionally sabotaging the path towards the "Greatness of America" - if elected, naturally he will side with buying it as cheap as possible from overseas.

Thus helping the elite circles to become more rich - making environmentalists even happy - whilst retaining his voter sheep due to them still being unhappy and concerned - as such no one could claim that St. Donald is the one, who is dumb.
In my country, we’ll keep the lithium mining to the dark people, the coloreds….

Yeah, we’re better off having China handle this
As long as companies can get it far cheaper from e.g. South-America - why hire an expensive US labor force + expensive infrastructural and industrial investments, and additionally wreck the lovely environment? so dear and precious to certain groups.

Naturally the human scumbag will highlight this as a massive failure by Biden - intentionally sabotaging the path towards the "Greatness of America" - if elected, naturally he will side with buying it as cheap as possible from overseas.

Thus helping the elite circles to become more rich - making environmentalists even happy - whilst retaining his voter sheep due to them still being unhappy and concerned - as such no one could claim that St. Donald is the one, who is dumb.
Lithium is very finite. We'll mine it sooner or later.
Lithium is very finite. We'll mine it sooner or later.
"finite"? not really, and therefore IMO, unprofitable to be mined in a 1st world country, that isn't really into mining - unlike e.g Australia.
Those in possession of lithium - will make sure that prices keep high - see their pals from the oil industry (1980: The lights will go out in 1995)
Lithium mining is only one part of the equation.
It's the purification process that's really nasty and messy. (Not dusty) It's almost as bad as purifying silicon for transistors and diodes.

The greenie Weenies aren't going to be confronted with the reality of their "green technology" which is anything except green.
As long as companies can get it far cheaper from e.g. South-America - why hire an expensive US labor force + expensive infrastructural and industrial investments, and additionally wreck the lovely environment? so dear and precious to certain groups.

Naturally the human scumbag will highlight this as a massive failure by Biden - intentionally sabotaging the path towards the "Greatness of America" - if elected, naturally he will side with buying it as cheap as possible from overseas.

Thus helping the elite circles to become more rich - making environmentalists even happy - whilst retaining his voter sheep due to them still being unhappy and concerned - as such no one could claim that St. Donald is the one, who is dumb.
FYI- Part of the owner's property is already being mined for granite and quartz I believe, and that's how they found the extremely rich vein of lithium....

they are environmentally conscious up here...

mainly because Maine's economy relies on vacationers, tourism, campers, hunters, fisherman, summer home owners...

We have a little over 1 million Mainers living here, with nearing 40 million visitors a year....all business relies on those coming to see our beauty and eat our seafood and lobster! :)! It's all we really have... So, it is important to protect it for near everyone living here.

However, from what I have read, although metal, lithium runs in clean veins without sulphur or iron needing removal, so our waters would not be poisoned....

the owner's of the property are seniors, and just fine and comfortable financially and don't know that they want the hassle of trying to get govt permission to extract it....

Maine: The way life should be! :)

Well what ya’ll got to say about this, USMessageBoard?

IIIIIII hope we don’t resort to having to mine in Maine someday. I like moose and would like to see the vassssst forests in Maine someday..
The reason china dominates the lithium supply is not ENTIRELY because of where the raw material is found

But rather because processing the stuff is very dirty and libs just want to buy the finished product from the communists

Bigggg deposits of lithium discovered in Maine and Oregon/Nevada since 2021.​

Nice! But it's not in Biden's best interest to put Americans to work and compete with his buds in China. I mean, it would take a lot of gasoline and diesel engine machinery to extract all of that Lithium, and we wouldn't want to pollute the air and cause Oregon, Nevada, and Maine to "warm" up their climates. We'll have to wait for an "America First" kind of President to get into office before extracting America's natural rescources.
Recycle in the US the lithium already obtained by the ChiComs from their exploiting of child labor (communist pedophilia fronting as capitalism). Do not give it or sell it back to the ChiComs.

Limited US lithium mining (excluding Maine) would then have a less Biden-esque future if handled responsibly.

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