Bill Clinton raped a woman, Hillary enabled him, let's see some outrage from liberal Democrats

Dem's have no way of defending Bill or Hillary, hence I predict a thread filled with deflection.
The whole point of bringing up a guy who hasn't been around for 17 years is to serve as a red herring.

It's all you have these days to defend Trump and Moore.
Next: John Wilkes Boothe, an actor and therefore a raging homo Democrat, shot Lincoln.

Therefore, it's okay if Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue.
Bill Clinton raped a woman so that makes it okay Roy Moore molested a child.

We get it. We get it.

We toooooooootaly get it!
The OP knows that B. Clinton raped a statute of limitations on that. Why hasn't he gone to the Authorities with his evidence? Is he an assessory?
Bill Clinton raped a woman so that makes it okay Roy Moore molested a child.

We get it. We get it.

We toooooooootaly get it!
The OP knows that B. Clinton raped a statute of limitations on that. Why hasn't he gone to the Authorities with his evidence? Is he an assessory?

The stench of hypocrisy is all over these tards.
If "B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton" is how you sleep at night after supporting a child molester who misses the days of slavery and believes women should not be allowed to run for office, then you are dead inside.

Your soul is dead, dead, dead.
Bill Clinton raped a woman so that makes it okay Roy Moore molested a child.

We get it. We get it.

We toooooooootaly get it!
The OP knows that B. Clinton raped a statute of limitations on that. Why hasn't he gone to the Authorities with his evidence? Is he an assessory?
You're an idiot. There is a statute of limitations on rape in every state.
Moore is accused of stuff that happened 40 years ago, but I don't see liberals saying we should forgive him.
Clinton paid for his sins and is out of office.

Moore has not paid for his sins and wants to get in office.
Clinton did not pay for his sins because Democrats and feminists circled their wagons around him and defended him.
Sure, he paid for them, and good American are going to make sure Moore pays for his.
Gee, what does the Bible say about carrying a grudge and hating on folks?
What does it say about adultery and bearing false witness?
Blackroot did that also?
The Clinton's did. Are we not going to apply the bible evenly? I thought you brought it up as the tool for judging morality for everyone not just Blackrook.
We all know they did, why rehash the trash when it's twenty years later? Desperation, looking for justification of someone else's transgressions? It makes no difference..Let those without sin cast the first stone..Throw away
So you're admitting all the allegations against the Clinton's were true. Yet somehow we should just let it pass because it was a long time ago. Yet I'm betting you don't think the same way about Moore even though we have no proof he did anything wrong and the claims are at least that old.
I have nothing to do with Moore I don't live in "bama so I can't vote for him..
Bill Clinton raped a woman so that makes it okay Roy Moore molested a child.

We get it. We get it.

We toooooooootaly get it!
The OP knows that B. Clinton raped a statute of limitations on that. Why hasn't he gone to the Authorities with his evidence? Is he an assessory?
You're an idiot. There is a statute of limitations on rape in every state.
Oh really? How convenient for men, eh? What is that statute of what state did this rape you know all about occur?
"I go backstage and inspect the goods during the pageant."

"Trump came backstage and inspected us like we were meat"
-pageant contestant.

"These women are liars"

"Yes the woman are liars"

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