Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

Meanwhile we have Conservatives claiming that all Liberals are pedophiles and that defending the rights of a Transexual leads directly to “grooming” children to be Transexuals
We have to be open minded and admit/understand when maybe we are going too far.

I’ve said it before, wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore,” Maher argued. “It’s more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite.”

Queer parades are the opposite but same thing as a klan rally. Shoving it in peoples faces.

And why are all these young kids feeling like they were born the opposite sex? I understand a lot of them might be right but perhaps they should make the move when they’re 18
We have to be open minded and admit/understand when maybe we are going too far.

I’ve said it before, wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore,” Maher argued. “It’s more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite.”

Queer parades are the opposite but same thing as a klan rally. Shoving it in peoples faces.

And why are all these young kids feeling like they were born the opposite sex? I understand a lot of them might be right but perhaps they should make the move when they’re 18
It is like I have said before - expecting a child who, only a year ago or so, believed a man in a red suit flies through the sky, in a sleigh using flying reindeer... perhaps... it should be considered that they will not understand the complexities of human sexuality.
Why not just go ahead and teach them calculus at this point?
We have to be open minded and admit/understand when maybe we are going too far.

I’ve said it before, wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore,” Maher argued. “It’s more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite.”

Queer parades are the opposite but same thing as a klan rally. Shoving it in peoples faces.

And why are all these young kids feeling like they were born the opposite sex? I understand a lot of them might be right but perhaps they should make the move when they’re 18
We absolutely agree on something! 👏

Great post.
I think you know exactly what it means.
No, I didn't, hence the need to ask.
Nope. But that's not the issue. The issue is drag queen story times and books for children and young kids detailing sex acts.
Are you under the impression that drag is the same as stripping? Or that you can teach sex education without details of sex acts?
I have no problem with drag queens, gays or transgenders. These are lifestyle choices that have no bearing on me or my life.
It seems like you do since you have a problem with them reading to kids. Do you also have a problem with people dressing up like Disney characters and reading to kids because it's the same damn thing.
But by all means, teach children tolerance of different lifestyles and ways of being. But this can be taught without the drag queen shows and without sexually graphic books.
You're confusing two separate things. Drag time story hour is just drag queens coming to read to kids. The graphic books in middle and highschools, some of which high-school, illustrated biographies of the authors own experiences at that age, are about sex education.
As a matter of fact, I don't care for beauty pageants either, not even the adult ones. Little and young girls are being taught that their self worth is in their beauty and so I imagine that's how they view other girls.
That sort of sexualizing of young girls has been going on forever. Educating young boys and girls about their bodies, about respect, and consent is what avoids exploitation.
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It is like I have said before - expecting a child who, only a year ago or so, believed a man in a red suit flies through the sky, in a sleigh using flying reindeer... perhaps... it should be considered that they will not understand the complexities of human sexuality.
Why not just go ahead and teach them calculus at this point?
Kids bully. We all got bullied or bullied. Imagine you go home feeling bad about yourself and why you feel “different” and a commercial comes on saying maybe you are a girl trapped in a boys body.

And I’m sorry but I have a growth on my face and I hated it so much I paid to have it removed because insurance said it wasn’t necessary. So I paid out of pocket. We need to keep insurance costs down. Cutting off your penis is elective surgery. And you must be 18 to do it.
No, I didn't, hence the need to ask.

Are you under the impression that drag is the same as striping
I love what bill Maher said. We have a lot more handicapped people in America than we do trannies and drag queens. If we want to teach kids to be kind, let’s bring in handicapped people to schools
I love what bill Maher said. We have a lot more handicapped people in America than we do trannies and drag queens. If we want to teach kids to be kind, let’s bring in handicapped people to schools
Imagine if we did and you dumb Bingos responded in the same way you do to the LGTBQ community. That's why we call you bigots.
What’s a bingo? I’m a liberal democrat. How would we respond?
A bingo is my word for ignorant Bigots and how DeSantis responded, who Maher praises, was to try to make it illegal to even mention the LGTBQ in public schools. Yes, that's called bigotry you dumb ignorant fucktard. Also I don't care what party you claim.
We have to be open minded and admit/understand when maybe we are going too far.

I’ve said it before, wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore,” Maher argued. “It’s more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite.”

Queer parades are the opposite but same thing as a klan rally. Shoving it in peoples faces.

And why are all these young kids feeling like they were born the opposite sex? I understand a lot of them might be right but perhaps they should make the move when they’re 18
So a thousand gay parades for every klan rally is a balance. What you typed on sense should have een done when the social agendas were pushed. You believe that if the economy downturns in a not nice way that all of these social justice advances will remain. The dystopian future we have set up will have different not nice endings.
A bingo is my word for ignorant Bigots and how DeSantis responded, who Maher praises, was to try to make it illegal to even mention the LGTBQ in public schools. Yes, that's called bigotry you dumb ignorant fucktard. Also I don't care what party you claim.
What if I said I agree with you?
So a thousand gay parades for every klan rally is a balance. What you typed on sense should have een done when the social agendas were pushed. You believe that if the economy downturns in a not nice way that all of these social justice advances will remain. The dystopian future we have set up will have different not nice endings.
If you watch south park cartoons in the 2000s you’ll see we’ve been fighting this culture war for 24 years now. Or more. You republicans lost gay marriage. Now gays want to be accepted. Not just tolerated. Perhaps they’re pushing too hard and fast. Kids and middle age people are much more accepting. Let our parents die because they’re too old to change.
Then you'd have flip flopped from what you just said which I didn't agree with.
I don’t think you disagree with what I said. You just thought I was a righty saying this.

I love what bill Maher said. We have a lot more handicapped people in America than we do trannies and drag queens. If we want to teach kids to be kind, let’s bring in handicapped people to schools

What’s wrong with what he’s saying here?
If you watch south park cartoons in the 2000s you’ll see we’ve been fighting this culture war for 24 years now. Or more. You republicans lost gay marriage. Now gays want to be accepted. Not just tolerated. Perhaps they’re pushing too hard and fast. Kids and middle age people are much more accepting. Let our parents die because they’re too old to change.
What I am saying to you is that a growing number of people in poverty is not a map for acceptance for social agendas. We have let people in the extremes push agendas to the extremes. We have Jewish Progressives pushing agendas for their extermination. And we see it growing now domestically and their leaders who are responsible for it are acting like nothing is happening.
And I 100% believe you that you don't. 100%.
That is the point.
The problem today, both sides actually, but currently the left much worse - is NORMAL people refusing to speak out against ANY activity by "their side".

That is my entire point to you.
Taking a child to have a draq queen read to them - is fucked. Pure and simple.
Just like he asks here - "is it really for the children, or it is more about the queen?"
Thinking it is chic and cool to take a young child to Drag Queen night at a gay bar - is fucked. PERIOD.
EXACTLY - like I said - 100,000 conservatives could say that, and it would not change a thing (obviously)
But if only 10 liberals publicly denounced it, it would change everything.

The insane are in control of your party RW. That doesn't make you all insane. But it shows what happens when the masses refuse to call out their own.
Since when are gays considered only liberals? Are you unaware of Log Cabin Republicans a gay conservative constituency? Your ignorance speaks volumes of your hypocrisy.
I don’t think you disagree with what I said. You just thought I was a righty saying this.
I know what you said and I know what I think about it and I can speak for myself as to what I think which is that his argument was stupid and that you'd have to be an ignorant fucking Bingo to agree with it.
I love what bill Maher said. We have a lot more handicapped people in America than we do trannies and drag queens. If we want to teach kids to be kind, let’s bring in handicapped people to schools

What’s wrong with what he’s saying here?
What's wrong is that we don't have an equal amount of handicap hate. The handicapped aren't pushed to higher rates of suicide and depression through vitriol and bigotry. If the Right spoke about blind people the same way they spoke about the LGTBQ everyone would be aghast.
I don’t think you disagree with what I said. You just thought I was a righty saying this.

I love what bill Maher said. We have a lot more handicapped people in America than we do trannies and drag queens. If we want to teach kids to be kind, let’s bring in handicapped people to schools

What’s wrong with what he’s saying here?
There are handicapped people in schools.
We have to be open minded and admit/understand when maybe we are going too far.

I’ve said it before, wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore,” Maher argued. “It’s more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite.”

This is probably the thing I understand the least about contemporary politics: Reacting to an issue by so badly overcompensating that you go FAR too far, and then the pushback is worse than the original problem.

I swear, political ideologues NEVER seem to seriously consider the negative ramifications of their advocacy. I see this on virtually every issue, and we just don't learn.
He did not hold back this time.
I was surprised he said what he did - basically - "the entire left agenda of sexualizing little kids is out of control and you shouldn't be excusing and pretending it isn't happening.

I put this in politics, because it belongs in politics.
Politics is why this is happening. As Maher says - "teaching kids to accept others who are different - great! I am all for that! But wokeness is not supposed to be taking an issue to it's extremes, there comes a point where inclusion becomes promotion"

Maher belongs to the sensible, rational wing of the liberal movement.

I know many liberals who agree with Maher and who are quite troubled by their party's push to allow minors to undergo gender transition without their parents' knowledge or consent.

Anyone with any life experience knows that a 15-year-old teen is in no position to be making such a drastic, irreversible decision, not to mention the hard scientific fact that the reasoning part of the brain does not fully developing until ages 21-24.

That's why we sensibly don't let minors get tattoos, nose piercings, etc., without parental consent. That's why we sensibly don't allow teens to buy cigarettes or alcohol.

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