Bilderberg Group Plots the World's Future


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
In secret! Gasp! :eek:

120 to 150 of the Hoi Poloi gather in Copenhagen behind closed doors with heavy security to set their agenda for undermining the masses and raping the poor. They seek the rape our natural resources and take every one of our dollars or Euros possible.

And, reporters are not allowed. We all know what that means, don't we? :mad:

Well, Al Jazeera America is the first one I've encountered to report this so read more @ Secretive Bilderberg group holds annual conference for global elite | Al Jazeera America
disinfo agent gets much more clever to hand it to you,you are not transparent like fellow government paid troll your friend gomer ollie.i would actually think you were sincere if you werent so sloppy and had him on your friends list which in a way actually DOES make you as transparent as him.
Hah this is great.

I think we actually have a case of one tin-hatter accusing another one of being a double agent.
The Bilderbergs are a bunch of homos.

The Illumaniti is where it's at!
The Bilderbergs are a bunch of homos.

The Illumaniti is where it's at!

Well, look at the liberal homophobe why don't ya?

He says that as though being a homo was a disgrace.

Where are all the Thought Police?

Where's the Politically Correct crowd attack?

Why isn't the Forum Gay Lobby on this one?

Where are are the Jewy defenders of "equal rights" about now?

Oh that's right. Mr BULL is one!
Must be a self hating Jew.

Jewish Queer Celebrities | JQ International

In secret! Gasp! :eek:

120 to 150 of the Hoi Poloi gather in Copenhagen behind closed doors with heavy security to set their agenda for undermining the masses and raping the poor. They seek the rape our natural resources and take every one of our dollars or Euros possible.

And, reporters are not allowed. We all know what that means, don't we? :mad:

Well, Al Jazeera America is the first one I've encountered to report this so read more @ Secretive Bilderberg group holds annual conference for global elite | Al Jazeera America

Merriam-Webster Says;

"hoi pol·loi noun plural \ˌhȯi-pə-ˈlȯi\
: ordinary people : people who are not rich, famous, etc.

Full Definition of HOI POLLOI

: the general populace : masses
Examples of HOI POLLOI

<“I pay no attention to the opinions of the hoi polloi,” the writer sniffed>
Origin of HOI POLLOI

Greek, the many"

You can really screw up a good conspiracy theory with a few ill-chosen words.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."--Edmund Burke
The Bilderbergs are a bunch of homos.

The Illumaniti is where it's at!

Well, look at the liberal homophobe why don't ya?

He says that as though being a homo was a disgrace.

Where are all the Thought Police?

Where's the Politically Correct crowd attack?

Why isn't the Forum Gay Lobby on this one?

Where are are the Jewy defenders of "equal rights" about now?

Oh that's right. Mr BULL is one!
Must be a self hating Jew.

What are you talking about, crazy person?
disinfo agent gets much more clever to hand it to you,you are not transparent like fellow government paid troll your friend gomer ollie.i would actually think you were sincere if you werent so sloppy and had him on your friends list which in a way actually DOES make you as transparent as him.

speaking of that,i notice a pattern here.I notice that ANYTIME you make a thread in the conspiracy section,your fellow agent pal gomer ollie never comes on and posts.hhmmm interesting.could it be because you are afraid that he would come on and call you a lonny and you would lose your friendship with you you cherish? i have to think so since he never comes on and he worships the governments explanation of events no matter how absurd it is ignoring facts that prove him no surprise he hasnt come on.Looks like you have some kind of deal arrangement made with him.
In secret! Gasp! :eek:

120 to 150 of the Hoi Poloi gather in Copenhagen behind closed doors with heavy security to set their agenda for undermining the masses and raping the poor. They seek the rape our natural resources and take every one of our dollars or Euros possible.

And, reporters are not allowed. We all know what that means, don't we? :mad:

Well, Al Jazeera America is the first one I've encountered to report this so read more @ Secretive Bilderberg group holds annual conference for global elite | Al Jazeera America

This story's been going around since at least 1965, where have you been?
I notice that ANYTIME you make a thread in the conspiracy section,your fellow agent pal gomer ollie never comes on and posts.hhmmm interesting.could it be because you are afraid that he would come on and call you a lonny and you would lose your friendship with you you cherish?

Wouldn't it just be alot easier to write in big block letters:


Ok, I'm gonna go make some knaidläch now....


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