Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

Remember the absolute infallibility ofthe "Every conservative accusation is a confession" rule.

Then read this tread and be very creeped out and afraid.
What I am saying to you is that a growing number of people in poverty is not a map for acceptance for social agendas. We have let people in the extremes push agendas to the extremes. We have Jewish Progressives pushing agendas for their extermination. And we see it growing now domestically and their leaders who are responsible for it are acting like nothing is happening.
A vote for trump is a vote for bibi netenyahoo.
We absolutely agree on something! 👏

Great post.
It’s like after the shock and awe part of a war. Now we have to negotiate.

Maybe the lgbtq community is pushing too hard and too fast.

Reminds me of a south park episode where the school nurse has a fetus in her face. So the parents draw attention to it. But the woman never wanted the attention. The parents had good intentions but they were doing the exact opposite of what the woman wanted. Just leave her alone and let her live her life.

To the gays. We’re okay with finding out you are gay. But do you think we are going to accept men dressed as clowns?
No, you're just claiming that there really isn't a problem at all by stating that conservatives are 'obsessed' with the topic. :rolleyes:
You are. There is no political move to legalize it. There is no "agenda". It has nothing to do with gays and transgenders. It is not the proclivity of any one party or ideology.

Rather than going after it where it REALLY occurs you are using it as a reason to go after gay and transgender people.

So yes. Obsessed sounds about right.
Why do you use the word 'obsessed'? What causes 'great concern' for an issue to become 'obsession', and therefore, easily dismissed? Because that's the objective of using words such as obsessed, to dismiss and marginalize those you are labeling as 'obsessed', leftists are professionals at this game and have played it well. It needs to stop.
"Great concern" becomes "obsession" when you start seeing pedo everywhere,using false allegations as a weapon to go after innocent people or groups, restrict tbeir rights, erase them from the public sphere or falsely accusing an entire political party of being pro pedo.

You don't seem to spend much energy on where it actually tends to occur: within families or religious organizations or trafficking
What legislation is conflating being gay with pedophilia?
It isn't the legislation, it is the noise surrounding it being used to push anti-lgbtq legislation, targeting anyone who supports gay rights as a "groomer" (a term specific to the way pedophiles prepare their victims).

None of that does a single thing to address actual pedophilia. It is because pedophilia is being used as a stalking horse in their culture war.

Who is 'they' that supports what's in your link?
Are you serious? Go back and read every thread on that topic to see your fellow travelers supporting all of this agenda being exposed to children in all different ways. :rolleyes:
Link please, to any post that supports pedophilia.
You are. There is no political move to legalize it. There is no "agenda". It has nothing to do with gays and transgenders. It is not the proclivity of any one party or ideology.

Rather than going after it where it REALLY occurs you are using it as a reason to go after gay and transgender people.

So yes. Obsessed sounds about right.
If it looks like a duck……….
It isn't the legislation, it is the noise surrounding it being used to push anti-lgbtq legislation, targeting anyone who supports gay rights as a "groomer" (a term specific to the way pedophiles prepare their victims).

None of that does a single thing to address actual pedophilia. It is because pedophilia is being used as a stalking horse in their culture war.

^^^^ look who’s obsessed. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s like after the shock and awe part of a war. Now we have to negotiate.

Maybe the lgbtq community is pushing too hard and too fast.

Reminds me of a south park episode where the school nurse has a fetus in her face. So the parents draw attention to it. But the woman never wanted the attention. The parents had good intentions but they were doing the exact opposite of what the woman wanted. Just leave her alone and let her live her life.

To the gays. We’re okay with finding out you are gay. But do you think we are going to accept men dressed as clowns?
Ronald McDonald is very popular.
If anyone see a right winger say the truth about anything let me know I would like to see it. I've had to quit looking up their comments as a total waste of time. , it's always a lie or a gross distortion. I never even look anymore. Don't have that time to waste.

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