Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

When perverts -aka homosexuals and trannies - stop hanging around children conservatives will stop complaining about them
It’s not homosexuals and trannies who are preying on children…it’s Uncle Pete and Father-forgive-us-for-we-sinned-Hanson, and any number of people in the child’s radius that don’t usually merit a second thought.
It’s not homosexuals and trannies who are preying on children…it’s Uncle Pete and Father-forgive-us-for-we-sinned-Hanson, and any number of people in the child’s radius that don’t usually merit a second thought.
Like I said, homosexuals hanging around children

Pretending to be a Christian does not stop them from being what they are
Like I said, homosexuals hanging around children

Pretending to be a Christian does not stop them from being what they are
Those aren’t homosexuals.
Yes they are homos who prey on little boys

Its the reason they endured years of divinity school to become priests
So are you saying little girls don’t get preyed on? Should heteros be allowed near children?
No. You don’t get it. That’s why you have to lie. Those acts, regardless of whether they are inappropriate for children or how anyone feels about them - are not pedophilia and the performers are not pedophiles.

Nice job on projecting with the cult stuff though!
You reading comprehension is abominable. Look up the meaning of the word “act”, as in “act like a……”

No projection needed for someone like you who willing drinks the kool aide
Antifa…BLM…Drag Queens and Pedos…out to get you!
I know what you mean. But chillax. You're pushing too hard and too fast. Be more like Jerrod Carmichael

Stop acting so gay


You know why I stop supporting this? These fags vote for Trump.

Caitlyn Jenner says if Trump doesn't win that's the end of our country.

Fine! Then I'm voting for Ron DeSantis too
I didn’t say anything about legislation. That was you.

You really should go back and check your posts before you make a fool of yourself.

They want to erase them from the public sphere…and that is what they are doing with their legislation and by constantly and falsely conflating being gay with pedophilia they are demonizing these people and driving them back into the closet.
Schools, I’ll agree, are inappropriate for drag shows. The rest? So what? Where the heck are the parents?

They're like you and believe it's perfectly okay to shove sexuality in the faces of their children to prove their 'wokeness'. We have rated X filth all over the internet, easily obtainable to any child that can type, I feel sorry for parents today who are trying to keep it away from their children, it's a 24/7 job to do that. Our society places no value in innocence or protecting children at all, it's proven every day with what is broadcast night and day everywhere you look. The LGBTQ agenda is just yet more added onto the pile. I remember when so called liberals denounced child marriages, thinking it was something the 'right' promoted or did, now they're perfectly fine with children being exposed to all kinds of sexual depravity at younger and younger ages every year. It's disgusting.
They're like you and believe it's perfectly okay to shove sexuality in the faces of their children to prove their 'wokeness'. We have rated X filth all over the internet, easily obtainable to any child that can type, I feel sorry for parents today who are trying to keep it away from their children, it's a 24/7 job to do that. Our society places no value in innocence or protecting children at all, it's proven every day with what is broadcast night and day everywhere you look. The LGBTQ agenda is just yet more added onto the pile. I remember when so called liberals denounced child marriages, thinking it was something the 'right' promoted or did, now they're perfectly fine with children being exposed to all kinds of sexual depravity at younger and younger ages every year. It's disgusting.
Parental controls take care of that.

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