Bill Clinton and Donald Trump Are the Same Age, Poor Bill


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.

Yeah Donald has a hooker for a wife, and as much as he pays her, she still lives in a separate house:rofl:
She's First Lady in name only. She's no lady and she isn't going to lift a finger to help this country
Ironically, the daughter he wants to fuck is filling the role as First Lady:rofl:
Bill also looks like death warmed over. Apparently living with Hillary has taken it's toll
Bill was president for 8 years. Everyone knows the job ages people quickly. Don't worry, when Donald is voted out in 4 years, or quits in 2, or dies of a McDonalds induced heart attack in his golf cart (that's the scenario I'm betting on), he won't look any worse than the lazy piece of shit he is today, because he won't be actually doing The job of a president
Bill looks sickly, old, and tired. HE married a fat, ugly c#nt, so that's to be expected.


Trump looks great for his age. HE married 3 beautiful women. He could stand to lose a few pounds though.

Bill also looks like death warmed over. Apparently living with Hillary has taken it's toll
You should see what The Donald looks like without his orange paint. Talk about death warmed over!

And he's morbidly obese.


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The POTUS is a lazy, fat, ignorant asshole and FLOTUS is a high maintenance, Eastern European, arm candy whore; and the American right envies him
Trump is so lazy that he managed to create a real estate empire worth Billions, raise an incredible family, and become the most powerful man on the planet.

And the LWNJ's wonder why they keep losing elections.....


Oooooh Donald you're so sexy, you had me at "You're fired!"
You got it wrong OP. Poor Melania is married to the tub of goo, Gropenfuherer, while Hillary is lucky enough to be married to the charming William Jefferson Clinton.


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