Bill Clinton says Kavanaugh fight was payback for Vince Foster

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
From The Washington Examiner, May 06, 2019
LAS VEGAS — Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh got what he deserved when he was accused in his confirmation hearing of sexual assault — because of his role in investigating the Clintons in the 1990s, former President Bill Clinton suggested.

"He didn't have any problem making us put up with three years of Vince Foster nonsense that was a total charade," Clinton, 72, said Sunday during a joint appearance with his wife Hillary at the Park Theater in Las Vegas during the last stop in the 10-event "An Evening With the Clintons” speaking tour.

A childhood friend of Bill Clinton, Foster, 48, became a deputy White House counsel in Clinton's White House in 1993 after being a partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark., where Hillary Clinton was a colleague. In July 1993 his body was found in Fort Marcy Park in Northern Virginia with a single gunshot wound to the mouth.
From The Washington Examiner, May 06, 2019
LAS VEGAS — Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh got what he deserved when he was accused in his confirmation hearing of sexual assault — because of his role in investigating the Clintons in the 1990s, former President Bill Clinton suggested.

"He didn't have any problem making us put up with three years of Vince Foster nonsense that was a total charade," Clinton, 72, said Sunday during a joint appearance with his wife Hillary at the Park Theater in Las Vegas during the last stop in the 10-event "An Evening With the Clintons” speaking tour.

A childhood friend of Bill Clinton, Foster, 48, became a deputy White House counsel in Clinton's White House in 1993 after being a partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark., where Hillary Clinton was a colleague. In July 1993 his body was found in Fort Marcy Park in Northern Virginia with a single gunshot wound to the mouth.
So, everybody's even?
The Vince Foster "suicide" doesn't pass multiple "smell tests."

1. the first thing Chelsea bio-daddy and then #3 at Clinton's DOJ WEBSTER HUBBELL does is tell the FBI to, quote, "fuck off." That leaves the entire Foster "investigation" in the hands of the Democrat loyalists at the top of the "Park Police...." Hubbell would then himself go to prison twice, the second time for claiming to do the Castle Grande "work" that Hillary actually billed for (billing fraud at a minimum = what went on at ROSE Law Firm)
2. there were carpet fibers all over Foster's clothes, all one type of carpet, as if the corpse had been shot on that carpet, wrapped up in the carpet, and then dumped in Ft Marcy Park
3. there was no blood on the ground, no "flesh." This guy allegedly shot himself in the head, and none of that blood ended up on the ground... The "gun" was also still in the hand, arms straight, "coffin ready..."
4. that night, Hillary and Maggie Williams invade and pillage Foster's office, removing files etc., but that was not "tampering" with a crime scene, as the veteran "professionals" at Park Police HQ declared Foster a "suicide" IMMEDIATELY.....

Vince Foster was clearly dead before he got to Ft Marcy Park, and Bill Clinton has a lot more "deaths" to explain than just Vince Foster....

The List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously. Check It Out.
hiLIARy losing in 2016 is payback for all of the Clinton Sleaze in the 1990s.

Just sayin'.
Hilly is running.....they just can't let go. It'll be billed as hugest comeback ever.....hilly will be Rocky Balboa.......and fail again
The Vince Foster "suicide" doesn't pass multiple "smell tests."

1. the first thing Chelsea bio-daddy and then #3 at Clinton's DOJ WEBSTER HUBBELL does is tell the FBI to, quote, "fuck off." That leaves the entire Foster "investigation" in the hands of the Democrat loyalists at the top of the "Park Police...." Hubbell would then himself go to prison twice, the second time for claiming to do the Castle Grande "work" that Hillary actually billed for (billing fraud at a minimum = what went on at ROSE Law Firm)
2. there were carpet fibers all over Foster's clothes, all one type of carpet, as if the corpse had been shot on that carpet, wrapped up in the carpet, and then dumped in Ft Marcy Park
3. there was no blood on the ground, no "flesh." This guy allegedly shot himself in the head, and none of that blood ended up on the ground... The "gun" was also still in the hand, arms straight, "coffin ready..."
4. that night, Hillary and Maggie Williams invade and pillage Foster's office, removing files etc., but that was not "tampering" with a crime scene, as the veteran "professionals" at Park Police HQ declared Foster a "suicide" IMMEDIATELY.....

Vince Foster was clearly dead before he got to Ft Marcy Park, and Bill Clinton has a lot more "deaths" to explain than just Vince Foster....

The List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously. Check It Out.

One factoid that I heard was that Foster was left handed, but that the gun was placed in his right hand. WTF? Fishy Fishy...
Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and LBJ all have a trail of dead bodies in the wake of their rise to power...
From The Washington Examiner, May 06, 2019
LAS VEGAS — Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh got what he deserved when he was accused in his confirmation hearing of sexual assault — because of his role in investigating the Clintons in the 1990s, former President Bill Clinton suggested.

"He didn't have any problem making us put up with three years of Vince Foster nonsense that was a total charade," Clinton, 72, said Sunday during a joint appearance with his wife Hillary at the Park Theater in Las Vegas during the last stop in the 10-event "An Evening With the Clintons” speaking tour.

A childhood friend of Bill Clinton, Foster, 48, became a deputy White House counsel in Clinton's White House in 1993 after being a partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark., where Hillary Clinton was a colleague. In July 1993 his body was found in Fort Marcy Park in Northern Virginia with a single gunshot wound to the mouth.

I thought #metoo was supposed to end the careers of violent, sexual predators like bill "the rapist" clinton.......
Bill Clinton says Kavanaugh fight was payback for Vince Foster

Great. Another good deal for the Right! Clinton got his ass impeached and disbarred from Law, and Kavanaugh got a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court!
Sure, let's ignore the fact that Robert Fisk and Kenneth Star also looked into the Foster suicide. Stop the presses, someone heard somewhere that Foster was left handed.
let's ignore the fact that Robert Fisk and Kenneth Star also looked into the Foster suicide

Whether it is 911, JFK, Foster, or any other Zionist act of fraud/treason, we always have a "govt investigation" which never gets close to the truth, and then the armies of the Mossad come out and parrot and attack anyone who disagrees as "nutty..."

Shot himself in the head while seated, and there is NO BLOOD at the scene... AMAZING = Foster's skull made of Superman material...

At least Ken Starr packed 14 of 16 Whitewater partners into the can.
let's ignore the fact that Robert Fisk and Kenneth Star also looked into the Foster suicide

Whether it is 911, JFK, Foster, or any other Zionist act of fraud/treason, we always have a "govt investigation" which never gets close to the truth, and then the armies of the Mossad come out and parrot and attack anyone who disagrees as "nutty..."

Shot himself in the head while seated, and there is NO BLOOD at the scene... AMAZING = Foster's skull made of Superman material...

At least Ken Starr packed 14 of 16 Whitewater partners into the can.

Oh, a conservative blames Jews for conspiracy theories. Anyone shocked?
Why don't you go outside, take a small loaded handgun, put it in your mouth, pull the trigger, and see if no blood comes out....

Those most guilty always toss cards before debating facts.

Smollett is exhibit A of that...


Anyone who notices that the last name ROSE, as in ROSE LAW FIRM, is actually a Jewish last name...

will get

I thought it was all about a woman’s right to be believed!

Metoo and all that.

It wasn’t?
The Vince Foster "suicide" doesn't pass multiple "smell tests."

1. the first thing Chelsea bio-daddy and then #3 at Clinton's DOJ WEBSTER HUBBELL does is tell the FBI to, quote, "fuck off." That leaves the entire Foster "investigation" in the hands of the Democrat loyalists at the top of the "Park Police...." Hubbell would then himself go to prison twice, the second time for claiming to do the Castle Grande "work" that Hillary actually billed for (billing fraud at a minimum = what went on at ROSE Law Firm)
2. there were carpet fibers all over Foster's clothes, all one type of carpet, as if the corpse had been shot on that carpet, wrapped up in the carpet, and then dumped in Ft Marcy Park
3. there was no blood on the ground, no "flesh." This guy allegedly shot himself in the head, and none of that blood ended up on the ground... The "gun" was also still in the hand, arms straight, "coffin ready..."
4. that night, Hillary and Maggie Williams invade and pillage Foster's office, removing files etc., but that was not "tampering" with a crime scene, as the veteran "professionals" at Park Police HQ declared Foster a "suicide" IMMEDIATELY.....

Vince Foster was clearly dead before he got to Ft Marcy Park, and Bill Clinton has a lot more "deaths" to explain than just Vince Foster....

The List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously. Check It Out.
Poor little conspiracy freaks
I thought it was all about a woman’s right to be believed!

Metoo and all that.

It wasn’t?
No one has the right to be believed. You have the right to be taken seriously.

Anything else you’d like to rant about?
let's ignore the fact that Robert Fisk and Kenneth Star also looked into the Foster suicide

Whether it is 911, JFK, Foster, or any other Zionist act of fraud/treason, we always have a "govt investigation" which never gets close to the truth, and then the armies of the Mossad come out and parrot and attack anyone who disagrees as "nutty..."

Shot himself in the head while seated, and there is NO BLOOD at the scene... AMAZING = Foster's skull made of Superman material...

At least Ken Starr packed 14 of 16 Whitewater partners into the can.

Oh, a conservative blames Jews for conspiracy theories. Anyone shocked?

I'm shocked....

Most hate for the Jews comes from the left...…...…..

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