Bill Maher: These Two Issues Will Drive Voters to Trump

Yes I did see that. It was most likely a setup orchestrated by the FBI.
It was a setup for sure. By who, I do not know.
Another MAJOR point you see no one else saying but a few on Fox News... there are 2,300 capitol police officers.
One more time - 2,300.
On a day when Congress was in session.
On a day when three separate law enforcement agencies warned Washington officials about a growing number of agitators gathering on social media... talk of storming the capitol 3 days before.
On THAT day - someone chose to staff the capitol with FEWER - not more - FEWER security than on a day when congress is not in session, and no protest.
Literally - only a small handful of officers were there. Out of 2,300.
It was a setup for sure. By who, I do not know.
Another MAJOR point you see no one else saying but a few on Fox News... there are 2,300 capitol police officers.
One more time - 2,300.
On a day when Congress was in session.
On a day when three separate law enforcement agencies warned Washington officials about a growing number of agitators gathering on social media... talk of storming the capitol 3 days before.
On THAT day - someone chose to staff the capitol with FEWER - not more - FEWER security than on a day when congress is not in session, and no protest.
Literally - only a small handful of officers were there. Out of 2,300.
A very good point. Was there a plan to blame Trump?
Bill Maher: These Two Issues Will Drive Voters to Trump

Bill Maher yet again indicated that he has awakened, at least partially, from the Left’s enforced insanity on Friday when he declared that Critical Race Theory and transgender madness were going to drive people to vote for Donald Trump in 2024, even including people who are convinced that Trump is a “creep.”

TheReaper says: He is not wrong. Maher has become a bit of an enigma lately, the Liberal who sees the insanity of his own side. Democrats are not realizing how much non-whites actually hate the racism of their CRT, and the transgender junk science has got Latinos saying they have had enough.
The swamp is in control. This is the near total Prog media/entertainment industries throwing a crumb to the men and women who still have reservations against this. Maher would not say that with Trump as President.
A very good point. Was there a plan to blame Trump?
I am no conspiracy theorist.
But over the past several years - there are just too many unexplainable things happening for something to not be amiss.
And January 6th is one of them.
As I have said for years - my own little saying - "if a situation happens and it makes no sense how or why it happened, then there is something you don't know that would make it make sense".
What happened on January 6th doesn't make sense.
And the single biggest mind blowing thing is - WHERE WERE THE CAPITOL POLICE??? There are 2,300 officers and maybe 20 were on duty... I mean.. what the holy fuck is up with that??
And that brings you to the NEXT holy shit thing - why is the media not even bringing that up???
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What do you consider a riot? I saw a bunch of unarmed people walk past armed police through unlocked doors into the capitol building. No police or members of congress were killed.
Who were those fascists that were beating up cops and spraying them with tear gas? Everyone who entered that building should have been shot like anyone else who attacks our Democracy. Were those the cops who we saw scaling the building in an attempt to kill Pelosi and the VP?
Who were those fascists that were beating up cops and spraying them with tear gas? Everyone who entered that building should have been shot like anyone else who attacks our Democracy. Were those the cops who we saw scaling the building in an attempt to kill Pelosi and the VP?
The founding fathers would have killed Pelosi and others.
Who were those fascists that were beating up cops and spraying them with tear gas? Everyone who entered that building should have been shot like anyone else who attacks our Democracy. Were those the cops who we saw scaling the building in an attempt to kill Pelosi and the VP?
You are just focusing on a few agitators and not on the majority of the folks that entered the capitol building. Pelosi was never in danger of being attacked despite what democrats want you to believe.
You are just focusing on a few agitators and not on the majority of the folks that entered the capitol building. Pelosi was never in danger of being attacked despite what democrats want you to believe.
850 of Trump`s goons were arrested. A few agitators? :laughing0301:
Interesting to see Maher gradually shift more towards the middle.

He used to be 95% democrat and 5% conservative but this year he is sliding more towards the middle.

He spent years and years taking digs at trump, even if he was talking about a Spaniard from 1374 and still find a way to drag trump into it for a cheap joke. Now he isnt attacking him as much as before.

If your side is so fucked that bill Maher talks shit about you then you should know you messed up.
Interesting to see Maher gradually shift more towards the middle.

He used to be 95% democrat and 5% conservative but this year he is sliding more towards the middle.

He spent years and years taking digs at trump, even if he was talking about a Spaniard from 1374 and still find a way to drag trump into it for a cheap joke. Now he isnt attacking him as much as before.

If your side is so fucked that bill Maher talks shit about you then you should know you messed up.
Maher finally saw the light.
I am no conspiracy theorist.
But over the past several years - there are just too many unexplainable things happening for something to not be amiss.
And January 6th is one of them.
As I have said for years - my own little saying - "if a situation happens and it makes no sense how or why it happened, then there is something you don't know that would make it make sense".
What happened on January 6th doesn't make sense.
And the single biggest mind blowing thing is - WHERE WERE THE CAPITOL POLICE??? There are 2,300 officers and maybe 20 were on duty... I mean.. what the holy fuck is up with that??
And that brings you to the NEXT holy shit thing - why is the media not even bringing that up???

I've said a number of times that if I were able to travel back in time, only ten years, and speak with my younger self about what I have undeniably seen happening, that my younger self would dismiss me as some kind of batshit crazy conspiracy kook. Much of it having to do with the #CoronaHoax2020, and the way government hyperbolized and weaponized it in order to manipulate and frighten a gullible public, but the 06 January 2021 event as well.

I do not claim to know shit about what 06 January 2021 was really about; the only thing about it that I am confident is that the vast majority of what we have been told about it, the vast majority of what any of us think is was about, are lies.
Interesting to see Maher gradually shift more towards the middle.

He used to be 95% democrat and 5% conservative but this year he is sliding more towards the middle.

I don't think it is so much Maher changing, as he staying put, and the mainstream left wrong moving rapidly deeper into the lunatic fringes.
Bill Maher: These Two Issues Will Drive Voters to Trump

Bill Maher yet again indicated that he has awakened, at least partially, from the Left’s enforced insanity on Friday when he declared that Critical Race Theory and transgender madness were going to drive people to vote for Donald Trump in 2024, even including people who are convinced that Trump is a “creep.”

TheReaper says: He is not wrong. Maher has become a bit of an enigma lately, the Liberal who sees the insanity of his own side. Democrats are not realizing how much non-whites actually hate the racism of their CRT, and the transgender junk science has got Latinos saying they have had enough.

Now the right loves them some BM!!!!!
I don't think it is so much Maher changing, as he staying put, and the mainstream left wrong moving rapidly deeper into the lunatic fringes.
That is exactly what it is.
Maher is an old time traditional liberal. You can deal with traditional liberals. They are not crazy, they want the same things we do... the same tings are important to them as conservatives. They just believe the answers to problems are different than we do.
But leftist/progressives are something entirely different.
As he has said repeatedly - "I haven't changed. You did."
Massive inflation and the recession will be the death of the Democrat scum.
Now the right loves them some BM!!!!!
Wrong again.
Maher is still Maher.
I do not like the man. I think he is an egotistical jack ass.
But that doesn't mean I dismiss everything he says, or that I always disagree with him.
That is the difference with conservatives. Most of us actually have the ability to think for ourselves.

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