Bill Maher insults Tebow

Do you support Bill Maher's vile insulting trash talking about Tebow/Jesus

  • Yes, the 1st Amendment protects ass-wipe scum like Maher

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • No, Maher needs to have his show cancelled immediately

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • No one cares what Hollywood morons say, its simply not news.

    Votes: 23 46.0%

  • Total voters
Does it really matter........ Bill would be selling shoes if not for guys like TW.
He's a fucking loser. Think about this.. He has Barney Frank on the show and respects him.
What's wrong with that picture?

I think he's gay..... Yeah, Bill the closet cock sucker.
Maher crossed the line again by trashing Tebow and Christian beliefs

The coxucker should have said it about Mohammed instead.

This can't be fucking serious. Oh wait, it can be. I forgot to factor in your flaming stupidity.
Maher crossed the line again by trashing Tebow and Christian beliefs

The coxucker should have said it about Mohammed instead.

Anyway, lets see if anyone supports Maher's degenerate trash talk.

Bill Maher on Tim Tebow: Effed by Jesus! - The Hollywood Gossip

I see nothing wrong with this.

Insulting any religion just for the purpose of insulting it is just stupid, and pretty mean spirited. It's as bad as those from Westboro Baptist Church saying you are going to Hell for whatever reason. Bottom line is if it sells, I guess it's okay. But not in my book, so I won't patronize the scumbag. I have no issue with him being an atheist, but just like atheists don't like having religion shoved down their throats, I don't think most Christians or anyone of any religious belief wanting Bill Maher shoving his atheistic beliefs down their throat.
Just because the 1st Amendment allows free speech, as you say above, he should respect the religious beliefs of others.

Yeah, because you advocating negative things being said about the prophet of Islam really meets that standard.
[Bill Maher] should have said it about Mohammed instead.

Uh, Muhammad wasn't a Christian.



Why do you object to what Maher said? In our country, we respect that other people's religious beliefs can be different from our own. Why golly gee, we have even gone to war for that very principle.

Why are you against the First Amendment?

Jesus is a prophet in Islam. He is respected. Jesus is admired in the true faith.
I think when a lot of people want to bash faith especially Christianity these days, the bloody idiots don't realize how Jesus is revered as Moses is as well in the faith of Islam.

So these fools thinking that they are slagging Christianity or Judaism to gain some sort of bizarre "creds" in Islam miss the point that Jesus and Moses are truly respected as prophets in Islam.
Maher is a political entertainer. We should stifle comedic art forms?

Here is how it works. If you support Maher and think he is worth watching, then watch him. If you don't and you want HBO to fire him, boycott the show, boycott HBO, and boycott any company that advertises on his show. Guess what? If the boycott is effective, he will be gone. He can say whatever he wants, but if it don't sell, well then I guess he should shut up. If it continues to sell, then let him have at it. The only worry I have is that letting him win just shows how far we have fallen as a country.

We have lost respect for just about everything. Look at the way we treat the presidency. If we don't like the person who has been elected POTUS, we talk down about him as much as possible. It goes well beyond trying to stop him from being re-elected. It becomes vile. When I was a kid, my parents made me listen whenever President Nixon was on television. He was an important man and he was our President. Even though my parents did not vote for him or like him, they still had respect for him, and made me listen. I was only five or six years old at the time.
I think when a lot of people want to bash faith especially Christianity these days, the bloody idiots don't realize how Jesus is revered as Moses is as well in the faith of Islam.

So these fools thinking that they are slagging Christianity or Judaism to gain some sort of bizarre "creds" in Islam miss the point that Jesus and Moses are truly respected as prophets in Islam.

excellent post. Jesus is considered a 'great prophet' in Islam.
Maher crossed the line again by trashing Tebow and Christian beliefs.

What ‘line’ is that?

Such pathetic whining from the right, jeez…

If Maher would have said something similar against Mohammed some SN would behead the little coxucker. Just because the 1st Amendment allows free speech, as you say above, he should respect the religious beliefs of others.


The First Amendment has nothing to do with private speech, it addresses only the state’s effort to preempt free speech. No one can be compelled to respect the religious beliefs of others.

Wrong again.

The First Amendment was designed exactly for cases such as this.

…some SN…

And how do you think this effects the credibility of your ‘argument.’

Maher is a political entertainer. We should stifle comedic art forms?

According to social conservatives, yes.

You have all the right talking points, yet you are wrong on this one. It all has to do with respect. Bill Maher respects no one, and that is the problem. He is a disease. It has nothing to do with his right to say things. It has to do with showing some decency and respect to others, something that so many of us have seemed to have lost.

The worst thing about all of this is that it wasn't even funny.
Maher has no class, which is why I refuse to listen to him. Saying something completely nasty is the only way the loser will get in the news, so he'll keep doing stuff like this. He would rather be known for showing his ass that to face the fact that he's irrevelent.
All conservatives are so classy, right?

I'm not certain why this seems to be a conservative / liberal debate. Not all conservatives are Christians and not all liberals are atheists.
Does it really matter........ Bill would be selling shoes if not for guys like TW.
He's a fucking loser. Think about this.. He has Barney Frank on the show and respects him.
What's wrong with that picture?

I think he's gay..... Yeah, Bill the closet cock sucker.
Did 'The T' invite you here? :lol:

I thought Bill kept beating up his black girlfreind. Wasn't that the deal?
He said the 9/11 bombers weren't cowards...they might be nuts, but not cowards. I love Bill Maher.

Tebow I like but he made a mistake doing an anti-abortion ad for the superbowl if he didn't want to be alightning rod, and like Bob Beckel I'm not for Jesus on foootball jerseys etc etc....should be more private, less commercial.

How 'bout those Bills?! The City of No Illusions strikes back! LOL

So, you like people until they disagree with your beliefs, then you don't like them anymore. got it.

Most of my friends are pub dupes, and I STILL like Tebow, Angry white men are haters, no me mon. lol
Freedom of speech is protected in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and is guaranteed to all Americans - including Bill Maher.

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