Bill Maher: These Two Issues Will Drive Voters to Trump

Bill Maher: These Two Issues Will Drive Voters to Trump

Bill Maher yet again indicated that he has awakened, at least partially, from the Left’s enforced insanity on Friday when he declared that Critical Race Theory and transgender madness were going to drive people to vote for Donald Trump in 2024, even including people who are convinced that Trump is a “creep.”

TheReaper says: He is not wrong. Maher has become a bit of an enigma lately, the Liberal who sees the insanity of his own side. Democrats are not realizing how much non-whites actually hate the racism of their CRT, and the transgender junk science has got Latinos saying they have had enough.

Now that all the democrats are done crying and lying, Maher is correct. These two issues will drive voters to Trump, especially traditional values Hispanics.

The other two issues are high gas and food prices.

All your fake news and Jan 6 lies and crying about abortion cannot change this. This is going to happen.
Total lies and fake news propaganda. Ironically it is YOU who are spreading Russian bot disinformation. You're a total idiot.
Manafort conspired with Kilimnik to give the Kremlin internal polling data. US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016
Polling data that could have been useful for Putin in targeting Americans with the social media campaign he used to help Don get elected.

Russian fake accounts showed posts to 126 million Facebook users

Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google will all be appearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism on Tuesday.

Donnie J entered in to a conspiracy with Russians to obtain dirt on Hillary he was told was in the possession of the Russian government. Mueller Confirms: Don Jr. Was Too Stupid to Collude

Those two incidents alone prove a conspiracy.
Anyone who incites a riot in an attempt to install himself or herself as president is Public Enemy #1. We have a tradition in America that we call voting. Trump should set up his own country as Jim Jones did and we won`t care what he and his goons do.
we haven`t had an energy crisis since the 70s btw.
None of that is proven.
Manafort conspired with Kilimnik to give the Kremlin internal polling data. US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016
Polling data that could have been useful for Putin in targeting Americans with the social media campaign he used to help Don get elected.

Russian fake accounts showed posts to 126 million Facebook users

Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google will all be appearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism on Tuesday.

Donnie J entered in to a conspiracy with Russians to obtain dirt on Hillary he was told was in the possession of the Russian government. Mueller Confirms: Don Jr. Was Too Stupid to Collude

Those two incidents alone prove a conspiracy.
That fakery is from 2 years ago and STILL 0 evidence of Trump/Russia collusion.
Enough to overcome the realization by most voters that Trump is a reckless, sociopathic criminal who tried to overthrow the government?
Do you think that repeating the same talking-point, Democrat lies over and over will somehow make them become truth? Trump wasn't 'reckless' and there is no proof he is 'sociopathic' and no one on Jan 6 was charged with an attempted coup. You believe Democrat talking-point liars.
You can’t be a progressive ( Socially Liberal ) Non practicing Jew & Support Israel ( The tiny Jewish State) ? ( Someone forgot to tell Bill)
Bill Maher: These Two Issues Will Drive Voters to Trump

Bill Maher yet again indicated that he has awakened, at least partially, from the Left’s enforced insanity on Friday when he declared that Critical Race Theory and transgender madness were going to drive people to vote for Donald Trump in 2024, even including people who are convinced that Trump is a “creep.”

TheReaper says: He is not wrong. Maher has become a bit of an enigma lately, the Liberal who sees the insanity of his own side. Democrats are not realizing how much non-whites actually hate the racism of their CRT, and the transgender junk science has got Latinos saying they have had enough.

That is so much bullshit. Anyone who thinks that Americans will give up their rights over trivial issues like this is nuts. CRT is not being taught. It has been made very clear that this is a made up issue. They will also not stand for terrorizing transgenders.
Trump told everyone to stay cool and remain peaceful. You are a sick liar regurgitating the propaganda of other sick liars.

Show this forum one piece of video where Trump incites violence. Show us, liar.

But I can show you this:

Hawaii Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono was criticized on Twitter for suggesting that it is time for a literal "call to arms" to fight against the pro-life movement.

Trump did no such thing. Numerous officials in Trump's administration resigned because Trump incited the Jan 6 attack.
That is so much bullshit. Anyone who thinks that Americans will give up their rights over trivial issues like this is nuts. CRT is not being taught. It has been made very clear that this is a made up issue. They will also not stand for terrorizing transgenders.
1619 project is valid proof that CRT is being pushed .

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