Bill to force homeschoolers to warrantless home inspections

Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
You can do both

You worry about yours and we'll worry about ours. Again, we don't want the gummit sticking their noses in it. I mean really it's not like the government hasn't ever screwed up anything...right?

The problem is it will end up just like Children Services, a bloated agency known for really fucking everything up. I've heard and read the horror stories
I think we all ought to worry about the kids and weed out the bad ones in all these situations. Agree?

Not if it includes some government appointed loon invading someone's home. NO, just no
How would weed out the bad ones?
Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
Exactly. They should get their own house in order. They not only seem to find it difficult to spot the pervs, but when they do, they give them references so they can go elsewhere and abuse again.

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

It's freaking out of control. Every single day another new case comes out....but let's dwell on home schools!!! Good grief, don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. There is no way I'd send our children to a public school
So homeschooling should get a free pass?

I've stated my opinion. They home school to avoid interference. I've witnessed home schooled children at our daughter's gym, at debates, in sporting events, etc. I don't see any abuse and they run circles around public educated kids in the debates
I have never personally witnessed abuse in public schools either. Should we just do nothing then?
Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
You can do both

You worry about yours and we'll worry about ours. Again, we don't want the gummit sticking their noses in it. I mean really it's not like the government hasn't ever screwed up anything...right?

The problem is it will end up just like Children Services, a bloated agency known for really fucking everything up. I've heard and read the horror stories
I think we all ought to worry about the kids and weed out the bad ones in all these situations. Agree?

Not if it includes some government appointed loon invading someone's home. NO, just no
How would weed out the bad ones?

Well it's not like you're doing a stellar job at weeding the bad ones out of public schools so your guess is as good as mine
Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
Exactly. They should get their own house in order. They not only seem to find it difficult to spot the pervs, but when they do, they give them references so they can go elsewhere and abuse again.

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

It's freaking out of control. Every single day another new case comes out....but let's dwell on home schools!!! Good grief, don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. There is no way I'd send our children to a public school
So homeschooling should get a free pass?

I've stated my opinion. They home school to avoid interference. I've witnessed home schooled children at our daughter's gym, at debates, in sporting events, etc. I don't see any abuse and they run circles around public educated kids in the debates
I have never personally witnessed abuse in public schools either. Should we just do nothing then?

These revelations of teachers screwing kids isn't abuse? Really?
Exactly. They should get their own house in order. They not only seem to find it difficult to spot the pervs, but when they do, they give them references so they can go elsewhere and abuse again.

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

It's freaking out of control. Every single day another new case comes out....but let's dwell on home schools!!! Good grief, don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. There is no way I'd send our children to a public school
So homeschooling should get a free pass?

I've stated my opinion. They home school to avoid interference. I've witnessed home schooled children at our daughter's gym, at debates, in sporting events, etc. I don't see any abuse and they run circles around public educated kids in the debates
I have never personally witnessed abuse in public schools either. Should we just do nothing then?

These revelations of teachers screwing kids isn't abuse? Really?
I was responding to what you said. You are discounting all the revelations of abuse in homeschooling by talking about how you didn’t witness any abuse.
You seem weak just bend over when someone wrongs you? Serious question because you sure come across that way

It's simple, no warrant go the fuck away. Even a know it all public educator should know that.
Should public and private schools not be open to inspection then

I don' care what public schools do, private schools? no, their house their rules. We send our children to private schools to avoid state interference, same reason parents home school.

The bottom line is the left absolutely hates home schooling and private schools....think hard why that is. Hint: It has to do with control
I have no hatred of either home schooling or private schools so speak for yourself not the left.

How can you prevent child abuse?

100%? Sadly, you probably can't.

This is not to say that I'm simply shrugging and blowing it off. If I had psychic abilities, I'd hunt every one of those sick fuckers down and do things that would be taught about in police forensics classes forevermore. However, it is necessary to consider that sending authorities into a home for any reason, even when it's justified, causes damage and trauma to the children. This is a fact, and therefore it is not something you want to do unless you have good reason to believe that NOT sending them would be worse. We don't have those Amendments to protect those freedoms just for the fun and convenience of it; we have them because they are genuinely necessary, and because we live in such a free, safe, comfortable nation in general, we tend to forget how important our freedoms are, and why.

So yes, we definitely need to always look for better ways to protect children, BUT . . . we have to find ways to do it that won't destroy people's lives, INCLUDING the lives of the very children we want to protect.
How does a benign inspection of a home school cause trauma? Daycares are inspected on a regular basis...are those children traumatized?

I have no idea what sort of inspections you think daycares undergo, or how you think they're conducted, but I guarantee you that having some random adult drop into a public place - where such things happen as a matter of course - and chat with the paid employees is not even remotely the same thing to a child as having a random adult drop into their home and start inspecting things. Maybe that sort of shit happens on a daily basis at your house; I have no idea. I can assure you that it feels exactly like the invasion of privacy that it is to a child, just as it does to an adult.

You really need to forget the word "school" for a moment and look at the FIRST word in the phrase: "home". That is their HOME. Their private family space, which is now being invaded by total strangers. No matter how polite and "benign" those strangers try to be, it's still an invasion and still leaves children feeling scared and insecure. Do you think they're stupid and don't know what's going on when some strange authority figure starts asking questions about their family and home life?

I've known children who were the subjects of "benign" inspections because some jackass or other decided to file a report with DCS. Even though it amounted to nothing more than a quick interview and showing the agent around the house, those kids had nightmares about being taken away to live, sometimes for a year or more afterward. And do you know who they have to blame for the loss of safety and security about their homes and families? Do-gooders like you who dismiss the possibility that you could cause damage when your intentions are so damned pure and noble.

You know how you can recognize a noble do-gooder? By the hunted expression on the faces of the people he/she wants to help.
You can do both

You worry about yours and we'll worry about ours. Again, we don't want the gummit sticking their noses in it. I mean really it's not like the government hasn't ever screwed up anything...right?

The problem is it will end up just like Children Services, a bloated agency known for really fucking everything up. I've heard and read the horror stories
I think we all ought to worry about the kids and weed out the bad ones in all these situations. Agree?

Not if it includes some government appointed loon invading someone's home. NO, just no
How would weed out the bad ones?

Well it's not like you're doing a stellar job at weeding the bad ones out of public schools so your guess is as good as mine
least I am willing to.
It's freaking out of control. Every single day another new case comes out....but let's dwell on home schools!!! Good grief, don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. There is no way I'd send our children to a public school
So homeschooling should get a free pass?

I've stated my opinion. They home school to avoid interference. I've witnessed home schooled children at our daughter's gym, at debates, in sporting events, etc. I don't see any abuse and they run circles around public educated kids in the debates
I have never personally witnessed abuse in public schools either. Should we just do nothing then?

These revelations of teachers screwing kids isn't abuse? Really?
I was responding to what you said. You are discounting all the revelations of abuse in homeschooling by talking about how you didn’t witness any abuse.

I've read or heard little on any abuse in home schools. I've witnessed none.
You worry about yours and we'll worry about ours. Again, we don't want the gummit sticking their noses in it. I mean really it's not like the government hasn't ever screwed up anything...right?

The problem is it will end up just like Children Services, a bloated agency known for really fucking everything up. I've heard and read the horror stories
I think we all ought to worry about the kids and weed out the bad ones in all these situations. Agree?

Not if it includes some government appointed loon invading someone's home. NO, just no
How would weed out the bad ones?

Well it's not like you're doing a stellar job at weeding the bad ones out of public schools so your guess is as good as mine
least I am willing to.

Well don't go prancing to anyone's home demanding to be let may get hurt
I don' care what public schools do, private schools? no, their house their rules. We send our children to private schools to avoid state interference, same reason parents home school.

The bottom line is the left absolutely hates home schooling and private schools....think hard why that is. Hint: It has to do with control
I have no hatred of either home schooling or private schools so speak for yourself not the left.

How can you prevent child abuse?

Oh get over that, they're using "child abuse" as a ruse and you fell for it. What's next warrant less searches for "child abuse"?
How about answering the question? For example, an inspection process might have uncovered the Turpin abuse much sooner and they are hardley unique.

And before you go off on another tangent I am not saying homeschooling has any more abuse than other schools but tbat it lacks any mechanism for exposing it.

What question? You can't "prevent" child abuse. You're using one incident to justify what is basically an invasion of privacy, warrant less search and my husband says likely violates the Fourth...and will surely be challenged.

Children that are home schooled are not hidden away from society, they lead active lives, participate in sports for one, at least four of the girls that attend the same gym our daughter does are home schooled, they are happy, normal, fun loving kids (and excellent gymnasts).
Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Maybe you should look to dealing with the multitude of "bad ones" who are already under your purview and are being protected by willingly blinded leftists who'd rather focus all their attention on the splinter in the eye of their political enemies than the log in their own.
Should public and private schools not be open to inspection then

I don' care what public schools do, private schools? no, their house their rules. We send our children to private schools to avoid state interference, same reason parents home school.

The bottom line is the left absolutely hates home schooling and private schools....think hard why that is. Hint: It has to do with control
I have no hatred of either home schooling or private schools so speak for yourself not the left.

How can you prevent child abuse?

100%? Sadly, you probably can't.

This is not to say that I'm simply shrugging and blowing it off. If I had psychic abilities, I'd hunt every one of those sick fuckers down and do things that would be taught about in police forensics classes forevermore. However, it is necessary to consider that sending authorities into a home for any reason, even when it's justified, causes damage and trauma to the children. This is a fact, and therefore it is not something you want to do unless you have good reason to believe that NOT sending them would be worse. We don't have those Amendments to protect those freedoms just for the fun and convenience of it; we have them because they are genuinely necessary, and because we live in such a free, safe, comfortable nation in general, we tend to forget how important our freedoms are, and why.

So yes, we definitely need to always look for better ways to protect children, BUT . . . we have to find ways to do it that won't destroy people's lives, INCLUDING the lives of the very children we want to protect.
How does a benign inspection of a home school cause trauma? Daycares are inspected on a regular basis...are those children traumatized?

I have no idea what sort of inspections you think daycares undergo, or how you think they're conducted, but I guarantee you that having some random adult drop into a public place - where such things happen as a matter of course - and chat with the paid employees is not even remotely the same thing to a child as having a random adult drop into their home and start inspecting things. Maybe that sort of shit happens on a daily basis at your house; I have no idea. I can assure you that it feels exactly like the invasion of privacy that it is to a child, just as it does to an adult.

You really need to forget the word "school" for a moment and look at the FIRST word in the phrase: "home". That is their HOME. Their private family space, which is now being invaded by total strangers. No matter how polite and "benign" those strangers try to be, it's still an invasion and still leaves children feeling scared and insecure. Do you think they're stupid and don't know what's going on when some strange authority figure starts asking questions about their family and home life?

I've known children who were the subjects of "benign" inspections because some jackass or other decided to file a report with DCS. Even though it amounted to nothing more than a quick interview and showing the agent around the house, those kids had nightmares about being taken away to live, sometimes for a year or more afterward. And do you know who they have to blame for the loss of safety and security about their homes and families? Do-gooders like you who dismiss the possibility that you could cause damage when your intentions are so damned pure and noble.

You know how you can recognize a noble do-gooder? By the hunted expression on the faces of the people he/she wants to help.

Don’t you think those kids might be having nightmares because their parents fill their heads with crap about the evil gubmint?
These activists want greater home-school monitoring. Parent groups say no way.

Hunt and Green are members of a loose network of Washington-area home-schooled adults who are leading a quiet insurgency against what they say are the worst elements of home schooling, from educational neglect to physical and sexual abuse, to debilitating social alienation. Their efforts are scattered and their experiences varied, but a passion for change is what connects them.

Even some who say they’re glad they were home-schooled — people such as Daniel Silver, a 29-year-old Woodbridge, Va., college student — see room for improvement. It was Silver who alerted Green to Hertzler’s situation.

The regulation advocates want stronger oversight, methods to monitor the quality of the education and ways to protect children from the dangers that can unfold behind a family’s closed doors.

Yes, I definitely think that the school system, which infamously graduates about 75% of its students - if it's very lucky - and with many of them being functionally illiterate, should come tell me how much better I can educate the child I don't send to public school PRECISELY because they suck at educating.

If I wanted their effing input, I'd be sending my kid to public school.
So it seems that the consensus is that homeschoolers should be left completely alone and that any abuse should remain hidden because no one has any right to interfere. That's pretty nuts. Should abuse in public schools then remain hidden? No inspections?

Keep in mind - this isn't an argument against ALL HOME SCHOOLERS. I know plenty of people who homeschool and do a good job. They network, go to conferences, learn how to do it well, and they are dedicated professionals at what they do. Just like I know plenty of public schools that do a great job.
Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
Exactly. They should get their own house in order. They not only seem to find it difficult to spot the pervs, but when they do, they give them references so they can go elsewhere and abuse again.

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

It's freaking out of control. Every single day another new case comes out....but let's dwell on home schools!!! Good grief, don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. There is no way I'd send our children to a public school
So homeschooling should get a free pass?

I've stated my opinion. They home school to avoid interference. I've witnessed home schooled children at our daughter's gym, at debates, in sporting events, etc. I don't see any abuse and they run circles around public educated kids in the debates

Should public and private schools not be open to inspection then

I don' care what public schools do, private schools? no, their house their rules. We send our children to private schools to avoid state interference, same reason parents home school.

The bottom line is the left absolutely hates home schooling and private schools....think hard why that is. Hint: It has to do with control
I have no hatred of either home schooling or private schools so speak for yourself not the left.

How can you prevent child abuse?

100%? Sadly, you probably can't.

This is not to say that I'm simply shrugging and blowing it off. If I had psychic abilities, I'd hunt every one of those sick fuckers down and do things that would be taught about in police forensics classes forevermore. However, it is necessary to consider that sending authorities into a home for any reason, even when it's justified, causes damage and trauma to the children. This is a fact, and therefore it is not something you want to do unless you have good reason to believe that NOT sending them would be worse. We don't have those Amendments to protect those freedoms just for the fun and convenience of it; we have them because they are genuinely necessary, and because we live in such a free, safe, comfortable nation in general, we tend to forget how important our freedoms are, and why.

So yes, we definitely need to always look for better ways to protect children, BUT . . . we have to find ways to do it that won't destroy people's lives, INCLUDING the lives of the very children we want to protect.
How does a benign inspection of a home school cause trauma? Daycares are inspected on a regular basis...are those children traumatized?

I have no idea what sort of inspections you think daycares undergo, or how you think they're conducted, but I guarantee you that having some random adult drop into a public place - where such things happen as a matter of course - and chat with the paid employees is not even remotely the same thing to a child as having a random adult drop into their home and start inspecting things. Maybe that sort of shit happens on a daily basis at your house; I have no idea. I can assure you that it feels exactly like the invasion of privacy that it is to a child, just as it does to an adult.

You really need to forget the word "school" for a moment and look at the FIRST word in the phrase: "home". That is their HOME. Their private family space, which is now being invaded by total strangers. No matter how polite and "benign" those strangers try to be, it's still an invasion and still leaves children feeling scared and insecure. Do you think they're stupid and don't know what's going on when some strange authority figure starts asking questions about their family and home life?

I've known children who were the subjects of "benign" inspections because some jackass or other decided to file a report with DCS. Even though it amounted to nothing more than a quick interview and showing the agent around the house, those kids had nightmares about being taken away to live, sometimes for a year or more afterward. And do you know who they have to blame for the loss of safety and security about their homes and families? Do-gooders like you who dismiss the possibility that you could cause damage when your intentions are so damned pure and noble.

You know how you can recognize a noble do-gooder? By the hunted expression on the faces of the people he/she wants to help.
Agreed. And I’ve noticed the term ‘home school’ creeping it’s way in, and no doubt it’s no accident.. It’s a home, not a school, like you say.
What question? You can't "prevent" child abuse. You're using one incident to justify what is basically an invasion of privacy, warrant less search and my husband says likely violates the Fourth...and will surely be challenged.

Children that are home schooled are not hidden away from society, they lead active lives, participate in sports for one, at least four of the girls that attend the same gym our daughter does are home schooled, they are happy, normal, fun loving kids (and excellent gymnasts).
Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
Exactly. They should get their own house in order. They not only seem to find it difficult to spot the pervs, but when they do, they give them references so they can go elsewhere and abuse again.

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks Public Schools

It's freaking out of control. Every single day another new case comes out....but let's dwell on home schools!!! Good grief, don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. There is no way I'd send our children to a public school
So homeschooling should get a free pass?

When people are getting murdered every single day in a city, how big of a priority should handing out parking tickets be? Tend to the big problems first, AND demonstrate to us that you're even remotely competent at solving them.

Oh, and don't even CONSIDER asking to do it without respecting Constitutional rights.
What question? You can't "prevent" child abuse. You're using one incident to justify what is basically an invasion of privacy, warrant less search and my husband says likely violates the Fourth...and will surely be challenged.

Children that are home schooled are not hidden away from society, they lead active lives, participate in sports for one, at least four of the girls that attend the same gym our daughter does are home schooled, they are happy, normal, fun loving kids (and excellent gymnasts).
Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
You can do both

You worry about yours and we'll worry about ours. Again, we don't want the gummit sticking their noses in it. I mean really it's not like the government hasn't ever screwed up anything...right?

The problem is it will end up just like Children Services, a bloated agency known for really fucking everything up. I've heard and read the horror stories
I think we all ought to worry about the kids and weed out the bad ones in all these situations. Agree?

No. No, I don't.

Any time anyone starts talking about bypassing rights and legal protections "for the children", it's a red flag . . . scratch that, it's a giant neon fucking sign that THIS IS A BAD IDEA.

Call me when you stop thinking it's "just" a "simple, benign inspection".
It starts with access, then next thing you know, parents will be reported for not filling little Johnny’s head with the multiple gender nonsense and the rest of the LGBTQ agenda.

Or does Daddy have guns, does mommy or daddy drink or anything like drugs? Has daddy ever yelled at mommy....or does daddy and mommy fight?
Actually earlier in the thread I linked to an article citing multiple examples. The Turpins are just the most high profile.

I am not saying homeschooled children are hidden away, homeschooling like other schools can be good or bad. But unlike other schools, it’s structure allows the bad ones to remain hidden and protected by their so-called rights. And that IS a problem.

Before anyone starts going after home schools they'd be wise to start addressing the mess in public education. Start with these teachers sexually molesting students. There are THREE new cases on my feed just today.
You can do both

You worry about yours and we'll worry about ours. Again, we don't want the gummit sticking their noses in it. I mean really it's not like the government hasn't ever screwed up anything...right?

The problem is it will end up just like Children Services, a bloated agency known for really fucking everything up. I've heard and read the horror stories
I think we all ought to worry about the kids and weed out the bad ones in all these situations. Agree?

No. No, I don't.

Any time anyone starts talking about bypassing rights and legal protections "for the children", it's a red flag . . . scratch that, it's a giant neon fucking sign that THIS IS A BAD IDEA.

Call me when you stop thinking it's "just" a "simple, benign inspection".
If there was any genuine concern about child abuse, they’d have sorted out the public school issue to some degree at least, but they haven’t, so its not exactly convincing that it’s ‘for the children’.
I don' care what public schools do, private schools? no, their house their rules. We send our children to private schools to avoid state interference, same reason parents home school.

The bottom line is the left absolutely hates home schooling and private schools....think hard why that is. Hint: It has to do with control
I have no hatred of either home schooling or private schools so speak for yourself not the left.

How can you prevent child abuse?

100%? Sadly, you probably can't.

This is not to say that I'm simply shrugging and blowing it off. If I had psychic abilities, I'd hunt every one of those sick fuckers down and do things that would be taught about in police forensics classes forevermore. However, it is necessary to consider that sending authorities into a home for any reason, even when it's justified, causes damage and trauma to the children. This is a fact, and therefore it is not something you want to do unless you have good reason to believe that NOT sending them would be worse. We don't have those Amendments to protect those freedoms just for the fun and convenience of it; we have them because they are genuinely necessary, and because we live in such a free, safe, comfortable nation in general, we tend to forget how important our freedoms are, and why.

So yes, we definitely need to always look for better ways to protect children, BUT . . . we have to find ways to do it that won't destroy people's lives, INCLUDING the lives of the very children we want to protect.
How does a benign inspection of a home school cause trauma? Daycares are inspected on a regular basis...are those children traumatized?

I have no idea what sort of inspections you think daycares undergo, or how you think they're conducted, but I guarantee you that having some random adult drop into a public place - where such things happen as a matter of course - and chat with the paid employees is not even remotely the same thing to a child as having a random adult drop into their home and start inspecting things. Maybe that sort of shit happens on a daily basis at your house; I have no idea. I can assure you that it feels exactly like the invasion of privacy that it is to a child, just as it does to an adult.

You really need to forget the word "school" for a moment and look at the FIRST word in the phrase: "home". That is their HOME. Their private family space, which is now being invaded by total strangers. No matter how polite and "benign" those strangers try to be, it's still an invasion and still leaves children feeling scared and insecure. Do you think they're stupid and don't know what's going on when some strange authority figure starts asking questions about their family and home life?

I've known children who were the subjects of "benign" inspections because some jackass or other decided to file a report with DCS. Even though it amounted to nothing more than a quick interview and showing the agent around the house, those kids had nightmares about being taken away to live, sometimes for a year or more afterward. And do you know who they have to blame for the loss of safety and security about their homes and families? Do-gooders like you who dismiss the possibility that you could cause damage when your intentions are so damned pure and noble.

You know how you can recognize a noble do-gooder? By the hunted expression on the faces of the people he/she wants to help.

Don’t you think those kids might be having nightmares because their parents fill their heads with crap about the evil gubmint?

Since I know the kids in question personally, I will tell you definitively NO. That isn't the problem. In fact, the parents - who love their children far more than some rando leftist do-gooder who is only even aware of them in some abstract "our children" way - have always taught their children respect for authority and that police and other such authority figures are there to help and protect children who need it, because traditional, conservative people tend to do that. Believe it or not, we're not all - or even most - wild-eyed, unshaven militia members stockpiling guns in the wilderness for the coming collapse of civilization. The parents in question even put aside their own discomfort and insecurity about the whole thing to try to downplay it as exactly your "benign, simple visit" to minimize the damage. Didn't help much. Children aren't stupid.

Try to contemplate JUST ONCE that the problem isn't just that everyone else doesn't appreciate the wonderfulness of your nanny government, it's your nanny government.

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