Bill suspends aid to central america, mexico until flood of illegal immigration stops

That's one of the more retarded foreign policy proposals I've heard from any republican and the election season is still young, even more comedy gold awaits.
What's retarded about it? Be specific.

Then offer your own solution to the influx.

Taking away aid will make things worse for the poor there so more will want to come here and cost us a lot more than the pittance we send there. I did not feel such a no brainer needed explanation. Also it's important to note that aid packages are usually part of a trade treaty that allows American companies to come in and rape the environment and exploit workers and cannot just be changed at the whim of congress without breaking the entire treaty and costing rich guys a lot of money and we cannot have that can we?

I don't really have a solution to the extreme violence and poverty there, no one does, it's why people are risking their young lives to come here. The time for quick, easy, inexpensive solutions (the only kind republicans go for) is long past, the drug war caused this shit and you just cannot sell conservatives on ending something that worked so damned well:doubt:.
The right's war on drugs has worked just as good as the left's war on poverty.

And now the left is embracing this humanitarian crisis. It's not like any of you give a damn about the children. Don't pretend you do.
What's retarded about it? Be specific.

Then offer your own solution to the influx.

Taking away aid will make things worse for the poor there so more will want to come here and cost us a lot more than the pittance we send there. I did not feel such a no brainer needed explanation. Also it's important to note that aid packages are usually part of a trade treaty that allows American companies to come in and rape the environment and exploit workers and cannot just be changed at the whim of congress without breaking the entire treaty and costing rich guys a lot of money and we cannot have that can we?

I don't really have a solution to the extreme violence and poverty there, no one does, it's why people are risking their young lives to come here. The time for quick, easy, inexpensive solutions (the only kind republicans go for) is long past, the drug war caused this shit and you just cannot sell conservatives on ending something that worked so damned well:doubt:.
The right's war on drugs has worked just as good as the left's war on poverty.

And now the left is embracing this humanitarian crisis. It's not like any of you give a damn about the children. Don't pretend you do.

Refugee crises are terrible things, of course I care, how can you not? Oh right you are a conservative hater just like the shithead who wrote this stupid bill to appeal to the other conservative haters in an election year. It's a silly political statement that will not be passed for all sorts of valid reasons. A bad idea is a bad idea.
A Texas Republican says he has a solution to mitigate the flood of unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors across the southern border.
Rep. Randy Weber introduced a bill Monday to hold Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador “accountable” for their citizens’ illegal migration by suspending foreign aid to those countries.
“The recent influx of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) has become a humanitarian crisis and has proven that certain laws are working against the United States of America,” Weber said Monday. “Texas, a border state, has repeatedly asked for help from the White House to mobilize our National Guard, and there has been no answer from the President or his administration.”
Since October more than 52,000 unaccompanied immigrant minors have been apprehended crossing illegally into the United States through the southwest border. The vast majority of the minors are from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
“Frankly, the border states have been left hanging to fend for themselves, increasing the health and security risks to our citizens,” Weber added, explaining that state resources are being used to deal with the influx, but “it is still not enough to solve this crisis.”
Weber’s bill, the “Illegal Entry Accountability Act of 2014,” would halt U.S. foreign aid to those countries until Congress determines they have taken sufficient action to stop the illegal flood of unaccompanied minors into America.
“If the President and his administration won’t act, then I will,” he said.
Weber is not the first lawmaker to say the U.S. should end aid to these Central American countries.
Last week, at a Homeland Security Committee hearing on the flood of illegal immigration, Michigan Republican Rep. Candice Miller called for an end to foreign aid to Central America until they deal with the crisis.​
And I have a solution for him. Vote This Heartless, Non-Compassionate Fool Out Of Office! This really gives new meaning to their little slogan "No Where Else But TEXAS!" How true!
So, you think other nations are ENTITLED to US tax dollars when they're causing a humanitarian crisis in the US.

Ain't you just a big ol' bag of dumbshit.
They come here because we are known for being a Humanitarian Country. And let's face it, whether you like it or not we will continue to be known for being that. America also has a law that says that immigrant children need to be held in a comfortable place until it can be decided what to do with them. They can't just be sent back that easy, so Live With It.
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Taking away aid will make things worse for the poor there so more will want to come here and cost us a lot more than the pittance we send there. I did not feel such a no brainer needed explanation. Also it's important to note that aid packages are usually part of a trade treaty that allows American companies to come in and rape the environment and exploit workers and cannot just be changed at the whim of congress without breaking the entire treaty and costing rich guys a lot of money and we cannot have that can we?

I don't really have a solution to the extreme violence and poverty there, no one does, it's why people are risking their young lives to come here. The time for quick, easy, inexpensive solutions (the only kind republicans go for) is long past, the drug war caused this shit and you just cannot sell conservatives on ending something that worked so damned well:doubt:.
The right's war on drugs has worked just as good as the left's war on poverty.

And now the left is embracing this humanitarian crisis. It's not like any of you give a damn about the children. Don't pretend you do.

Refugee crises are terrible things, of course I care, how can you not? Oh right you are a conservative hater just like the shithead who wrote this stupid bill to appeal to the other conservative haters in an election year. It's a silly political statement that will not be passed for all sorts of valid reasons. A bad idea is a bad idea.
And yet, oddly, you fail to condemn Obama for practically inviting them here. You fail to condemn liberal cities that designate themselves sanctuary cities. You fail to condemn liberal Federal, state and local governments for refusing to enforce immigration laws. You fail to condemn liberals who insist illegal immigrants have a "right" to enter the US illegally. You fail to condemn leftist shithole nations that are exporting their kids with no one to look after them.

No, it's the REPUBLICANS' fault for wanting to stem the tide.

You really are a dumbfuck.
And I have a solution for him. Vote This Heartless, Non-Compassionate Fool Out Of Office! This really gives new meaning to their little slogan "No Where Else But TEXAS!" How true!
So, you think other nations are ENTITLED to US tax dollars when they're causing a humanitarian crisis in the US.

Ain't you just a big ol' bag of dumbshit.
They come here because we are known for being a Humanitarian Country. And let's face it, whether you like it or not we will continue to be known for being that. America also has a law that says that immigrant children need to be held in a comfortable place until it can be decided what to do with them. They can't just be sent back that easy, so Live With It.
So why are you "compassionate liberals" holding them in conditions you'd scream about if they were Taliban terrorists?

Oh, yeah -- because you don't actually give a shit about them. They're just pawns. Markers. Things to be used until their usefulness is over, then they'll be discarded.
Since we founded the place little man? Sure thing...
:lol: You idiots still trotting that one out?

You're not a classical liberal, like the FF were.

You'd have informed on them to the Crown. Guaranteed.

That was you little buddy, right before you fled to Canada...

There have been many threads about this. Everyone making the claim that the FF are just like today's liberals has failed to support that claim.

And you will, too.
So, you think other nations are ENTITLED to US tax dollars when they're causing a humanitarian crisis in the US.

Ain't you just a big ol' bag of dumbshit.
They come here because we are known for being a Humanitarian Country. And let's face it, whether you like it or not we will continue to be known for being that. America also has a law that says that immigrant children need to be held in a comfortable place until it can be decided what to do with them. They can't just be sent back that easy, so Live With It.
So why are you "compassionate liberals" holding them in conditions you'd scream about if they were Taliban terrorists?

Oh, yeah -- because you don't actually give a shit about them. They're just pawns. Markers. Things to be used until their usefulness is over, then they'll be discarded.
Only they're not Taliban terrorists, fool. They're young, innocent children who have no where else to turn and come from a country that has for all practical purposes abandoned them. And conditions are improving for where they will be kept for the time being. Many churches and other humanitarian organizations are now stepping up to the plate to do their share to help these children out. And that's a hell of a lot more than you Republicans would ever think of doing, isn't it. And that sure is a Shame!!
:lol: You idiots still trotting that one out?

You're not a classical liberal, like the FF were.

You'd have informed on them to the Crown. Guaranteed.

That was you little buddy, right before you fled to Canada...

There have been many threads about this. Everyone making the claim that the FF are just like today's liberals has failed to support that claim.

And you will, too.
Slave-owning, wife-beating, slave-raping, rich (often drunken) white men of property and means who saw many ordinary men, all women and children, as property were just like liberals today? Idiotic, however Liberalism has changed very little but we know vastly more than they did then. That doesn't change the fact that the Conservatives of the day, the Tories, sided with the King against this new nation, tried to undermine the Revolution, and fled to Canada in vast numbers. And it doesn't change the fact that Liberals founded the place, it's a Liberal nation, and you don't like it much more than the Tories did then.
That was you little buddy, right before you fled to Canada...

There have been many threads about this. Everyone making the claim that the FF are just like today's liberals has failed to support that claim.

And you will, too.
Slave-owning, wife-beating, slave-raping, rich (often drunken) white men of property and means who saw many ordinary men, all women and children, as property were just like liberals today? Idiotic, however Liberalism has changed very little but we know vastly more than they did then. That doesn't change the fact that the Conservatives of the day, the Tories, sided with the King against this new nation, tried to undermine the Revolution, and fled to Canada in vast numbers. And it doesn't change the fact that Liberals founded the place, it's a Liberal nation, and you don't like it much more than the Tories did then.

So do your blow up dolls have rights?
There have been many threads about this. Everyone making the claim that the FF are just like today's liberals has failed to support that claim.

And you will, too.
Slave-owning, wife-beating, slave-raping, rich (often drunken) white men of property and means who saw many ordinary men, all women and children, as property were just like liberals today? Idiotic, however Liberalism has changed very little but we know vastly more than they did then. That doesn't change the fact that the Conservatives of the day, the Tories, sided with the King against this new nation, tried to undermine the Revolution, and fled to Canada in vast numbers. And it doesn't change the fact that Liberals founded the place, it's a Liberal nation, and you don't like it much more than the Tories did then.

So do your blow up dolls have rights?
Only the ones your dad loaned me...
They come here because we are known for being a Humanitarian Country. And let's face it, whether you like it or not we will continue to be known for being that. America also has a law that says that immigrant children need to be held in a comfortable place until it can be decided what to do with them. They can't just be sent back that easy, so Live With It.
So why are you "compassionate liberals" holding them in conditions you'd scream about if they were Taliban terrorists?

Oh, yeah -- because you don't actually give a shit about them. They're just pawns. Markers. Things to be used until their usefulness is over, then they'll be discarded.
Only they're not Taliban terrorists, fool. They're young, innocent children who have no where else to turn and come from a country that has for all practical purposes abandoned them. And conditions are improving for where they will be kept for the time being. Many churches and other humanitarian organizations are now stepping up to the plate to do their share to help these children out. And that's a hell of a lot more than you Republicans would ever think of doing, isn't it. And that sure is a Shame!!
Good Gaea, but you're stupid.

The kids are being held in deplorable conditions...and you're silent.

But let terrorists be held in those same conditions, and you'd be wetting your pants in rage.

Bottom line is nations south of our border are leftist shitholes...but you blame the GOP and insist America has to clean up a mess not of our making.

All so you can pander to Hispanics and get their votes. It's disgusting that you'd use children so evilly.
A Texas Republican says he has a solution to mitigate the flood of unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors across the southern border.
Rep. Randy Weber introduced a bill Monday to hold Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador “accountable” for their citizens’ illegal migration by suspending foreign aid to those countries.
“The recent influx of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) has become a humanitarian crisis and has proven that certain laws are working against the United States of America,” Weber said Monday. “Texas, a border state, has repeatedly asked for help from the White House to mobilize our National Guard, and there has been no answer from the President or his administration.”
Since October more than 52,000 unaccompanied immigrant minors have been apprehended crossing illegally into the United States through the southwest border. The vast majority of the minors are from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
“Frankly, the border states have been left hanging to fend for themselves, increasing the health and security risks to our citizens,” Weber added, explaining that state resources are being used to deal with the influx, but “it is still not enough to solve this crisis.”
Weber’s bill, the “Illegal Entry Accountability Act of 2014,” would halt U.S. foreign aid to those countries until Congress determines they have taken sufficient action to stop the illegal flood of unaccompanied minors into America.
“If the President and his administration won’t act, then I will,” he said.
Weber is not the first lawmaker to say the U.S. should end aid to these Central American countries.
Last week, at a Homeland Security Committee hearing on the flood of illegal immigration, Michigan Republican Rep. Candice Miller called for an end to foreign aid to Central America until they deal with the crisis.​


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