Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

I am not parroting the message

Pedophilia is bad
Being gay or Transexual is not

Equating the two is harmful and dangerous
And I 100% believe you that you don't. 100%.
That is the point.
The problem today, both sides actually, but currently the left much worse - is NORMAL people refusing to speak out against ANY activity by "their side".

That is my entire point to you.
Taking a child to have a draq queen read to them - is fucked. Pure and simple.
Just like he asks here - "is it really for the children, or it is more about the queen?"
Thinking it is chic and cool to take a young child to Drag Queen night at a gay bar - is fucked. PERIOD.
EXACTLY - like I said - 100,000 conservatives could say that, and it would not change a thing (obviously)
But if only 10 liberals publicly denounced it, it would change everything.

The insane are in control of your party RW. That doesn't make you all insane. But it shows what happens when the masses refuse to call out their own.
And I 100% believe you that you don't. 100%.
That is the point.
The problem today, both sides actually, but currently the left much worse - is NORMAL people refusing to speak out against ANY activity by "their side".

That is my entire point to you.
Taking a child to have a draq queen read to them - is fucked. Pure and simple.
Just like he asks here - "is it really for the children, or it is more about the queen?"
Thinking it is chic and cool to take a young child to Drag Queen night at a gay bar - is fucked. PERIOD.
EXACTLY - like I said - 100,000 conservatives could say that, and it would not change a thing (obviously)
But if only 10 liberals publicly denounced it, it would change everything.

The insane are in control of your party RW. That doesn't make you all insane. But it shows what happens when the masses refuse to call out their own.
Remember, "silence is violence".

Hold these jerks to their own standards.

The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4]NAMBLA was the largest group in International Pedophile and Child Emancipation (IPCE), an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] Since then, the organization has dwindled to only a handful of people,
Where does it say it disbanded? It “dwindled”
If NAMBLA was successfully driven deep underground, good.

But that isn’t the same as the claim that it no longer exists.

Such vile people should be isolated and, when caught, they should be publicly scorned and condemned. And any such behavior against any child should be vigorously prosecuted. Upon conviction, such filth should be forever isolated from society.
Remember, "silence is violence".

Hold these jerks to their own standards.

Which is why I post up Maher doing what he is doing. Unfortunately, so far, he is he only one that has the guts to call out his own side. And look at the left losing their shit that he does it.
Who is it that defends those who refer to these repulsive fiends as "minor attracted persons"?

You're in for a penny....
It isn’t.

Why are you making it out to be?
It what bizarro world do you live in where you don't think what Maher is saying here isn't political??

How deep is your head below ground here?

The entirety of his reason for making this segment is to bring light to what is happening and tell liberals that they need to stop pretending this isn't going on. He praised.... one more time... PRAISED... DeSantis for taking his stand against Disney. And what was the left's response to DeSantis??
Denial. He is a hater. No proof!!


Jesus dude.
When the people who are heavy supporters of the left can see that that Democrats have gone too far and start saying something about it, we know that the time has come for this crap to come to an end.

More and more liberals are voicing their concerns of what has been going on in Hollywood right under our noses for decades. Only recently it has become such a big push by the Biden White House that it is in our faces and cannot be ignored. Especially since it's become clear that they are coming for our kids. Trans visibility is putting a big spotlight on pedophiles in our society.

And that guy lives in the thick of Hollyweird.
It what bizarro world do you live in where you don't think what Maher is saying here isn't political??

How deep is your head below ground here?

The entirety of his reason for making this segment is to bring light to what is happening and tell liberals that they need to stop pretending this isn't going on. He praised.... one more time... PRAISED... DeSantis for taking his stand against Disney. And what was the left's response to DeSantis??
Denial. He is a hater. No proof!!


Jesus dude.

Why don't you address the actual criticisms of his commentary instead of your made up Strawmen? :dunno:
He did not hold back this time.
I was surprised he said what he did - basically - "the entire left agenda of sexualizing little kids is out of control and you shouldn't be excusing and pretending it isn't happening.

I put this in politics, because it belongs in politics.
Politics is why this is happening. As Maher says - "teaching kids to accept others who are different - great! I am all for that! But wokeness is not supposed to be taking an issue to it's extremes, there comes a point where inclusion becomes promotion"

You are a slimy idiot who like all MAGA maggots build their facts with lies and distortions, always twisting everything to sell you ugliness and hatred of others. You are all pitiful. This isn't even a issue , its made up like all right wing issues that really have nothing at all to do with governing but stand for their hate based Christian ugliness that they are taught to live by. Simple fact, put these assholes on one side of a room and all the gays and bi"s and trans on the other side of the room and which side would Jesus choose to sit and spend time with. You people are fucked and make the world uglier.
You are a slimy idiot who like all MAGA maggots build their facts with lies and distortions, always twisting everything to sell you ugliness and hatred of others. You are all pitiful. This isn't even a issue , its made up like all right wing issues that really have nothing at all to do with governing but stand for their hate based Christian ugliness that they are taught to live by. Simple fact, put these assholes on one side of a room and all the gays and bi"s and trans on the other side of the room and which side would Jesus choose to sit and spend time with. You people are fucked and make the world uglier.
Yeah cause Bill Maher is a known right wing extremist... and I hear thinking of becoming a priest!

You are a slimy idiot who like all MAGA maggots build their facts with lies and distortions, always twisting everything to sell you ugliness and hatred of others. You are all pitiful. This isn't even a issue , its made up like all right wing issues that really have nothing at all to do with governing but stand for their hate based Christian ugliness that they are taught to live by. Simple fact, put these assholes on one side of a room and all the gays and bi"s and trans on the other side of the room and which side would Jesus choose to sit and spend time with. You people are fucked and make the world uglier.

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