Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

Maher is a liberal. It's a dying breed.
He used to say things like this all the time on Politically Incorrect, when it was on Comedy Central.

Then he was put on network teevee and went full shitlib.

I find it eerie that he both he and Stephen Smith have said what they have in the same week...Mainstreamers are starting to say these things out loud.
He used to say things like this all the time on Politically Incorrect, when it was on Comedy Central.

Then he was put on network teevee and went full shitlib.

I find it eerie that he both he and Stephen Smith have said what they have in the same week...Mainstreamers are starting to say these things out loud.
You find it eerie that people paid to give opinions gave an opinion? :dunno: :laugh:
It has to do with the accusation that anyone here on the left supports a sexual assaulter of any sort. That a child molester was hired at Disney is an indictment on whoever did the hiring, not Disney's policy of supporting LGTBQ stories. They don't have a policy of hiring child molesters. It was a fuck up. On the other side we do have a whole lot of posters who are actively supporting an adjudicated sexual assaulter. Pointing out the obvious hyperbole and hypocrisy certainly seems relevant.
There's a distinct difference between sexual assault of an adult and sexualization and grooming of children for public consumption and indoctrination of those same children on matters of sex and gender. Besides, we're not just talking about the one issue of the guy being hired by Disney. The topic is about the woke culture pushing progressive views of sex on children while saying they're teaching tolerance, as Maher said in the video.

Maher is absolutely right, children are naive and wholly impressionable (morons, as he put it) and we don't need to be burdening them with our ridiculous culture war bullshit.
Trump has admitted to sexually abusing the teenage girls at the Miss Teen Universe pageant, walking into their dressing room while they were changing.

I'd hardly call that sexual abuse. Inappropriate, maybe.
He's also been sued for the sexual assault of a 13 year old girl at Epstein's New York apartment.

Was the suit successful?
And then there is that creepy photo shoot with Ivanka was she was 13.

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You're calling a kiss on the cheek by his daughter sexual abuse?
Yeah, right....That's the bullshit story I bought 30 years ago, when the fiends you're defending to your death were telling us they weren't interested in children.

They're interested in children, and gullible enablers like you are wrapping them in bows.
There is no one defending them Oddball.
There's a distinct difference between sexual assault of an adult and sexualization and grooming of children for public consumption and indoctrination of those same children on matters of sex and gender. Besides, we're not just talking about the one issue of the guy being hired by Disney. The topic is about the woke culture pushing progressive views of sex on children while saying they're teaching tolerance, as Maher said in the video.

Maher is absolutely right, children are naive and wholly impressionable (morons, as he put it) and we don't need to be burdening them with our ridiculous culture war bullshit.
I don't know what you mean specifically when you say people are pushing progressive views of sex on children. It's not a particularly well defined argument. Do you have a problem teaching children to respect themselves and their peers no matter their sexual orientation? Or with putting on a televised beauty pageant you call Miss Teen USA where underage girls model in bikinis for adult judges? Which one of those do you find more problematic?
"Taken so far that it becomes the opposite". Spectacularly over-compensating for EVERYTHING, the great American pastime.

Maher nails it again.
Maher nails it again.
He sure did..... because DeSantis' beef with Disney is all about how they hired that child molester that one time. If he wanted to take the time to take a shot at American cultures sexualization of young girls, that I and no other progressive has an issue with. It's when he also takes the time to try and legitimize DeSantis and his opposition to LGTBQ inclusivity where we have to roll our eyes.
Funny how you commies can make your snarky little comments on a video you didn't even watch. Maher was spot on, he may actually be in danger of losing his commiecrat card.

I watched the series he was talking about
Did you
Remember Bill criticizes both sides. Ultimately he is voting for Biden. Last week he said

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
Maher is a Prog. He reads the tea leaves and is now sounding middle of the road on a few issues. After the election he will go ack to Bolshevik status.
Honestly? The left has a real child problem. From abortion to sexualization

Anyone can see it if they actually look
I don't know what you mean specifically when you say people are pushing progressive views of sex on children. It's not a particularly well defined argument.

I think you know exactly what it means.
Do you have a problem teaching children to respect themselves and their peers no matter their sexual orientation?

Nope. But that's not the issue. The issue is drag queen story times and books for children and young kids detailing sex acts.

I have no problem with drag queens, gays or transgenders. These are lifestyle choices that have no bearing on me or my life.

But by all means, teach children tolerance of different lifestyles and ways of being. But this can be taught without the drag queen shows and without sexually graphic books.
Or with putting on a televised beauty pageant you call Miss Teen USA where underage girls model in bikinis for adult judges? Which one of those do you find more problematic?
As a matter of fact, I don't care for beauty pageants either, not even the adult ones. Little and young girls are being taught that their self worth is in their beauty and so I imagine that's how they view other girls.
I watched “Quiet on the Set”

It is not surprising that pedophiles would be drawn to occupations with a lot of kids. What is surprising was they would allow unsupervised access to the kids.
The producer that was the bad guy was a jerk, but most producers are jerks….they hold the actors careers in their hands

Nickelodeon content is kind of raunchy and crosses the line of sexual references. But I think that is their intent. They want to separate themselves from Disney and be more “cool” with kids.
It may cross the line, but kids watch it

Kids will do a lot of things that aren't good for them if allowed. Supervision is the job of adults, not promotion.


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