Bill Maher Explains Why Liberals Are Idiots for Siding With Hamas

1) Palestine is also the Holy Land of the Christians, Muslims, Druze and other religious groups.
2) If Jews are killed no matter where they go, maybe they need to stop trying to swindle and cheat people rather than just find people they can bully and hope it works out.
3) The European Squatters aren't related to the people who lived their 3000 years ago, other than by a iteration of their religion. They hadn't live there for 1900 years and had no desire to go back until WWII.

Yes, they've accomplished antagonizing people no matter where they go. Going around pretending you are better than everyone else will generally get your ass kicked. That's why Jamal stuffed you into that locker.
The only people Jews antagonize are people who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. Nevertheless, Jews are humble about their obvious superiority. With an average IQ of 115 Jews do not need to cheat people. With an average IQ of 85, Negroes who cannot make money in professional athletics often resort to crime.

You keep repeating that lie about human sewage of the black slum named Jamal. I think it is likely that a Jewish boy did that to you. That is why the event is so etched in your memory.
And maintaining a colonial, apartheid state isn't going to play well on the world stage. Israel has already used up much of the Good Will after 10-9 by their retaliation in Gaza.
Things have not worked out well for South Africa since the end of apartheid. If the Palestinians ever succeed, and it will take the military assistance of the entire Arab world, in destroying Israel, they will still be poor. Arabs are poor unless they have oil under their sand. The Jews in Israel made the desert bloom. God gave his Chosen People superior intelligence.
Um, not really.

First, the story in Exodus is a myth. There's no evidence that Israelites ever lived in Egypt.
Second, the Babylonians only took a few slaves back to Babylon (where a bunch of Eastern influences entered Judiasm)
Third, the European Squatters aren't related to the people who lived there 3000 years ago other than by a religion.
There is archaeological evidence of Semites living in the Land of Goshen,, which is where Exodus says the Israelites lived.
Except all the times it belonged to someone else.

All of Israel, plus the land justly conquered in the Six Day War of 1967, is less than one percent of Arab land. Settle the Palestinians elsewhere.

These are the Palestinians you care so much about:


The Deadly Toll for Palestinian Women​

Published in:The New Arab

Rothna Begum
Senior Researcher, Women's Rights Division

Videos that circulated on social media in August appearing to show a hospital corridor with a woman heard pleading and screaming, and sounds of intermittent thuds, have sparked protests and outrage at the lethal cost that Palestinian women pay because of a lack of protections and discriminatory laws.

The woman in the video was Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old Palestinian make-up artist from the village of Beit Sahour in the southern West Bank who had been hospitalized on 10 August after being beaten by her family. The videos suggested she may have been subject to further beating while in hospital. She was later discharged but on 22 August she died...

The Palestinian nongovernmental organization Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) documented a total of 23 killings of women in the West Bank and Gaza in 2018 –10 in Gaza and 13 in the West Bank...

Claims that so-called “honor” violence or killings are one-time reactions to behaviour deemed to transgress moral codes are questionable. Instead such violence may occur in a continuum of domestic violence in which the perpetrator uses abuse or threats to control a woman’s behaviour or movements.

The only people Jews antagonize are people who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity.
Well, that and taking advantage of Germany's economic misfortune after WWI, or collaborating with the Muslims during the occupation of Spain, or any of the other shitty things they did to wear out their welcome in Europe.

There is archaeological evidence of Semites living in the Land of Goshen,, which is where Exodus says the Israelites lived.
No, there isn't.

You see, the thing is, Egyptian history is pretty detailed. We even know about pharoahs the Egyptians wanted to erase from the historical record like Ankhnaten. And there's no record 'Yeah, a bunch of our slave revolted after calling down some plagues and then our army drowned in the Red Sea."

All of Israel, plus the land justly conquered in the Six Day War of 1967, is less than one percent of Arab land. Settle the Palestinians elsewhere.

There's plenty of land in Europe to settle the European Squatters in. Or resettle them in the United States (as long as it isn't by me.)

These are the Palestinians you care so much about:
I don't care one way or the other. That's their culture, those are their cultural rules. Just like we have cultural rules inthis country, which is why you can't go out in public and repeat your racist bullshit.
The extreme left ignores the facts that Palestinians kill homosexuals and practice honor killing, even against Palestinian teenager girls and women who are raped.

They don't ignore that, they love it.

Make no mistake, every leftist who screeches about a "free Palestine" is advocating for this:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") empowered to arrest, beat, and torture people
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
Well, that and taking advantage of Germany's economic misfortune after WWI, or collaborating with the Muslims during the occupation of Spain, or any of the other shitty things they did to wear out their welcome in Europe.

No, there isn't.

You see, the thing is, Egyptian history is pretty detailed. We even know about pharoahs the Egyptians wanted to erase from the historical record like Ankhnaten. And there's no record 'Yeah, a bunch of our slave revolted after calling down some plagues and then our army drowned in the Red Sea."

There's plenty of land in Europe to settle the European Squatters in. Or resettle them in the United States (as long as it isn't by me.)

I don't care one way or the other. That's their culture, those are their cultural rules. Just like we have cultural rules inthis country, which is why you can't go out in public and repeat your racist bullshit.
Actually you can go out in public and repeat racist bullshit, called the first amendment. Again you prove how stupid you are.
You are ignorant. This just shows how stupid you are. Good luck, you're going to need it.
Again you prove how stupid you are.

He's not ignorant or stupid. He's evil, and he's dishonest. He hates anything that is good, and loves anything that is evil, and will tell whatever lies he will, knowing full well that they are lies, that he thinks will be most hurtful to those that he hates.

But he has very little power to hurt anyone with his lies, because everyone knows that he is a hateful, evil, lying piece of shit, and knows better than to believe anything that he says.

He knows full well that the meme that he posted is an absurdly false depiction of Christianity, but he thinks that by posting it, he can hurt Christians.
They don't ignore that, they love it.

Make no mistake, every leftist who screeches about a "free Palestine" is advocating for this:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") empowered to arrest, beat, and torture people
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion

Uh, besides the fact that FGM is a cultural thing in North Africa, not Palestine, that predates Christianity and Islam. Palestinian women have the franchise in the PA now.

It seems like you are picking the worst of the Islamic world and applying it to Palestine, who are generally pretty secular. I went to college with a couple of Pally girls. they didn't wear Hijabs, but they did wear very tight, ass- complimenting jeans.
He's not ignorant or stupid. He's evil, and he's dishonest. He hates anything that is good, and loves anything that is evil, and will tell whatever lies he will, knowing full well that they are lies, that he thinks will be most hurtful to those that he hates.

But he has very little power to hurt anyone with his lies, because everyone knows that he is a hateful, evil, lying piece of shit, and knows better than to believe anything that he says.

He knows full well that the meme that he posted is an absurdly false depiction of Christianity, but he thinks that by posting it, he can hurt Christians.

If you are hurt when someone points out the absurdity of your beliefs, shouldn't you be examining your beliefs?

(this is where you blurt out something about Bruce Jenner, because you can't get her off your mind, either.)
Actually you can go out in public and repeat racist bullshit, called the first amendment. Again you prove how stupid you are.

No, the first amendment just says Congress can't stop you from doing that.

Trying doing that at work tomorrow, see how soon you are asked to come down to HR.
Uh, besides the fact that FGM is a cultural thing in North Africa, not Palestine, that predates Christianity and Islam. Palestinian women have the franchise in the PA now.

It seems like you are picking the worst of the Islamic world and applying it to Palestine, who are generally pretty secular. I went to college with a couple of Pally girls. they didn't wear Hijabs, but they did wear very tight, ass- complimenting jeans.

They were allowed to wear those jeans because they weren't in Gaza, dipshit. Everything I posted is the law in Gaza under Hamas. That's what you're supporting.
They were allowed to wear those jeans because they weren't in Gaza, dipshit. Everything I posted is the law in Gaza under Hamas. That's what you're supporting.

Not supporting it at all.

I just don't think it's my problem.
No, they are hated because they stole someone else's land and are running an apartheid state.

Actually, it's unlikely they'll still be around in 100 years as a distinct racial group. A lot of Jews I know marry goyim women and don't practice their religion anymore.

No, we don't ignore it. We have no desire to live under it. What you don't get, Cockroach, is that we arrogantly go around the world thinking our way is the best way. That our values are wonderful and everyone should share them.

Now, here's the thing. Hamas does represent a strain of fundamentalist Islam that has erupted as a result of Western incursions into the Middle East. It would be nice if that were not the case, but let's not let the Zionists gaslight us into thinking that Hamas is Al Qaeda, because they aren't. They are a nationalist movement. The problem is, we often force nationalist movements into molds to fit our narratives. We painted the Japanese of WWII as Fascists when they were, in fact, a parliamentary democracy. We painted Ho Chi Mihn as a Communist when he was more of a Nationalist. And we paint Palestinians as Islamists when in fact, Israel refused for years to deal honestly with the secular Fatah movement.
Actually, the Pales hated the zionists even when the zionists wanted to live peacefully too. So the Zionists became "more proactive."
If you are hurt when someone points out the absurdity of your beliefs, shouldn't you be examining your beliefs?

You think you're hurting me with your absurd lies.

You have no idea what a pathetic buffoon you are. I'm not crying over you; I'm laughing at you.

Your lies about my beliefs have very little connection to anything that I, or anyone else of my faith, has ever believed.

(this is where you blurt out something about Bruce Jenner, because you can't get her off your mind, either.)

At least I am smart enough to know better than to refer to a mentally-fucked-up-man as “her”. You thought you were making some point against me by bringing that up, but all you accomplished is to show what a fucked-up mental case you are, that you don't even know the difference between a man and a woman.

One might have hoped that with your recent marriage, you might gain some understanding and appreciation for what makes women different than us, and why it matters. I guess, not, in your case. I have to think that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to have a good marriage without that understanding.
You think you're hurting me with your absurd lies.
Given your weird stalking behavior, um, yeah, I think I did terrible damage and I should probably feel bad about it.

At least I am smart enough to know better than to refer to a mentally-fucked-up-man as “her”. You thought you were making some point against me by bringing that up, but all you accomplished is to show what a fucked-up mental case you are, that you don't even know the difference between a man and a woman.
I think your obsession with Jenner is kind of crazy, to be honest. Nothing she is doing is bothering you.

One might have hoped that with your recent marriage, you might gain some understanding and appreciation for what makes women different than us, and why it matters. I guess, not, in your case. I have to think that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to have a good marriage without that understanding.

Actually, she comes from a culture that would be a Mormon's wet dream. Women do whatver their men tell them to do. I try to encourage her to have her own opinions and an equal say in what we do as a couple. Which means a couple things I wanted to do I've rejected because she doesn't want to do them.

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