Bill Clinton Claims There Are No Communists


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Clinton: Nobody's seen a Communist in years

6/4/12 By BYRON TAU

Former President Bill Clinton pushed back against the charge that President Obama and his fellow Democrats are card-carrying members of the Communist Party — telling supporters Monday that "nobody's seen a communist in over a decade" and chastizing a freshman Republican for name-calling.

Invoking the specter of Communist-hunter Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Clinton blasted Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), who in April said that he could identify 80 members of the U.S. House who were Communists — pointing to a caucus of House liberals when pressed for evidence.

"This is not the 1950s! At least Joe McCarthy could skate on the premise that there were still one or two living communists walking around. Nobody’s seen a communist in over a decade!" Clinton said in New York City, with Obama at one of three fundraisers.

Clinton: Nobody's seen a Communist in years -

Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Copyright © 2008 RCP Publications

Table of Contents
Appendix: Communism as a Science

I. Preamble:
Basic Principles of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
To emancipate humanity, the world needs
revolution and communism
The world today cries out for radical, fundamental change.

We live on a planet where tens of millions of people died in the two world wars in the 20th century, and in other wars since then…and where large parts of humanity today continue to be caught up in brutal and destructive wars, resulting in massive loss of life and incalculable agony.

Constitution of the Revolutionary Communist Party

Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No liberal will admit to there being communists in our country, let alone in Washington. It's part of their DNA to deny the existence of socialists, communists and Marxists. If we start discussing the ones who are holding signs at many protests these days (can you say Occupooper?), then it will become known that the communists, socialists and Marxists identify with the liberals. They are smart enough to know that the majority of people would reject them.

Even the communists and socialists in the past didn't admit they existed. They introduced their changes slowly and always claiming that things were changing for the greater good. They have always ridiculed anyone who disagreed. Anyone who questioned them were accused of being greedy, racist and snobbish. We see the same thing today.

Wealth is being redistributed and those who feel it's gone overboard are accused of hating poor people or being racist. We've seen this movie before many times and the ending never changes.
Try to keep up. Most cons are embracing Clinton today, because they think he said extend tax cuts for the richest Americans.
Try to keep up. Most cons are embracing Clinton today, because they think he said extend tax cuts for the richest Americans.

I'm embracing Clinton today ONLY because he's making Obama look like the clown that he IS.
I haven't heard anything from any group with even communistic leanings in forever. You all need to step into this century and try to stop seeing boogey men in every corner. This kind of thing really makes you seem psychotic.
Obviously it's nonsense to claim there are no Communists in the world. Just as it's nonsense to claim Obama or certain Democratic people in Congress are Communist.
Depends on the definition of communist.

I seldom meet anyone who is really advocating communism, but some of us see communists under every bed.
Can't say I've ever met anyone who claimed to be a communist and find being called one rather offensive. I don't think any American wept bitter tears of disappointment when the iron curtain went down, the death of any such monolithic one party state is cause for celebration.
Wait. You mean Bubba said some stupid shit without regard to the fact that it was clearly stupid & dishonest the moment he was saying it?

Stop the presses.

Alert the media.
Can't say I've ever met anyone who claimed to be a communist and find being called one rather offensive. I don't think any American wept bitter tears of disappointment when the iron curtain went down, the death of any such monolithic one party state is cause for celebration.

Yes, "the death of any such monolithic one party state is cause for celebration".

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