Bill Gates predicts civil war is coming to the US

Court Case, Trump University
Settled for $25 Million

That was SETTLED! So there is no more dispute much less crime involved, mainly just some unsatisfied students there. The fact that not ALL of the students there were all suing for a refund proves it was a limited group, not a "crime." Who knows, maybe they were even an activist group who joined just so they could sue Trump? Next?

You mean with the LEGIONS of known crimes committed by Hillary, the Clintons, Obama and now the Bidden family, this is the great crime you wanted me to admit to? Trump's university? Very likely it wasn't Trump himself personally responsible anyway but the actual staff running and administering the place.

Is that it?
Really? He paints his political foes like an extremist, he condones treating concerned patents as terrorists, he did nothing to protect judges he doesn't agree with, if those are 'moderate' actions in your eyes, you too are an extremist.
He has actually been complimentary and very willing to work with his political foes (the republicans). You seem to be stuck on his comments about the Trump MAGA crowd that are literally trying to destroy our institutions
So Important that you had to ask twice?
Yeah, when you bring it up then disappear for hours until I hunt you down and ask you again.

Ordinary people go to JAIL for crimes like this
Again, it was settled. When you settle for a refund or whatever in lieu of prosecution, you give up your right to pursue any further criminality.

Will you 'man up' and say trump committed a criminal act
Trump ran some business school, some of the students felt it wasn't what they expected and sued to get their money back. They got their money back. Matter resolved. Those wronged got and accepted the restitution.

I honestly don't know the details any further than that. Crime? At worst, it sounds like a scam that was rectified through the courts. Honestly, the last thing I thought you'd bring up was this, as a CRIME generally means a wrong committed, a law broken that seeks justice through the courts. No law was broken here that I know of and restitution was paid and the matter settled.

Is that it?
So Important that you had to ask twice?

I gave you the crime (just ONE for Now), Trump University Scam. Post #77.
Ordinary people go to JAIL for crimes like this ^^^^^^^^^

Will you 'man up' and say trump committed a criminal act or will you mess up a simple response with a bunch of deflection and spin?

I know you can't man up, so I'm ready for your spin.

HTF is having a school a crime? You had a couple of scammers that stated they were ripped off. Okay, that's a civil matter, not a criminal one. The only reason Trump gave them what they wanted is because he was President. Had he lost to Hillary, he would have fought the case right down to the last appeals court if necessary. Most of the people that attended that school found no problems with it.
I'm a capitalist.

That's another term that's been completely bastardized.

I myself am a champion of free markets.

But if you say free market and capitalism togehter these days, no, we don't have that. There's no such thing.

Keynesians have pretty much destroyed free market capitalism.

What we have now, from behind the cloak of ''capitalism'' is economic interventionism. A completely planned economy. Central economic planning by a central bank. A belief in deficit financing. Inflationism. A welfare state.

It's so far removed from free market capitalism that it's foolish to even refer to it as that. It's designed to fail and it's designed to destroy the middle class.

But, to Keyensian delight, there is a problem in society with definitions and understanding of what kinds of policies we actually have. So they never really argue over the right thing.
In any hypothesized American civil war 2.0 who would the opposing sides be and where would their armies be based, and who would be the soldiers/armies of the respective opposing sides?

You see, just prior to the Civil War opposing sides were demarcated very cleanly and clearly, both geographically and politically. The North was located in the northern states and the south or Confederacy was located in the south, for the sake of abbreviated argument. In other words, no doubt existed who was who and who stood for what; each side wore distinctly different uniforms and embodied distinctly different cultures unique to each faction.

At present, here in modern 2022 America, we have one unified standing armed force divided into six branches. Each modern state governor does command a state specific National Guard force, but National Guard forces rely on the regular military and the civilian cabinet secretaries who control it for funding and supply.

Where do troops come from for each side in any second American civil war? Do we divide the standing military down the middle? Seems unlikely. Does the political party in charge at the moment get to use the current standing active military for its troops while conservative state governors use their National Guard units for theirs? Do both sides institute and activate a mass draft? What about troops currently serving in our federal standing military branches who oppose democratic party rule? Do they mass defect and join a coalition of conservative governors?

None of it makes much sense. Politically, I suppose, the nation could be almost evenly divided along very specific political issues, such as pro-life vs. pro-baby killing. Yeah, I could see Americans dividing into opposing armed camps over an issue like abortion—or gun control, perhaps. We still need to figure out where those opposing armies would be geographically based.
Well I realize this is all hypothetical, but the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of the regular standing military domestically, so any such orders would be unlawful and should be refused at every rank.
I've never denied that those (D) idiots said and did what they said/did.

I just want, for ONE TIME, for you to admit that trump did something illegal and should be held accountable, instead of everyone speaking against trump is a traitor and everything is a witch hunt. It's old dude.

Speaking of OLD, you stupid motherfucker, how about Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump

That's ALL we ever hear from you shit for brains lemmings.

Trump OWNS your ass. He LIVES in your head. ALL the time. Rent free. He squats in the vacant space between your ears.
In case anyone doesn't believe me about the CIA and Howard Hughes, I didn't make it up....

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