Billboard Shows Obama As Hitler, Demands President's Impeachment


Oct 10, 2013
Billboard Shows Obama As Hitler, Demands President's Impeachment
A video billboard in Indiana has taken a President Barack Obama-Adolf Hitler comparison to the next level. Adorned with a picture of Obama, complete with Hitler's signature mustache, the billboard -- reportedly located at the Cornerstone Plaza in Kendallville -- has been erected to advocate for the president's impeachment. WANE-TV shared an image of the billboard, ... Read More


Did not support the demonization of Nixon or Clinton or Bush or Obama.

That is un-American.
Ah well, what goes around comes around.

The looney-left did it to Bush now they're upset that somebody's doing it to their boy.

Hard cheese, that.
When "Sarah Palin" was foung hanging in a noose from a house roof in CA in 2008, and "John McCain" was found burning to death in the chimney, on the roof of the same house...authorities called it "free speech" and "art".

When "Barack Obama" was later found hanging in a noose from a tree in Kentucky...authorities didn't call it "free speech" and "art".

Someone needs to pass a law stating clearly just what's what...which would incude billboards like this "Hitler" one.
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When "Sarah Palin" was foung hanging in a noose from a house roof in CA in 2008, and "John McCain" was found burning to death in the chimney, on the roof of the same house...authorities called it "free speech" and "art".

When "Barack Obama" was later found hanging in a noose from a tree in Kentucky...authorities didn't call it "free speech" and "art".

Someone needs to pass a law stating clearly just what's what...which would incude billboards like this "Hitler" one.

yes, its racist, its unAmerican and its downright stupid but we already have national position on whether or not this should be allowed.

Its called the First Amendment.
When "Sarah Palin" was foung hanging in a noose from a house roof in CA in 2008, and "John McCain" was found burning to death in the chimney, on the roof of the same house...authorities called it "free speech" and "art".

When "Barack Obama" was later found hanging in a noose from a tree in Kentucky...authorities didn't call it "free speech" and "art".

Someone needs to pass a law stating clearly just what's what...which would incude billboards like this "Hitler" one.

yes, its racist, its unAmerican and its downright stupid but we already have national position on whether or not this should be allowed.

Its called the First Amendment.

One bit of evidence that all is not lost.

A Liberal poster here supports the Constitution.

I'll be surprised if your fellow Libs don't burn your avatar in effigy!

And, it's NOT racist.

It's equal opportunity.

And when Conservatives do it, you know it's serious because we aren't normally subject to emotional, impulsive rash moves and statements.

Bottom line...

When Libs demonized Bush they were worried about our image in the world more than anything.

When Conservatives demonize Obama it is because he is tearing down this country from within, brick by brick.

Obama is ten times worse than Bushy ever was.

Bush may have brought destruction to Iraq but Obama is bringing destruction to your front door and to your dining room table and to your living room and your medicine cabinet and your bedroom.

Obama is taking a sledge hammer to your HOME and your WAY OF LIFE!

When Bush left office we still had hopes for change. With Obama in charge we are fighting to save our beloved country from his accursed agenda and his hateful handiwork!

Rush Limbaugh on Friday said President Richard Nixon “resigned over a lie” nowhere near as big or damaging as President Barack Obama’s “lie about keeping your insurance,” which he called perhaps “the biggest lie ever told by a sitting president.”

Limbaugh told his listeners that Americans “are losing coverage by political design.” And Nixon’s resignation over the Watergate scandal was nothing compared to what’s happened under this administration, the conservative radio host said.

“It’s a purposeful, deceitful, fraudulent law,” he said, according to a transcript. “I think Obama’s lie about keeping your insurance may be the biggest lie ever told by a sitting president. This is not an error. It was not a mistake. This was a calculated, purposeful lie — and the mainstream media carried his water on this until just last week. And now? Now they’re claiming that they knew it was a lie all along! Isn’t it funny how they never told us, though? But now they say, ‘We kinda knew this.’”

And, Limbaugh said, “the White House knew out there that 93 million Americans were gonna lose their policy.”

“Richard Nixon resigned over a lie nowhere near this big,” he said. “And you know the hell of it is that Obama doesn’t think he lied. I don’t think Obama, in his mind, is capable of lying. Whatever is necessary to say or do to advance the agenda is what is morally correct. Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t think he lied.”

Rush Limbaugh: Obama lie worse than Nixon - Mackenzie Weinger -
Ah well, what goes around comes around.

The looney-left did it to Bush now they're upset that somebody's doing it to their boy.

Hard cheese, that.

The 'looney left' did these things against Bush. But were they wrong? Nor, can I say that the people behind this sign are wrong. Obama (and the rest of the government) have shown a willful neglect of the Constitution.
That's a LaRouche billboard. He's been doing the same shit since the 80s.

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That's a LaRouche billboard. He's been doing the same shit since the 80s.

You keep attacking the messenger and keep thinking it's a proper refutation.

I don't know what you think needs to be "refuted".

This post doesn't make sense. Do you want me to "refute" that Obama does not, in fact, actually have a Hitler mustache?
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I am on a personal campaign to:

1. Make political correctness the abomination instead of people.

2. Make the politics of personal destruction, however it is done, socially unacceptable.

3. Restore a sense of common decency and respect that allows people to be who and what they are without fear that some angry mob, group, or organization will come after them to physically and/or materially hurt them.

That billboard violates all three components and for that reason I will denounce it regardless of what uncivil hatefulness has been exhibited toward other personalities in the past. It was all, in my opinion, wrong and indefensible. And because somebody did it does not justify doing it.

There is no more strident critic of Barack Obama than me. But if we cannot beat him in the world of civil debate, discussion, and putting the truth out there, we don't deserve to beat him. And if those of us on the right can't be the grown ups and demonstrate a better way of handling things in our words and conduct than the hateful left, what makes us better than them?
I say to repubs, bring it on. The more you talk, the more you lose. The Sarah Palin's of this nation were not hung during the Jim Crow years. The Barack Obama's were. That is the difference but by all means "proceed."
Ah well, what goes around comes around.

The looney-left did it to Bush now they're upset that somebody's doing it to their boy.

Hard cheese, that.



There were no billboards with Bush as Hitler.
Ah well, what goes around comes around.

The looney-left did it to Bush now they're upset that somebody's doing it to their boy.

Hard cheese, that.



There were no billboards with Bush as Hitler.

Actually there probably were. I didn't find one in a 10-second google search but these two websites are pretty graphic as to how the left portrayed President Bush:

Bush as Hitler, Swastika-Mania: A Retrospective · zomblog

Bush Billboards | Awesome Billboards and Outdoor Advertising | Billboardom
Ah well, what goes around comes around.

The looney-left did it to Bush now they're upset that somebody's doing it to their boy.

Hard cheese, that.



There were no billboards with Bush as Hitler.

Please tell us on which planet you live so we can check that out. As you've seen above, there are plenty of examples of the left's abuse of President(s) Bush on this planet.

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