Bill Clinton and Donald Trump Are the Same Age, Poor Bill

and how old is Joe Biden? and what is his preference of female to check out when the wife isnt looking?
Calling the First Lady a whore is typical for a class act like you.

Hey, middlefingerMoron.........Look at the O/P's pictures of the "first lady"...and YOU judge....OR, should we review what Michelle Obama was called by you nitwits?
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.
View attachment 125491
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So apparently you're reminding us that the conservative ideology includes the great American dream of getting rich enough to dump the old bag you're currently married to and get a hot trophy.

I wonder how many married conservative guys on this board are willing to openly admit that they have that dream themselves?

So our dream is to force people to stay married to people they don't want to be married to?

Thanks for openly admitting your despicable oppressive vision of society.
Considering that divorce was the one thing that the RussianW jesus said was a sin.

I'm not a Christian, and I don't believe in sin, period. Assuming everyone on the right is a Christian fundamentalists is bigotry, pure and simple.

They are your ally
If the situation were reversed, the Trumptards would be praising the bejesus out of Trump for his honoring of the covenant of marriage.

You mean the way you hypocritical snowflakes are constantly attacking him for being divorced?

I didn't vote for Trump. The holier than thou Christian Conservatives did though...

...en masse.
Is Melania a whore who actually traded sex for money? Probably
Is Melania a whore who sold herself to a wealthy man 25 years her elder? Definitely
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.
View attachment 125491
View attachment 125492

So apparently you're reminding us that the conservative ideology includes the great American dream of getting rich enough to dump the old bag you're currently married to and get a hot trophy.

I wonder how many married conservative guys on this board are willing to openly admit that they have that dream themselves?

So our dream is to force people to stay married to people they don't want to be married to?

Thanks for openly admitting your despicable oppressive vision of society.
Considering that divorce was the one thing that the RussianW jesus said was a sin.

I'm not a Christian, and I don't believe in sin, period. Assuming everyone on the right is a Christian fundamentalists is bigotry, pure and simple.

They are your ally

They are my ally on a lot of issues, but not all of them.
Is Melania a whore who actually traded sex for money? Probably
Is Melania a whore who sold herself to a wealthy man 25 years her elder? Definitely
Are you trying to hide from the fact that the prior president's adopted daughters are streetwalkers and he married a man?
Bill looks sickly, old, and tired. HE married a fat, ugly c#nt, so that's to be expected.


Trump looks great for his age. HE married 3 beautiful women. He could stand to lose a few pounds though.

Bill Clinton seems really sick... icon_omg.gif
Is he ok with his health? :shock:
Yeah Donald has a hooker for a wife, and as much as he pays her, she still lives in a separate house:rofl:
That's not all!

Melania Trump refuses to share bed with President Trump, insider reveals
This news seems just gossip to me...I mean how do they know Melania Trump doesn't share bed with her husband? :dunno:
Who is the "insider" who said that? :dunno:
It is hard to sleep together when she is in NYC and he is in DC
They do have different bedrooms in Trump Tower
Yeah Donald has a hooker for a wife, and as much as he pays her, she still lives in a separate house:rofl:
That's not all!

Melania Trump refuses to share bed with President Trump, insider reveals
This news seems just gossip to me...I mean how do they know Melania Trump doesn't share bed with her husband? :dunno:
Who is the "insider" who said that? :dunno:
It is hard to sleep together when she is in NYC and he is in DC
They do have different bedrooms in Trump Tower
Maybe sometimes they meet and sleep together even if she lives in New York nodding.gif
I find pretty strange they never sleep together ;)
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.
View attachment 125491
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Trump married a former hooker on his third attempt at marriage

Bill Clinton married an accomplished attorney who eventually became a twice elected Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential candidate who most Americans voted to be their President
If it wasn't for Bill, Hillary would still be taking my order at the local Mc donalds.
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.
View attachment 125491
View attachment 125492

Trump married a former hooker on his third attempt at marriage

Bill Clinton married an accomplished attorney who eventually became a twice elected Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential candidate who most Americans voted to be their President
If it wasn't for Bill, Hillary would still be taking my order at the local Mc donalds.

Hillary is the most accomplished First Lady in history by far

A status that Third Lady Melania the Whore could never fathom. Melania's only accomplishment in life has been taking off her clothes and convincing a billionaire that she makes good arm candy
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.
View attachment 125491
View attachment 125492

Trump married a former hooker on his third attempt at marriage

Bill Clinton married an accomplished attorney who eventually became a twice elected Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential candidate who most Americans voted to be their President
If it wasn't for Bill, Hillary would still be taking my order at the local Mc donalds.

Hillary is the most accomplished First Lady in history by far

A status that Third Lady Melania the Whore could never fathom. Melania's only accomplishment in life has been taking off her clothes and convincing a billionaire that she makes good arm candy
Trying to get healthcare passed and the Bimbo eruptions, oh and the white water investigation. Yeah a real classy lady. Actually a failure, can't even keep ole Bill satisfied.
Donald is married to this and Bill is married to Hillary.
View attachment 125491
View attachment 125492

Trump married a former hooker on his third attempt at marriage

Bill Clinton married an accomplished attorney who eventually became a twice elected Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential candidate who most Americans voted to be their President
If it wasn't for Bill, Hillary would still be taking my order at the local Mc donalds.

Hillary is the most accomplished First Lady in history by far

A status that Third Lady Melania the Whore could never fathom. Melania's only accomplishment in life has been taking off her clothes and convincing a billionaire that she makes good arm candy
Trying to get healthcare passed and the Bimbo eruptions, oh and the white water investigation. Yeah a real classy lady. Actually a failure, can't even keep ole Bill satisfied.

Hillarycare was a vastly superior system to what we have now....we all would be better off if we had gone in that direction 25 years ago

Hillary Clinton understood what it meant to be First Lady and excelled at it.....The First Whore can't even be convinced to leave her Penthouse

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