Bill Clinton: The Only Time Hillary Gets Aroused Is After Snorting Coke

An earlier post of mine on Psycho Sally:

The woman is a crazy whackadoodle. She was never his lover, and there's a reason no legit outlet gave her credence, even though they much wanted to, because, by golly, even low info cons know dirt sells.

2000: "It was much the same with Sally Miller Perdue, a fifty-three-year-old former Miss Arkansas. Regarded as kooky and unreliable by most reporters in her hometown of Pine Bluff, Perdue had once kicked off a quixotic campaign for mayor with a press conference strenuously denying that she was a lesbian-a charge nobody present had ever heard..."

Temps for the vast right-wing conspiracy

Back in 1992 (when the WaPo article below was written) the National Enquirer was willing to pay up to 6 figures for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Not to say Bill wasn't a horndog, but of the long list you see strutted around about Bill's "ladies", a crapload have been thoroughly looked into and dismissed. Including by Kenn Starr and prosecutors salivating to find something and a tens of millions of taxpayer money at their disposal to do so.

"Perdue has no corroboration for her account, and Clinton denies even having met her.
Although Perdue later told her story on the nationally syndicated show hosted by Sally Jesse Raphael, no major news organization has reported the account. After looking into her story, the National Enquirer in its upcoming issue focuses on the role of the New Alliance Party in promoting Perdue. "Weird Cult Out to Destroy Clinton," reads the Enquirer's front-page headline on the matter.

National Enquirer editor Dan Schwartz confirmed the six-figure offers cited by Wright, saying that his newspaper is willing to pay "top dollar" for stories about the private life of Clinton ..." Schwartz said.

But he stressed that the stories must be "documented." In the case of Perdue, after negotiating to buy the rights to her story, Schwartz said, the newspaper concluded "that story is largely unprovable."

lol Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.
Trump looks at his daughter with "Bedroom Eyes" ...gross
Fixed the link --

An earlier post of mine on Psycho Sally:

The woman is a crazy whackadoodle. She was never his lover, and there's a reason no legit outlet gave her credence, even though they much wanted to, because, by golly, even low info cons know dirt sells.

2000: "It was much the same with Sally Miller Perdue, a fifty-three-year-old former Miss Arkansas. Regarded as kooky and unreliable by most reporters in her hometown of Pine Bluff, Perdue had once kicked off a quixotic campaign for mayor with a press conference strenuously denying that she was a lesbian-a charge nobody present had ever heard..."

Temps for the vast right-wing conspiracy

Back in 1992 (when the WaPo article below was written) the National Enquirer was willing to pay up to 6 figures for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Not to say Bill wasn't a horndog, but of the long list you see strutted around about Bill's "ladies", a crapload have been thoroughly looked into and dismissed. Including by Kenn Starr and prosecutors salivating to find something and a tens of millions of taxpayer money at their disposal to do so.

"Perdue has no corroboration for her account, and Clinton denies even having met her.
Although Perdue later told her story on the nationally syndicated show hosted by Sally Jesse Raphael, no major news organization has reported the account. After looking into her story, the National Enquirer in its upcoming issue focuses on the role of the New Alliance Party in promoting Perdue. "Weird Cult Out to Destroy Clinton," reads the Enquirer's front-page headline on the matter.

National Enquirer editor Dan Schwartz confirmed the six-figure offers cited by Wright, saying that his newspaper is willing to pay "top dollar" for stories about the private life of Clinton ..." Schwartz said.

But he stressed that the stories must be "documented." In the case of Perdue, after negotiating to buy the rights to her story, Schwartz said, the newspaper concluded "that story is largely unprovable."


lol Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.[/QUOTE]

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