Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

No, I didn't, hence the need to ask.
Are you under the impression that drag is the same as stripping?

What gave you that idea?
Or that you can teach sex education without details of sex acts?

Teaching the reproductive process to middle and high school students? Absolutely. Teaching about sex acts to children? No.
It seems like you do since you have a problem with them reading to kids.

My feelings about transgenders and their chosen lifestyle and having them read to schoolchildren are two different things. Having said that, it seems to me that drag queen story time is pointless and unnecessary. We can teach children tolerance without such in-your-face measures that will probably only confuse them.
Do you also have a problem with people dressing up like Disney characters and reading to kids because it's the same damn thing.

Disney characters are fictional and both the adults and children understand this. The characters are also heroes or otherwise represent goodness and other virtues in their respective stories that the children know and admire. Drag queens are just guys who like to dress up as women. It's not quite the same.
You're confusing two separate things.

Did I suggest they were the same thing?
Drag time story hour is just drag queens coming to read to kids. The graphic books in middle and highschools, some of which high-school, illustrated biographies of the authors own experiences at that age, are about sex education.

No, they're not. Teaching sexual reproduction and teaching sex are two different things.
That sort of sexualizing of young girls has been going on forever. Educating young boys and girls about their bodies, about respect, and consent is what avoids exploitation.
Educating about their bodies, respect and consent is fine as far as it goes. But educating about graphic sex acts is something else entirely.
If anyone see a right winger say the truth about anything let me know I would like to see it. I've had to quit looking up their comments as a total waste of time. , it's always a lie or a gross distortion. I never even look anymore. Don't have that time to waste.
^^^^Projection post of the day! Congrats 🍾
Look at you defending lil kids, at drag strip shows giving tips to drag queens dancing under signs saying “it won’t lick itself”.

Yet not obsessed.

If it looks like a duck.
Sure dude.
Like the video in the OP implies…….

Want to act the pedo, expect to be treated like one.

Not Rocket Science.
A pedo that acts like a pedo has assaulted a child, committed a crime and should be arrested. Either you don’t know that or you are just smearing groups you don’t like for other reasons. Like I said.
A pedo that acts like a pedo has assaulted a child, committed a crime and should be arrested. Either you don’t know that or you are just smearing groups you don’t like for other reasons. Like I said.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

We get it. You’ll justify these acts in front of children because your cult demands it.

Good to see liberal democrats are running from the cultists in the nutbag progressive left.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

We get it. You’ll justify these acts in front of children because your cult demands it.

Good to see liberal democrats are running from the cultists in the nutbag progressive left.
No. You don’t get it. That’s why you have to lie. Those acts, regardless of whether they are inappropriate for children or how anyone feels about them - are not pedophilia and the performers are not pedophiles.

Nice job on projecting with the cult stuff though!
No, you're just claiming that there really isn't a problem at all by stating that conservatives are 'obsessed' with the topic. :rolleyes:
Well, I see no trannies or drag queens in public and it is a social wedge issue rich republicans use to sucker poor people like you into voting gop.

Without these social wedge issues the gop offer you nothing really
"Great concern" becomes "obsession" when you start seeing pedo everywhere,using false allegations as a weapon to go after innocent people or groups, restrict tbeir rights, erase them from the public sphere or falsely accusing an entire political party of being pro pedo.

You don't seem to spend much energy on where it actually tends to occur: within families or religious organizations or trafficking

No one is seeing 'pedos everywhere', just more of your bullshit. No one is going after innocent people or groups, talk about exaggeration. :cuckoo:

Tell that to your potato who is enabling and authorizing the biggest trafficking event in modern history.
You are. There is no political move to legalize it. There is no "agenda". It has nothing to do with gays and transgenders. It is not the proclivity of any one party or ideology.

Rather than going after it where it REALLY occurs you are using it as a reason to go after gay and transgender people.

So yes. Obsessed sounds about right.

No, just using school systems, entertainment, and 'media; to push it on children everywhere.
It isn't the legislation, it is the noise surrounding it being used to push anti-lgbtq legislation, targeting anyone who supports gay rights as a "groomer" (a term specific to the way pedophiles prepare their victims).

None of that does a single thing to address actual pedophilia. It is because pedophilia is being used as a stalking horse in their culture war.

So you lied? That's what I thought.
No one is seeing 'pedos everywhere', just more of your bullshit. No one is going after innocent people or groups, talk about exaggeration. :cuckoo:

You ought to tell that to some of the posters here.

Tell that to your potato who is enabling and authorizing the biggest trafficking event in modern history.

No, just using school systems, entertainment, and 'media; to push it on children everywhere.
Schools, I’ll agree, are inappropriate for drag shows. The rest? So what? Where the heck are the parents?
No. You don’t get it. That’s why you have to lie. Those acts, regardless of whether they are inappropriate for children or how anyone feels about them - are not pedophilia and the performers are not pedophiles.

Nice job on projecting with the cult stuff though!
When perverts -aka homosexuals and trannies - stop hanging around children conservatives will stop complaining about them
Well, I see no trannies or drag queens in public and it is a social wedge issue rich republicans use to sucker poor people like you into voting gop.

Without these social wedge issues the gop offer you nothing really
Antifa…BLM…Drag Queens and Pedos…out to get you!

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