Bill Clinton: The Only Time Hillary Gets Aroused Is After Snorting Coke

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Joy why do you want an elitist lesbian coke queen who doesn't give a damn about you but insists you must vote for her because it's her turn' as President?
Joy why do you want an elitist lesbian coke queen who doesn't give a damn about you but insists you must vote for her because it's her turn' as President?

Your premise is a joke.
Sally Perdue lol

- crazy lady who popped up after National Enquirer offered to pay 6 figure for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Her story was so full of holes and uncorroborated,

Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.

If this is all true....then she is an absolute psychopath and I owe Bill an apology.....I'd have had women on the side also!

yes, of course.... just look at how skinny she is from all that coke she snorts!


Coke heads who get skinny do so cuz they don't eat.

Remember the 1990s Dallas Cowboys??? Their whole team was on coke. They weren't skinny.

Chris Farley? Not skinny. Jack Black. I could go on and on.

Coke only makes you skinny if you don't eat.
The New York Times interviewed dozens of women who had worked with or for Mr. Trump over the past four decades, in the worlds of real estate, modeling and pageants; women who had dated him or interacted with him socially; and women and men who had closely observed his conduct since his adolescence. In all, more than 50 interviews were conducted over the course of six weeks.

Ruh roh!

Their accounts — many relayed here in their own words — reveal unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women, and unsettling workplace conduct, according to the interviews, as well as court records and written recollections. ... They appeared to be fleeting, unimportant moments to him, but they left lasting impressions on the women who experienced them.

God, cocaine, money and forgetting: a look at Donald Trump's new economic adviser

After this stint in D.C., Kudlow returned to the private sector in 1987, headed to Wall Street and spent some years like every other debauched executive with an excess of cash and a waterbed in the tail end of the Me Decade: on weeklong cocaine binges. His drug problem caused him to resign from the investment bank Bear Stearns in 1994...............................................................
But Kudlow kept drinking and snorting, and National Review fired him after a year. He hit rock bottom in 1995 and shipped out for five months in a Minnesota rehab.
Sally Perdue lol

- crazy lady who popped up after National Enquirer offered to pay 6 figure for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Her story was so full of holes and uncorroborated,

Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.

They got the Edward's story right.
Sally Perdue lol

- crazy lady who popped up after National Enquirer offered to pay 6 figure for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Her story was so full of holes and uncorroborated,

Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.

They got the Edward's story right.
Well pat yourself on your flabby back.

100,000 stories of manufactured bullshit -- and once in a while they pop a cork on hitting one "for realz."

Way ta judge journalistic quality, bubba! Take a bow.

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