Bill Clinton says he made mass incarceration issue worse


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Bill Clinton says he made mass incarceration issue worse
(CNN)Bill Clinton said Wednesday that the crime bill he signed into law as President in 1994 worsened the nation's criminal justice system by increasing prison sentences.

"I signed a bill that made the problem worse," Clinton told an audience at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's annual meeting in Philadelphia. "And I want to admit it."

The omnibus crime bill that Clinton signed included the federal "three strikes" provision, mandating life sentences for criminals convicted of a violent felony after two or more prior convictions, including drug crimes.

Clinton said Wednesday that he signed the law because "we had had a roaring decade of rising crime" when he entered the White House.
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"We had gang warfare on the streets. We had little children being shot dead on the streets who were just innocent bystanders standing in the wrong place," he said.

In response, Clinton said, the bill increased the number of police on the streets and enacted gun control legislation. But decades later, Clinton believes the results of the law were mixed, at best.

Bill Clinton says he made mass incarceration issue worse -

I think we should legalize all drugs and free all convicted of using them....Non-violent criminals should get reduced sentences...Maybe we should bring back community service and expand that. Doing good for the community could teach the youth to have some respect for it.
OH NO! The 94 crime bill worked, as crime has been on a steady decline since. But we can't have that because too many criminals are minorities and their disproportionately represented in the prison system. So now we need affirmative action on criminals to get the proper representation. FUCK THAT! You do the crime, you do the time.
Bill Clinton did a lot of fucked up shit! His legacy is NAFTA, which sent jobs to Mexico and Canada.

Lets not forget that war the international community pushed the USA into. They took up an islamic jihad and killed Christians that were defending themselves from muslim terror. They would have you believe the Christians were ethnic cleansing, but it was typical sand rats doing what they do.
Our "War on Drugs" is a joke. It only serves to fill our prisons and incarcerate more people than anywhere in the world
Bill Clinton did a lot of fucked up shit! His legacy is NAFTA, which sent jobs to Mexico and Canada.

Lets not forget that war the international community pushed the USA into. They took up an islamic jihad and killed Christians that were defending themselves from muslim terror. They would have you believe the Christians were ethnic cleansing, but it was typical sand rats doing what they do.

Don't be bitter...

I like Bill, he admits when he was wrong even on the stuff he doesn't need to. Idiots like EatMorChikin are just bitter b*stards that accept that a Democratic president sat over a roaring economy and was fiscal responsible, try finding that in a GOP President.

I think in hindsight Clinton is looking back and coming to the idea that maybe different path should be chosen.

On the Drugs issue, I would not just make drug legal, I would make some of them heavily regulated (even more than Alcohol or Cigarettes). It would be properly taxed and controlled, the RWers can kiss my ass on Government control. Market will not decide this, Public HEalth Policy will . I have lived in Amsterdam.

The only reason I am taking this stance is because I want to bleed the criminal economy dry. If we regulate it then organised crime suffers. I would also make gambling regulated as well (no one in UK or Ireland have found it too bad). Regulate prostitution.
Now I figure I reduced crime revenue by 50+%.
Bill Clinton did a lot of fucked up shit! His legacy is NAFTA, which sent jobs to Mexico and Canada.

Lets not forget that war the international community pushed the USA into. They took up an islamic jihad and killed Christians that were defending themselves from muslim terror. They would have you believe the Christians were ethnic cleansing, but it was typical sand rats doing what they do.

Don't be bitter...

I like Bill, he admits when he was wrong even on the stuff he doesn't need to. Idiots like EatMorChikin are just bitter b*stards that accept that a Democratic president sat over a roaring economy and was fiscal responsible, try finding that in a GOP President.

I think in hindsight Clinton is looking back and coming to the idea that maybe different path should be chosen.

On the Drugs issue, I would not just make drug legal, I would make some of them heavily regulated (even more than Alcohol or Cigarettes). It would be properly taxed and controlled, the RWers can kiss my ass on Government control. Market will not decide this, Public HEalth Policy will . I have lived in Amsterdam.

The only reason I am taking this stance is because I want to bleed the criminal economy dry. If we regulate it then organised crime suffers. I would also make gambling regulated as well (no one in UK or Ireland have found it too bad). Regulate prostitution.
Now I figure I reduced crime revenue by 50+%.

But you had no problem with his NAFTA baby? Starting the trend of mass jobs leaving the US. And I'm the idiot? Dohkay.

Bill Clinton sold our asses down the river, that is not bitterness you dumb bastard, that is reality.

He also lead us into a jihad, that also is reality. You should get with reality, klancrats or republicans haven't down jack shit for Americans in some time.
Bill Clinton sold our asses down the river, that is not bitterness you dumb bastard, that is reality.

He also lead us into a jihad, that also is reality. You should get with reality, klancrats or republicans haven't down jack shit for Americans in some time.

Yep, that's bitterness. This is about domestic incarceration rates, and you're babbling on about all kinds of stupid shit.
Bill Clinton sold our asses down the river, that is not bitterness you dumb bastard, that is reality.

He also lead us into a jihad, that also is reality. You should get with reality, klancrats or republicans haven't down jack shit for Americans in some time.

Yep, that's bitterness. This is about domestic incarceration rates, and you're babbling on about all kinds of stupid shit.

Bill Clinton was or was not a part of this thread? Good lord talk about bitter. One klancrat called me bitter, now comes the mob of crazies to act like parrots for each other.
Bill Clinton sold our asses down the river, that is not bitterness you dumb bastard, that is reality.

He also lead us into a jihad, that also is reality. You should get with reality, klancrats or republicans haven't down jack shit for Americans in some time.

Yep, that's bitterness. This is about domestic incarceration rates, and you're babbling on about all kinds of stupid shit.

Bill Clinton was or was not a part of this thread? Good lord talk about bitter. One klancrat called me bitter, now comes the mob of crazies to act like parrots for each other.

Oh gee you're right. Someone said Bill Clinton! Blowjobs are officially part of the discussion now!

Why does the internet bring these lunatics out of the woodwork?
More like its completely ridiculous to consider drug use as something criminal.
Good for Bill admitting his mistakes. He admitted he was wrong about Glass Steagall too. He is right he was wrong.

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