Billionaire Koch Brother Claims Eliminating Minimum Wage Would Help the Poor


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
From the sublime to the ridiculous with the Koch Boys ....

July 11, 2013 |

In a last ditch effort to win a bet against Lucifer and finally get to claim "no, I'm definitely worse," Charles Koch has found the indelible secret to end all secrets: in order to help the poor, we need to get rid of minimum wage. This one goes out to all the innovators out there. Keep thinking big, and maybe a poedunk paper in Kansas will write about you, not realizing that a significant amount of its readership would suffer under the policies its promoting

Absurd: Billionaire Koch Brother Claims Eliminating Minimum Wage Would Help the Poor | Alternet
Once again, you fucking lie... nowhere in that piece by the Wichita Eagle does Koch advocate eliminating the minimum wage... of course the AlterNet piece makes that dishonest claim, but hey, it's AlterNet.. that's what they do.. they lie... about everything.. just like you.

From the interview...

He hopes his ideas will help the country grow, he said. In his interview he emphasized several times that he believes his ideas on economics will help disadvantaged people. Government regulations – including the minimum wage law – tend to hold everyone back, he said.

Read more here: Charles Koch launching Wichita campaign about economic freedom, government overreach | Wichita Eagle
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"...In an interview with the Witchita Eagle, Koch said that the minimum wage was preventing "people with limited capital [from] raising themselves up," claiming that by eliminating the minimum wage, we will be eradicating anything that "reduces the mobility of labor"—refusing to acknowledge, of course, the ultimate cause labor reductivity: the literal lack of jobs for homosapiens in this country.

In a last ditch effort to win a bet against Lucifer and finally get to claim "no, I'm definitely worse,"

Any competent economist will tell you the same thing. Indeed, it is funny watching liberal economists twist themselves in knots trying to prove (contrary to all the reliable evidence) that increases in the MW do not cause job losses.

Why is it that most Liberals are astute enough to recognize that a $25/hr minimum wage would be a bad thing (because it would kill job opportunities for those at the bottom of the economic ladder), but are blind to the stupidity of the minimum wage itself?
Eliminating the minimum wage would be the best possible thing our government could do for African American teens.
Any competent economist will tell you the same thing. Indeed, it is funny watching liberal economists twist themselves in knots trying to prove (contrary to all the reliable evidence) that increases in the MW do not cause job losses.

Why is it that most Liberals are astute enough to recognize that a $25/hr minimum wage would be a bad thing (because it would kill job opportunities for those at the bottom of the economic ladder), but are blind to the stupidity of the minimum wage itself?

Good point .... liberals don't want to think about the damage done to the economy by freeing the slaves and forcing companies to pay for labor ...

It's catching up to us now though, eh?

As profits have risen, the owners of business have kept the increases to themselves while the middle class has stagnated and shrunken. Business owners don't believe in sharing rising profits with their workers.

Now that the owners have maximized the amount they can take for themselves, the obvious next step is to convince employees they would be better off with lower pay.

It's the Christian thing to do.

[buffs flag pin]
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Now that they have maximized the amount they can take for themselves, the obvious next step is to convince employees they would be better off with lower pay.

It's the Christian thing to do.

So very true, that's exactly what jesus would do .... he being one to always want to help the poor ...

Eliminating the minimum wage would be the best possible thing our government could do for African American teens.

On this theory paying them nothing would be great for them. Slavery redo?

Q. Why would someone who inherited great wealth begrudge others a living wage?

A. Greed (at best). Malice too (I suspect both motivate the callous conservative)?
The minimum wage needs to be restructured that's for sure. There is no entry level any more. The alternative is to work for free to get experience and try to build an employment history.
Eliminating the minimum wage would be the best possible thing our government could do for African American teens.

Oh, you billionaires all talk alike !


Friday’s jobs report demonstrated again that the U.S.
economy is stuck in a sluggish purgatory. Worse still were
the unemployment numbers for black teens, which came in at a mind blowing 41.6 percent. In July of last year, black teen unemployment was considerably lower, coming in at 36 percent. In March, the teen unemployment rate was 33 percent.

Shameful: Black Teen Unemployment Rate at 41% |
Why do people even click on this bed wetting troll's threads?

Everyone is fighting over the red dot
As profits have risen, the owners of business have kept the increases to themselves while the middle class has stagnated and shrunken. Business owners don't believe in sharing rising profits with their workers.

Now that the owners have maximized the amount they can take for themselves, the obvious next step is to convince employees they would be better off with lower pay.

It's the Christian thing to do.

[buffs flag pin]

We have seen how the labor movement has been under attack by the Republican Establishment on several fronts. It amazes me that greed blinds those to the violent history of the labor movement in our country, how low wages stagnate local economies creating unemployment and thus making those who need to earn their daily bread in conflict with each other.

In a country where there are over 300,000,000,000 people and likely as many guns one would hope the sane Republicans would realize promoting avarice is a policy doomed to ultimate failure.
Worse still were the unemployment numbers for black teens,

And that Republicans in the House and Senate have done what again to create jobs for black teens?

Consider the logic: The capitalists are making more, so they ought to pay their employees more (than their economic value).

I got a raise, so I should pay more for what I buy.

Fucking maroons.
As profits have risen, the owners of business have kept the increases to themselves while the middle class has stagnated and shrunken. Business owners don't believe in sharing rising profits with their workers.

Now that the owners have maximized the amount they can take for themselves, the obvious next step is to convince employees they would be better off with lower pay.

It's the Christian thing to do.

[buffs flag pin]

We have seen how the labor movement has been under attack by the Republican Establishment on several fronts. It amazes me that greed blinds those to the violent history of the labor movement in our country, how low wages stagnate local economies creating unemployment and thus making those who need to earn their daily bread in conflict with each other.

In a country where there are over 300,000,000,000 people and likely as many guns one would hope the sane Republicans would realize promoting avarice is a policy doomed to ultimate failure.

The labor movement totally screwed the pooch and became completely corrupt. I saw it first hand.

Today, it is the conservative movement that is corrupt.

Now we are all getting fucked left and right.

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