Bill Maher's "New Rule" segment last night hits hard at the left's woke child sexualization and gay agenda.

Maher belongs to the sensible, rational wing of the liberal movement.

I know many liberals who agree with Maher and who are quite troubled by their party's push to allow minors to undergo gender transition without their parents' knowledge or consent.

Anyone with any life experience knows that a 15-year-old teen is in no position to be making such a drastic, irreversible decision, not to mention the hard scientific fact that the reasoning part of the brain does not fully developing until ages 21-24.

That's why we sensibly don't let minors get tattoos, nose piercings, etc., without parental consent. That's why we sensibly don't allow teens to buy cigarettes or alcohol.
Or dive two ton vehicles or join the military and learn to kill, ah heck no, kids make no adult decisions like what they want to be as adults.

This is probably the thing I understand the least about contemporary politics: Reacting to an issue by so badly overcompensating that you go FAR too far, and then the pushback is worse than the original problem.

I swear, political ideologues NEVER seem to seriously consider the negative ramifications of their advocacy. I see this on virtually every issue, and we just don't learn.
What's going too far in this context mean Mac? Is the LGTBQ community expecting the same respect as their peers, going too far?
What does you starting a thread to hold your tears have to do with Trump being an adjudicated sexual assaulter? How about this? How about everyone, left or right, agrees that people found by the legal system to have committed sexual assault shouldn't hold positions of power. Deal?

Yes, I'm sure you would love to do that to those who have 'done wrong' found by the 'legal system', quite the little qualifier you've put on it. You assholes just revel in the fact that you've corrupted the 'legal system' to 'find guilty' those you oppose and hate, while covering up or ignoring the crimes of the leftist pieces of shit you support. You don't give a damn about justice or the 'legal system', it's just a tool you've corrupted to work for your needs and punish those you hate, and you roll like a pig in mud in it. Zero integrity. morality, or honesty.
Meanwhile we have Conservatives claiming that all Liberals are pedophiles and that defending the rights of a Transexual leads directly to “grooming” children to be Transexuals

You 'defend' the 'rights' of transexuals by allowing them to read to small children and expose themselves to them, by putting on parades and allowing them to run around on the streets exposing themselves. You defend them by allowing teachers to support and promote a child to change 'genders' without their parent's permission. Transexuals have the same rights as declared under the US Constitution, the same as we all do. Take your 'transexual rights' and shove them up your ass, maybe they can help you, after all they would enjoy it.
Exactly the mindset I am talking about
Why most conservatives on this board have no credibility

The 'mindset' that the left has been pushing LGBTQ bullshit on our culture and our children non stop and in your face more and more as each year goes by? Tell us where that 'mindset' is incorrect?
Most conservatives hate children who are gay or Transexuals
They claim it is just a phase that they will grow out of or are “normal” children who have been groomed against their will

These are the people that are passing laws about how gay children should be treated

Take your 'hate' and shove it up your ass as well, it's old, it's tired, and it's a lie. A lie that your political party has used to try to win votes to gain power and control, nothing more, nothing less. Exactly like 'race', it's all you have, accusing your enemy of 'hate', ebecause your policies suck. All you care about is power and control, and you'll lie and do whatever else you need to do to retain it. You have no morals.
They want to erase them from the public sphere…and that is what they are doing with their legislation and by constantly and falsely conflating being gay with pedophilia they are demonizing these people and driving them back into the closet.

This is what they support: The cruel, dangerous reality of gay conversion therapy

What legislation is conflating being gay with pedophilia?

Who is 'they' that supports what's in your link?
Can you identify any such people?
I didn’t think so

Show any person who has advocated such crap or any Democrat or Liberal who defends him

You are making shit up

Are you serious? Go back and read every thread on that topic to see your fellow travelers supporting all of this agenda being exposed to children in all different ways. :rolleyes:
It has to do with the accusation that anyone here on the left supports a sexual assaulter of any sort. That a child molester was hired at Disney is an indictment on whoever did the hiring, not Disney's policy of supporting LGTBQ stories. They don't have a policy of hiring child molesters. It was a fuck up. On the other side we do have a whole lot of posters who are actively supporting an adjudicated sexual assaulter. Pointing out the obvious hyperbole and hypocrisy certainly seems relevant.

So it's okay to support one that hasn't been adjudicated, but is just as guilty? That's what you do, not only do you support them, you support them never being adjudicated in the first place because they're on your 'team'.
Dude... I literally told the other member here that you don't do that.
Breathe. Take a moment. Remove the venom in your mind about me... for one single second...

Now... what I am saying... is that by not calling it out. By not openly sayin that Disney hiring a child molester - who literally served time for molesting a child at Nickelodeon - they hired this SAME PERSON to write for children - is a VERY clear sign that there is something very wrong at Disney.

100,000 conservatives calling that out - will not have any effect.
But if just 10 liberals in the media called it out - publicly - it would have a huge effect.

Get it? This is how it is happening. If I was that other writer/producer who ALSO works for Disney - who literally admitted, on camera, that she purposefully promoted queer agenda in shows for children - if I was her - I would be smiling at this thread, because so far - not one single liberal has said she is wrong and shouldn't be at Disney.

And your comment that 100k conservatives could call something out and nothing would be done, but if 10 prominent media leftists did, it would make a difference is a testament to how powerful we've let them become.
Why the right is obsessed with pedophiles…wish I could access the entire article.

Essentially, it isn’t about THE FACTS surrounding pedophiles, but their usefulness as a construct, in a return to restricting the rights of non-hetero people, by erasing them from public society, socially ostracizing them, and abusing them in the name of “therapy”.

The “pedophile” is their vehicle in which to do this and also smear the left, which generally supports equality, rights and freedoms for non-heterosexual people, by associating them with pedophilia.

The statistics and facts about pedophiles don’t support political claims, so presumably they have to rely on outliers and conspiracy theories to support their broad claims. The fact is, it is a tiny percentage of people, who’s numbers have remained fairly consistent over the years and there is no attempt to normalize it beyond fringe groups.

The “pedophile” is discovered to be a “social construct that floats in the thin air of fantasy.” Since the truth-value of the construct “pedophile” approaches zero, we are confronted with the question of why he continues to be such a central and emotionally fraught aspect of American culture. The answer to this question is found in his political usefulness. Specifically, the religious right uses him to further its agenda of sexual repression, and the political right uses him to dismantle the machinery of a free society.

Why do you use the word 'obsessed'? What causes 'great concern' for an issue to become 'obsession', and therefore, easily dismissed? Because that's the objective of using words such as obsessed, to dismiss and marginalize those you are labeling as 'obsessed', leftists are professionals at this game and have played it well. It needs to stop.
My biggest complaint about the rights obsession with pedophilia is their tying homosexuals and Transexuals to “grooming” children to their lifestyles

It breeds hatred and fear of homosexuals and Transsexuals and leads to the restrictive laws that Conservatives are passing

There it is again, 'obsession', your word games aren't working anymore. :dunno: They are all given what they are to push, the collaboration is not a coincidence.
Actually it was Easter that declared Trans Day of Visibility as their holiday.
March 31 was always used as that day
If Easter fell on April 1, would you demand that April Fools Day be moved?

No, it was the Whitehouse that declared it. SMH

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