Bill Clinton Trashes Obamacare At Event, Calls It ‘Crazy System’ [VIDEO]

The one thing I know for sure is Bill hates Barry.... If the Hildabitch wins It will be fun to watch Bill take a wrecking hammer to Obama's so called accomplishments.
I wonder how obama will take that? Are the clintons at this late date trying to distance themselves from Obama....maybe they feel bolder now that the FBI decided not to recommend she be indicted?

Whatever.....quite interesting.............Bill Clinton: Obamacare Is 'The Craziest Thing In The World'
yeah I would say they are probably trying to distance themselves from him the fact that the repuclicans were involed as well as obama in it.
Hillary will swoop in and declare that she will save health care with a totally government controlled single payer system.
The most popular Democrat/Liberal, splits with the Obamunists!!!

"Bill Clinton calls Obamacare 'the craziest thing in the world'
1. Washington (CNN)Bill Clinton criticized President Barack Obama's signature policy reform while on the stump for his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, calling Obamacare "the craziest thing in the world."

2. .....[he] ripped into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for flooding the health care insurance market and causing premiums to rise for middle-class Americans who do not qualify for subsidies.

3. "... you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Clinton said.

4. Clinton, ...told the crowd the insurance model "doesn't make sense" and "doesn't work here."

5. "On the other hand, the current system works fine if you're eligible for Medicaid, if you're a lower-income working person; if you're already on Medicare, or if you get enough subsidies on a modest income that you can afford your health care," Clinton said. "But the people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies."
Bill Clinton calls Obamacare 'the craziest thing in the world' -



I must admit the guilty pleasure I get out of watching the Liberals sweat!

Bill 'the rapist' Clinton makes a speech saying just what the Right said about the sham called 'ObamaCare'.....

.....and they won't dare call him the same names they called those of us who said so years ago!!!

Well.....Liberals have a perfect answer for this situation....

Where's that poster Redbeard????
Dig him up!!!!

I claim that this is proof that there is a God....and He has a wicked sense of humor!!!!
What's Bill Clinton running for again?

Former President Bill Clinton attacked President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation Monday, calling it a “crazy system” that “doesn’t make any sense” during a Michigan campaign event for Hillary.

“It doesn’t many any sense. The insurance model doesn’t work here,” Clinton said about the government-run marketplaces Obamacare set up. Clinton said that Obamacare works fine for people with “modest” incomes or who are eligible for government subsidies, or Medicare. But he added that, “the people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies.”


“You’ve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half,” Clinton said. “It’s the craziest thing in the world.” (RELATED: Minnesota Hiking Obamacare Premiums At Least 50% To Avoid ‘Collapse’)


This isn’t the first time Bill Clinton has knocked Obama on the campaign trail. In March, Clinton said, “If you believe we can rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that, where we were practicing trickle-down economics, then you should vote for her.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Clearly, bill Clinton is racist. We know that everyone who opposes Obamacare is a racist.
Pity the poor Liberal simpleton....trained to march lock-step and parrot the absurd and fallacious talking matter what they say.

Problem is that the simpletons are......simple.
They can't switch abruptly, nor adroitly!!!!

They still scream "Booooossssshhhhh!!" nigh on eight years later!
What dopes!!!!

Now....what do they do with all the posters and bumper-stickers that supported ObamaCare....
...and still vote for the career criminal, and put Bill 'the rapist' back in the White House?????

OMG!!!!! What to do???

Know what it's like?
Consider the position of a Liberal high school teacher coming upon two students kissing in the hallway, in violation of school rules.

Suppose the two students were gay. Our poor Liberal teacher might very well hesitate in or mitigate her caution or censure in far of offending?

I the gay kissers, as Liberals have been trained to do....or report 'em???

What to do.....what to do......
What did you expect from a plan hatched at the Heritage Foundation. Look, americans don't want a healtcare system that works, i.e., one like the rest of the modern world has embraced. We've decided we want the most expensive system in the world with shittier outcomes. And in return for that, we get to pretend that we don't subsidize anything. HeritageFoundationCare did not cause or remedy anything. The american public has the healthcare system they asked for.

No. Just no. You must be a teenager.
Americans want an affordable system that works...we had that for decades. And admittedly, it was unions in the 60's and 70's that gave it to us all.

Yeah, everything all went south about that time frame didn't it, damn near half a century ago. Now, read the post again.
I think what bill says is perfectly acceptable to use against her. After all, she brings up his past and she is the one that said he would be helping her..

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