Bill Maher defends Ann Coulter in Berkeley free-speech fight

Is Maher becoming a Libertarian? I admit I don't watch him much but I used to catch him now and again. The first Amendment is cherished in America because it doesn't exist anywhere else in it's simplicity and broadness.

Bill Maher defends Ann Coulter in Berkeley free-speech fight

Liberal political comedian host Bill Maher said the University of California, Berkeley is the "the cradle for f—king babies" after the university caved to pressure and disinvited — and later re-invited — conservative commentator Ann Coulter as a speaker.

"Berkeley, you know, used to be the cradle of free speech," Maher said Friday on his HBO show "Real Time" during an exchange with conservative commentator S.E. Cupp. "And now it's just the cradle for f—king babies," he added.

He is simply adding common sense to his repertoire these days. He has been without it for so long, things that make sense to others have become like starlit epiphanies to him.

A lack of free speech is having a detrimental effect on his occupation. Snowflakes have shut down comedians from colleges campuses because of their biases. Maher finally gets that he could be next. He's growing up and embracing reality, instead of ideology.

Again, Ann Coulter is one of his favorite recurring guests. They've been doing that for literally years.
And before this, Maher was fired by ABC for engaging in the same thing --- free speech. Dinesh d'Souza was the guest in that case IIRC. And that was like sixteen years ago.

So again --- another clueless wag not paying attention. I don't even have a TV and I know this much.

Then you understand the irony in what you posted. You have proven that Bill Maher understands how valuable free speech is when it is his free speech that is being threatened.
Then: Ann Coulter/recurring guest.
Now: Just don't come. We are cancelling your visit. Ok then, have it your way Ann. Enter at your own risk, just like Milo, and expect trouble and hatred and violence on the part of our students. Keep bodyguards close.

Spring for a TV, so you'll know what the rest of us are talking about...

When did Bill Maher tell Coulter "don't come, we're canceling your visit"?

Mac, you should check out Dave Rubin's youtube channel:

The Rubin Report

He's formerly from The Young Turks but don't hold that against him. Although I fall slightly right of center, I'm still a proud subscriber and I like a lot of what he has to say about classic liberalism.
Yes, I like him, great interviewer and an HONEST LIBERAL.

I wish they had listened to us before they lost their party and before people got oppressed and beaten. Now I fear we are going to end up with a single party and that is not good for the nation.

Lefties, please also watch this one:

Also, do not just join the Republican party even if it does look like a good fit. Take a look at the third parties; the libertarian, the greenies, the veterans party, and all the others out there struggling to get a foothold. These parties /need/ support in order to even get on the ballots. I think they need 250,000 signatures. I think there are enough "sane" and "classical" liberals out there to finally bring multiple parties back to the docket and right this terrible wrong.

I understand that you hate Trump, so do not mistake what I'm going to say here, but I do believe that Trump is not a Republican either, yes it's the ticket he ran, but he was also a Democrat, he was in the Reform Party and he left it because they went racist (look it up.) He is on this "classic liberal/libertarian" theme more than you think (I'm sorry your media lied to you, and I know it's hard to believe, but just hear me out okay) I truly believe that he would support getting rid of the stranglehold restrictions that the R's and D's put on third parties intentionally to consolidate their power, and rob us of choices. Those sigs, R's and D's only need like 35,000 sigs - it's totally fucked up and I believe there's other restrictions and shit - like does your state have a viable "Independent" Candidate? has it ever? Well it happens up here often because Alaskan's are mostly libertarians and capitalists, in fact they win a lot of districts and stuff up here, but we end up going R because a lot of our people vote straight R tickets, just like a lot of "classical liberals" vote D tickets - not because they see what's going on, but because that's what they do (my "classical" liberal mother did it for her entire life, until this year, she then made the mistake I ask you folks not to and joined the R ticket.)

I think WE can fix it, and I think Trump is one of the only President's that might push for it. So even if you want to hate /him/ at least support this one idea and give everyone an actual choice instead of just passing the ball between two sides of the same coin...

Also, I messed up the quote function somehow above sorry...

Just want to say, this is a great post --- with the exception of the idea that Rump is in any way open to Liberalism. He's certainly displayed open contempt for the Constitution, the First Amendment particularly. But other than that objection, applause applause. :clap2:

Like I said, this one issue, lets /all/ get together and see if Trump will do it - hate him all you want, hate every single other policy and viewpoint, but on this /one/ point come together and support it, even if it's Trump doing it. Hell you can hate on him /while/ agreeing to it, but we need this.
Mac, you should check out Dave Rubin's youtube channel:

The Rubin Report

He's formerly from The Young Turks but don't hold that against him. Although I fall slightly right of center, I'm still a proud subscriber and I like a lot of what he has to say about classic liberalism.
Yes, I like him, great interviewer and an HONEST LIBERAL.

I wish they had listened to us before they lost their party and before people got oppressed and beaten. Now I fear we are going to end up with a single party and that is not good for the nation.

Lefties, please also watch this one:

Also, do not just join the Republican party even if it does look like a good fit. Take a look at the third parties; the libertarian, the greenies, the veterans party, and all the others out there struggling to get a foothold. These parties /need/ support in order to even get on the ballots. I think they need 250,000 signatures. I think there are enough "sane" and "classical" liberals out there to finally bring multiple parties back to the docket and right this terrible wrong.

I understand that you hate Trump, so do not mistake what I'm going to say here, but I do believe that Trump is not a Republican either, yes it's the ticket he ran, but he was also a Democrat, he was in the Reform Party and he left it because they went racist (look it up.) He is on this "classic liberal/libertarian" theme more than you think (I'm sorry your media lied to you, and I know it's hard to believe, but just hear me out okay) I truly believe that he would support getting rid of the stranglehold restrictions that the R's and D's put on third parties intentionally to consolidate their power, and rob us of choices. Those sigs, R's and D's only need like 35,000 sigs - it's totally fucked up and I believe there's other restrictions and shit - like does your state have a viable "Independent" Candidate? has it ever? Well it happens up here often because Alaskan's are mostly libertarians and capitalists, in fact they win a lot of districts and stuff up here, but we end up going R because a lot of our people vote straight R tickets, just like a lot of "classical liberals" vote D tickets - not because they see what's going on, but because that's what they do (my "classical" liberal mother did it for her entire life, until this year, she then made the mistake I ask you folks not to and joined the R ticket.)

I think WE can fix it, and I think Trump is one of the only President's that might push for it. So even if you want to hate /him/ at least support this one idea and give everyone an actual choice instead of just passing the ball between two sides of the same coin...

Also, I messed up the quote function somehow above sorry...

Just want to say, this is a great post --- with the exception of the idea that Rump is in any way open to Liberalism. He's certainly displayed open contempt for the Constitution, the First Amendment particularly. But other than that objection, applause applause. :clap2:

Like I said, this one issue, lets /all/ get together and see if Trump will do it - hate him all you want, hate every single other policy and viewpoint, but on this /one/ point come together and support it, even if it's Trump doing it. Hell you can hate on him /while/ agreeing to it, but we need this.

What "one issue" are we talkin'?

I thought I knew until you said "see if Rump will do it". Do what?
Lift all the restrictions on third parties. That's it, that's all I ask to cooperate with Trump on - if we can get enough people behind doing it, I think he would try, but we have to be "united" in making it happen.
Is Maher becoming a Libertarian? I admit I don't watch him much but I used to catch him now and again. The first Amendment is cherished in America because it doesn't exist anywhere else in it's simplicity and broadness.

Bill Maher defends Ann Coulter in Berkeley free-speech fight

Liberal political comedian host Bill Maher said the University of California, Berkeley is the "the cradle for f—king babies" after the university caved to pressure and disinvited — and later re-invited — conservative commentator Ann Coulter as a speaker.

"Berkeley, you know, used to be the cradle of free speech," Maher said Friday on his HBO show "Real Time" during an exchange with conservative commentator S.E. Cupp. "And now it's just the cradle for f—king babies," he added.

He is simply adding common sense to his repertoire these days. He has been without it for so long, things that make sense to others have become like starlit epiphanies to him.
A lack of free speech is having a detrimental effect on his occupation. Snowflakes have shut down comedians from colleges campuses because of their biases. Maher finally gets that he could be next. He's growing up and embracing reality, instead of ideology.

He's just another phony hack. He pops up with these 'contrarian' statements every once in a while just to get attention and promote himself.
Nonsense. Have you ever watched his show? It is probably one of the most balanced political discussion shows on TV. He always has republicans and conservatives on his panel. Some are the most controversial spokespeople in the news. He has so many of those that various liberal groups have called for boycotting his show. The Republicans and conservative are given the opportunity to counter any comments he makes, and they do.

So did William Buckley; doesn't mean squat and certainly doesn't reflect his political agenda, which like every other democrat would much rather make anything that doesn't fit his brown-shirt message 'hate speech' and censored at whim.
He is calling Bernie crazy. It is crazy because I would expect many of those protesting violently were supporters of him. Maybe a few of them were even at his rallies. It is also crazy and ironic coming from Bernie because his socialist Utopia that he subscribes to, ultimately would lead to such absolute silencing of dissent, it was already happening in smaller doses in America before Trump won the election.

The difference is that the consequences of Sanders socialism as it "evolved" would be even worse than a few scratches, bruises and broken store windows. In Russia they called them Gulags, in China the "Great Leap Forward" or "re-education systems".

I know, I know, it seems so remote from todays America and I'm sure Sanders doesn't desire such a society in America. The problem is, that's how the seed of socialism grows, by the time he is long gone it will become something far different than he believes it would be.

Socialism and the quasi-communism which I have spoken so much about on this site are soulless, spirit crushing, unnatural monstrosities unleashed on society.



That was so well put at the end it should be saved for posterity.

A wise mother fucker said:
Socialism and the quasi-communism which I have spoken so much about on this site are soulless, spirit crushing, unnatural monstrosities unleashed on society

He is calling Bernie crazy. It is crazy because I would expect many of those protesting violently were supporters of him. Maybe a few of them were even at his rallies. It is also crazy and ironic coming from Bernie because his socialist Utopia that he subscribes to, ultimately would lead to such absolute silencing of dissent, it was already happening in smaller doses in America before Trump won the election.

The difference is that the consequences of Sanders socialism as it "evolved" would be even worse than a few scratches, bruises and broken store windows. In Russia they called them Gulags, in China the "Great Leap Forward" or "re-education systems".

I know, I know, it seems so remote from todays America and I'm sure Sanders doesn't desire such a society in America. The problem is, that's how the seed of socialism grows, by the time he is long gone it will become something far different than he believes it would be.

Socialism and the quasi-communism which I have spoken so much about on this site are soulless, spirit crushing, unnatural monstrosities unleashed on society.
Sanders does not advocate a Soviet Socialist model but instead the Nordic model as they have in Sweden and Norway. If we ignore the stupid self destructive immigration policies in Sweden, their economies are very strong and they take care of each other very efficiently.

We will need this with the Robotics Revolution along with some other programs as well.

Look at Norway and Sweden and show me the Gulags, please.
What exactly do people want to happen? Students are free to protest and express their 1st amendment rights as well. A few get physical, just as when drumpf supporters drink too much and show up. Don't like the loud exercise of free speech? Ann Skeletor should find another venue. It's obvious the media whore wants the attention.
More horse shit from a leftwing partisan drone.

Protesting is fine and covered by free speech. Arson, destruction of propperty, assaulting people with bike locks and trying to silence opposing points of view is NOT free speech.

And you know that, you are not a driveling idiot.

Are you just trolling or are you really a fascist?
Now I fear we are going to end up with a single party and that is not good for the nation.
We already have a single party. The Democrat party long ago caved in to the pressures of the corporate state. It is why the party has been reduced to identity politics. The party can no longer unite people under an economic message that is favorable to the working class majority. So they turned to identity politics in an attempt to maintain their viability as a political party.
Mac, you should check out Dave Rubin's youtube channel:

The Rubin Report

He's formerly from The Young Turks but don't hold that against him. Although I fall slightly right of center, I'm still a proud subscriber and I like a lot of what he has to say about classic liberalism.
Yes, I like him, great interviewer and an HONEST LIBERAL.

I wish they had listened to us before they lost their party and before people got oppressed and beaten. Now I fear we are going to end up with a single party and that is not good for the nation.

Lefties, please also watch this one:

Also, do not just join the Republican party even if it does look like a good fit. Take a look at the third parties; the libertarian, the greenies, the veterans party, and all the others out there struggling to get a foothold. These parties /need/ support in order to even get on the ballots. I think they need 250,000 signatures. I think there are enough "sane" and "classical" liberals out there to finally bring multiple parties back to the docket and right this terrible wrong.

I understand that you hate Trump, so do not mistake what I'm going to say here, but I do believe that Trump is not a Republican either, yes it's the ticket he ran, but he was also a Democrat, he was in the Reform Party and he left it because they went racist (look it up.) He is on this "classic liberal/libertarian" theme more than you think (I'm sorry your media lied to you, and I know it's hard to believe, but just hear me out okay) I truly believe that he would support getting rid of the stranglehold restrictions that the R's and D's put on third parties intentionally to consolidate their power, and rob us of choices. Those sigs, R's and D's only need like 35,000 sigs - it's totally fucked up and I believe there's other restrictions and shit - like does your state have a viable "Independent" Candidate? has it ever? Well it happens up here often because Alaskan's are mostly libertarians and capitalists, in fact they win a lot of districts and stuff up here, but we end up going R because a lot of our people vote straight R tickets, just like a lot of "classical liberals" vote D tickets - not because they see what's going on, but because that's what they do (my "classical" liberal mother did it for her entire life, until this year, she then made the mistake I ask you folks not to and joined the R ticket.)

I think WE can fix it, and I think Trump is one of the only President's that might push for it. So even if you want to hate /him/ at least support this one idea and give everyone an actual choice instead of just passing the ball between two sides of the same coin...

Also, I messed up the quote function somehow above sorry...

Good stuff. Let me clarify a few things - first, I sure as hell won't be becoming a Republican any time soon, and I would have voted third party had any Republican but Trump or Cruz gotten the nomination. I'm just an independent, period. The viability of a third party candidate is almost irrelevant since I know they're not going to win, so I just vote for the one closest to my views. And regarding Trump, I don't hate him or anyone else. Hating those with whom we disagree is one of the main reasons we're in this mess to begin with, it's a destructive and wasteful emotion. And I was in the media for nearly 20 years, so yeah, I know how it plays its games.

Anyway, regarding the Dems: I would definitely disagree that the Dems are on the brink of any kind of destruction. My REAL worry is very different: That Trump & Co will foul things up so badly and so quickly that the Democratic Party won't have time to go through its badly needed Reformation. Unless the party has enough time to somehow, magically marginalize the non-liberal Regressive Left mutants who have taken over the party, a fast fuckup by Trump & Co will usher them right back in, and almost certainly more emboldened than ever. In its own way, that concerns me just as much as the Trump presidency itself.

Thanks for the thoughtful post.
Last edited:

Maher is one of the few remaining traditional liberals to be found. He can actually be honest, and get along with people who dare to disagree with him.

Go figure.

Maher is an unfunny comedian who doesn't get that when you say obnoxious things, people fire you.

Like when he called the 9/11 hijackers brave, and our servicemen cowardly and ABC cancelled his show and replaced him with Jimmy Kimmel.

He's been making up for it by spewing a stream of Islamophobic bile.
Is Maher becoming a Libertarian? I admit I don't watch him much but I used to catch him now and again. The first Amendment is cherished in America because it doesn't exist anywhere else in it's simplicity and broadness.

Bill Maher defends Ann Coulter in Berkeley free-speech fight

Liberal political comedian host Bill Maher said the University of California, Berkeley is the "the cradle for f—king babies" after the university caved to pressure and disinvited — and later re-invited — conservative commentator Ann Coulter as a speaker.

"Berkeley, you know, used to be the cradle of free speech," Maher said Friday on his HBO show "Real Time" during an exchange with conservative commentator S.E. Cupp. "And now it's just the cradle for f—king babies," he added.
Odd as it may seem Ann and Bill are pretty good friends.

There is rumor that they were occasional lovers.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
There is rumor that they were occasional lovers.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.

No, they are both just attention whores.... "Let's see what outrageous thing I can say to get attention! Um. Um... 9/11 Hijackers were brave and our troops are cowards firing drones from a thousands miles away."

"I can top that Bill. Those 9/11 widows are enjoying their husband's deaths!!!"
There is rumor that they were occasional lovers.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.

No, they are both just attention whores.... "Let's see what outrageous thing I can say to get attention! Um. Um... 9/11 Hijackers were brave and our troops are cowards firing drones from a thousands miles away."

"I can top that Bill. Those 9/11 widows are enjoying their husband's deaths!!!"
Attention whores? Make up outrageous claims so they can finally get someone, anyone, to notice them and help buck up their low self-esteem?
Well, JoeyB, you're certainly the resident expert on that topic in an 'only self-promos and PSAs' sort of way, huh?
Attention whores? Make up outrageous claims so they can finally get someone, anyone, to notice them and help buck up their low self-esteem?
Well, JoeyB, you're certainly the resident expert on that topic in an 'only self-promos and PSAs' sort of way, huh?

You might have a point. No one even talks about your hero anymore, Dominican Rent Boy. It's like he fell off the face of the earth.
There is rumor that they were occasional lovers.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.

No, they are both just attention whores.... "Let's see what outrageous thing I can say to get attention! Um. Um... 9/11 Hijackers were brave and our troops are cowards firing drones from a thousands miles away."

"I can top that Bill. Those 9/11 widows are enjoying their husband's deaths!!!"

One of those two "attention whores" has a long running and successful TV show. He is a foul mouthed, profane vulgar pig, but - due to clever writers - is certainly not unfunny, and no longer needs to do or say outrageous things to get attention.

The other is the author of several best selling books, sought-after guest on various TV shows and center of attention which she never attempted to avoid.

What is your claim to fame?

The REAL attention whore is you.
Attention whores? Make up outrageous claims so they can finally get someone, anyone, to notice them and help buck up their low self-esteem?
Well, JoeyB, you're certainly the resident expert on that topic in an 'only self-promos and PSAs' sort of way, huh?

You might have a point. No one even talks about your hero anymore, Dominican Rent Boy. It's like he fell off the face of the earth.
Maybe you and tigerred can pool your needs and negotiate a discount for reading comprehension classes.
There is rumor that they were occasional lovers.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.

No, they are both just attention whores.... "Let's see what outrageous thing I can say to get attention! Um. Um... 9/11 Hijackers were brave and our troops are cowards firing drones from a thousands miles away."

"I can top that Bill. Those 9/11 widows are enjoying their husband's deaths!!!"

One of those two "attention whores" has a long running and successful TV show. He is a foul mouthed, profane vulgar pig, but - due to clever writers - is certainly not unfunny, and no longer needs to do or say outrageous things to get attention.

The other is the author of several best selling books, sought-after guest on various TV shows and center of attention which she never attempted to avoid.

What is your claim to fame?

The REAL attention whore is you.

I'm beginning to think that the Regressive Left hates honest, traditional liberals with the same intensity they hate conservatives.

It would make sense.

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