Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would’ve hated your guts

The Tea Patry has an unrealistic religious kind of view of the founding fathers.
They use this unrealistic view to justify what THEY want, which is not necessarially what the founding fathers intended.

If Mr. Peabody were just here to take them back in his wayback machine....

btw some of the recent Tea Party additions to congress are now realizing some truths in govt.
I don't think they are very happy either.
btw some of the recent Tea Party additions to congress are now realizing some truths in govt.
I don't think they are very happy either.

What sort of things?

Just wait for it.

As I predicted by next fall many new congressional Tea party members will be decried as not really being conservatives by their former supporters.

Idealism does not hold up well in congress.
The media stories about the TP congressional members induction into the reality of congress will likely start tomorrow.
This my friends is TONING down the rhetoric, the NEW civility..

posted at 10:20 am on January 15, 2011 by Michael van der Galien
Talk show host Bill Maher once again displayed his ignorance for America’s history and founding by telling Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers would have “hated” their “guts.”
As you’d come to expect from Maher he constantly referred to members of the Tea Party as “teabaggers” – which would probably be an insult coming from virtually everybody else. When Maher uses this word, however, the Tea Party should wear it as a badge of honor.
Next he told Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers were “nothing like them.” No, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington and all the others were profoundly different. How?

Here comes Maher:video at site.
Now, I want you teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.
Video (via Mediaite):

SEE VIDEO( more from the idiot Maher) and read it all with comments.
Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would?ve hated your guts Hot Air

Maher wants socialism, he's been fairly clear in that desire.

So here's a formally funny person, clinging on to a one shtick pony. trying to keep himself relevant in a country that doesn't care about him or what he wants. B/c when push comes to shove Americans can't stand actual socialism.
Maher wants socialism, he's been fairly clear in that desire.

So here's a formally funny person, clinging on to a one shtick pony. trying to keep himself relevant in a country that doesn't care about him or what he wants. B/c when push comes to shove Americans can't stand actual socialism.

1) Maher IS funny
2) He has always been a libertarian
Maher wants socialism, he's been fairly clear in that desire.

So here's a formally funny person, clinging on to a one shtick pony. trying to keep himself relevant in a country that doesn't care about him or what he wants. B/c when push comes to shove Americans can't stand actual socialism.

1) Maher IS funny A stopped clock is right twice a day.
2) He has always been a libertarian I'd like to hear form other libertarians on that.

dont taz be bro is one. Hope he reads this, I'm sure he'll get a laugh.

most libertarians are fiscally conservative. Maher is anything but.
1) Maher IS funny

Since when?

2) He has always been a libertarian

Yeah, right. How many libertarians were out there telling Obama to force Congress to take over the health care industry?

You cant advocate totalitarianism and claim to be libertarian with any sort of credibility.
Bill ponders:
"I wonder if the Founding Fathers 'really' thought the Bible was mostly bullshit like I do?"

Tell us more dear William. It's not like (((anyone))) can read your thoughts. =)
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Why are the founding fathers of this nation mythologized; romanticized; thought of as gods?
Why are the founding fathers of this nation mythologized; romanticized; thought of as gods?

They are only that way to those who would chip away at the documents they left for our protection. You turn them into a god or a myth you then can chip away at what they did, and what they fought for.

romanticized? It's called honor and respect something the left has no idea about, unless it's pretains to Soros or Alinksy.
He's right.

But more than that they'd have strung up the vast majority of our current crop of politicians AND the current crop of capitains of finance and industry, too.

We are a nation that has been captured by criminals, folks.

And I surely do not means JUST in our government, either.

In fact our government takes its marching orders from the masters who are the titans of the BANKSTER CLASS.

BOTH parties
What is funniest about his rant is Stephanie's reaction. And the reaction of the other rightwingloons.

"The new civility" is what they are pretending is what people want. What people want is not to be targeted with gunsights and death threats. But the loons have watered it down to mean that everyone should just be civil.

So they will carry on with their violent overthrow the government rhetoric while pretending that everyone else is not civil.
What is funniest about his rant is Stephanie's reaction. And the reaction of the other rightwingloons.

"The new civility" is what they are pretending is what people want. What people want is not to be targeted with gunsights and death threats. But the loons have watered it down to mean that everyone should just be civil.

So they will carry on with their violent overthrow the government rhetoric while pretending that everyone else is not civil.

And here we go to a frsh new start from the left at attacking the right.
Ravi the second amendment option has never been taken off the table. Keep that in mind.:eusa_whistle:
What is funniest about his rant is Stephanie's reaction. And the reaction of the other rightwingloons.

"The new civility" is what they are pretending is what people want. What people want is not to be targeted with gunsights and death threats. But the loons have watered it down to mean that everyone should just be civil.

So they will carry on with their violent overthrow the government rhetoric while pretending that everyone else is not civil.

And here we go to a frsh new start from the left at attacking the right.
Ravi the second amendment option has never been taken off the table. Keep that in mind.:eusa_whistle:
What is funniest about his rant is Stephanie's reaction. And the reaction of the other rightwingloons.

"The new civility" is what they are pretending is what people want. What people want is not to be targeted with gunsights and death threats. But the loons have watered it down to mean that everyone should just be civil.

So they will carry on with their violent overthrow the government rhetoric while pretending that everyone else is not civil.

LOL, people don't want to to be TARGETED with gunshights, and violent OVERTHROW the goverment rhetoric.
good grief, :lol::cuckoo:
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Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.

Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.

His supporting comments (the reasons behind his thesis) are unimpeachable. He has their own words to back him up.
I'm really not feeling any rationality behind the outrage.

I'm not outraged. Please don't credit yourself for knowing how I feel.

His supporting comments are much like his original claim. Bullshit.
Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.

Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.

His supporting comments (the reasons behind his thesis) are unimpeachable. He has their own words to back him up.
I'm really not feeling any rationality behind the outrage.

I'm not outraged. Please don't credit yourself for knowing how I feel.

His supporting comments are much like his original claim. Bullshit.

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