Bill & Hillary Begging On Street Would Be More Successful Than Speech Tour

This is why democrats rely on celebrities to fill seats at rallies and campaign event. Biden can barely fill 600 seats, there is no way he will be able to fill large stadiums to compete with TRUMP unless he uses celebrities.

Hillary would have more standing and credibility if she had accepted losing to TRUMP and moved on. This whining about losing elections seems to be an exclusive democrat thing. I don't recall any republicans who continued to whine and dispute an election after it was officially called.
You all bitched about $250,000 speaking gigs. Now you're bitching about $2.00 speaking gigs. More evidence that some people will never be satisfied and their only joy in life is looking for reasons to be miserable.
It is reported Hillary is walking outside each venue wearing a sandwich board stating "Will work for Chardonnay".

Meanwhile Bill is propositioning the help...…...and being turned down.
You all bitched about $250,000 speaking gigs. Now you're bitching about $2.00 speaking gigs.
Negative, Cloudy. Not bitching - celebrating the growing independent thinking of the American people and their rejection of lies and treason from these two.
Folks, Crooked Hillary is going to keep spewing her insanity now that the Russian Hoax investigation is closing in on her. The question is as to when Obama emerges. The Russia Hoax leads directly to him and he will have to preemptively attack reality like Crooked Hillary very soon IMO.
Wondering if this coup attempt was part of what Barry promised Putin through Medvedev back in 2012....


Wondering if this coup attempt was part of what Barry promised Putin through Medvedev back in 2012....


Do you have any idea how much of a pathetic, snowflake partisan hack you are, Tinkerbell?

Bad, bad, bad Democrats... bad, bad...

You all bitched about $250,000 speaking gigs. Now you're bitching about $2.00 speaking gigs. More evidence that some people will never be satisfied and their only joy in life is looking for reasons to be miserable.

No ones bitching. We all find it amusing that the Clinton's can't fill an auditorium so folks can hear them speak.

No one is miserable either. Laughter is the best medicine out there.
This will be the first Dem primary in 20+ years where the Clintons are not relevant, they have some serious butthurt.

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