Bill Maher: "I'm worried about a permanent Republican majority"...keep worrying, it will happen!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
liberals see the popularity of Trump and realise that Americans will reward the GOP forever for making america permanently great! Maher is shitting his pants, CNN are secretly shitting their pants, and rightly so!
Im worried about another 15 years of Pelosi,,,,her DDDD batteries just havent died yet
liberals see the popularity of Trump and realise that Americans will reward the GOP forever for making america permanently great! Maher is shitting his pants, CNN are secretly shitting their pants, and rightly so!
Why would you think that would be a good thing?
I remember well the Democrats gloating on this forum that "angry old white men" were a dying breed, and that Democrat victories would be permanent due to the rising numbers of minorities.
Micheal Moore.......Im afraid that if I eat one more whole chicken, my stomache will explode in front of 25 people
Repubs shouldn't get too cocky IMHO, they ain't exactly covering themselves with glory lately. In fact they look like a bunch of dysfunctional self-serving fools, and if that continues the Dems will come roaring back. I mean who saw Barack Obama coming? Nobody, and another person will rise from obscurity for them, or for the GOP. Or maybe both. Hope to God they'll be better at leadership and governance than who we got now.
Micheal Moore.......Im afraid that if I eat one more whole chicken, my stomache will explode in front of 25 people

Moore is another one who's unhinged by Trump. just look at his latest tweet:

"I call upon EVERYONE to observe this 4th of July week by nonviolently storming the local offices of your Senators, pack town halls, RISE UP!"
Nancy Pelosi: I am worried that if I get one more giant mosquito bite on my forehead, my face will fall off
If there is a permanent Republican majority, your country won't last very long. You can't govern for 5% of the population and have much of a country.
they should of put nancy pelosi in "Back To The Future" part three where her preserved body was in some major museum

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