Billionaire Trump Hater Tom Steyer launches massive voter registration drive at college campuses.

Steyer is using his own money. Yes, he is a first class asshole with a ego as big as the Traitor's, but his money is in fact his money and he can spend it the way he wants.
The Traitor loves the mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, single digit IQ MAGAMAGGOTS....they are so easiily lied to.
MAGAMAGGOTS! Wow! Now that's CLEVER and illustrates very clearly how absolutely fearful you are of us MAGAMAGGOTS!

We're comin' to get ya!

PS -- Correct spelling makes you look smarter.
What's a matter MAGA, you don't believe in Voting. I agree Steyer was a lousy suck as candidate. But if he wants to spend HIS money to register voters, then more power to him. I mean it is HIS FUCKING MONEY!!!

As a person, I cannot stand him, but it is after his money. Registering Voters means people to the polls. More people to the polls means more people voting mean more voter participation more voter participation means higher voter turn out.....oh you do not believe in higher voter......unless it is cons.
Like in France.Where only voting on Election day is allowed.
Only voting in person and with paper ballots.Like what used to
take place in the United States.BTW ... in France the election results
are known within the day.
Trump wanted this type voting.He warned of what the 2005
Baker/Carter Commission on Federal Election reform found and
advised.To limit the use of Absentee Ballots at all possible.
That Mail-in ballots pose a real threat to election integrity.
Only 102 Million mail-in ballots were allowed in 2020.
Real neato ... eh.
Everything the Democrats touch gets burnt.
What's a matter MAGA, you don't believe in Voting. I agree Steyer was a lousy suck as candidate. But if he wants to spend HIS money to register voters, then more power to him. I mean it is HIS FUCKING MONEY!!!

As a person, I cannot stand him, but it is after his money. Registering Voters means people to the polls. More people to the polls means more people voting mean more voter participation more voter participation means higher voter turn out.....oh you do not believe in higher voter......unless it is cons.
Gosh, you're cute when you're angry.
I can only speak for Voter Registration in California, where I have registered over 1,000 voters in 20-Years of doing so.

The person fills out the registration form. Name, Address and Telephone.

There is a party affiliation, with a list of political parties listed which includeds Republican/Democrat/Peace and Freedom/American Independent/Libertarian to name a few. The registrant can also check No Party Preference.

On Primary/Election a individual or individuals who check Independent Decline to State will be give a list of political parties to choose from in order to for certain offices. IF that individual or individual does not wish to vote for those offices, he/she will a ballot with no-partisan offices and propositions (both state and local).

In California any person who is 18-Years Old and a U.S. Citizen can vote. A person who will 18-Years Old on or by Primary/General Election may fill out a Registration Form. But they must be 18-On Primary/Election Day.

Altering a Voter Registration Form in California is a Felony. Giving a false name/address/falsely stating you are Citizen or you are under 18-Years Old is Voter Fraud. A Felony.

No Individual can be denied their Constitutionally Protected Right To Vote based on their Race/Religion/Ethicity/Gender and/or Gender Identity/Religion and/or Religious Practice or the lack thereof.

Harassment of People in line for voting is against the law. There is no campaigning within 100-Feet of the Polling Station.

Voting Twice in an Election is Election Fraud, a felony.

Bi-Lingual ballots are available and for those are hearing impaired there is assistance available for them.

You can take a picture of your ballot, but taking pictures of people in line to vote is against the law as well.

California does have Universal Vote By Mail. Drop Boxes are available to drop off ballots. You can drop you ballot off at your polling station or you can surrender you ballot on Election Day and vote at your polling station.
I can only speak for Voter Registration in California, where I have registered over 1,000 voters in 20-Years of doing so.

The person fills out the registration form. Name, Address and Telephone.

There is a party affiliation, with a list of political parties listed which includeds Republican/Democrat/Peace and Freedom/American Independent/Libertarian to name a few. The registrant can also check No Party Preference.

On Primary/Election a individual or individuals who check Independent Decline to State will be give a list of political parties to choose from in order to for certain offices. IF that individual or individual does not wish to vote for those offices, he/she will a ballot with no-partisan offices and propositions (both state and local).

In California any person who is 18-Years Old and a U.S. Citizen can vote. A person who will 18-Years Old on or by Primary/General Election may fill out a Registration Form. But they must be 18-On Primary/Election Day.

Altering a Voter Registration Form in California is a Felony. Giving a false name/address/falsely stating you are Citizen or you are under 18-Years Old is Voter Fraud. A Felony.

No Individual can be denied their Constitutionally Protected Right To Vote based on their Race/Religion/Ethicity/Gender and/or Gender Identity/Religion and/or Religious Practice or the lack thereof.

Harassment of People in line for voting is against the law. There is no campaigning within 100-Feet of the Polling Station.

Voting Twice in an Election is Election Fraud, a felony.

Bi-Lingual ballots are available and for those are hearing impaired there is assistance available for them.

You can take a picture of your ballot, but taking pictures of people in line to vote is against the law as well.

California does have Universal Vote By Mail. Drop Boxes are available to drop off ballots. You can drop you ballot off at your polling station or you can surrender you ballot on Election Day and vote at your polling station.
So let me get this straight.Your very first sentence or statement is
in the affirmative." I can only speak for voter registration in California ".
Then how come yuz defend the Democrat Party when they { to a person }
ALL seemingly act as if Election experts.When the only election experts
in each state is those who are a majority of their States legislature.
You will seldom hear a Democrat { even most all Elected Democrats }
state the law.That under the Constitution each State's Legislature is
the body that dictates how their state control/manage their Election.
Whereas one will seldom hear a Republican elected official NOT
explain that.To make sure and explain the role of State legislatures.
Therein Lies the Big Lie.
Democrats actually feel they rule and dictate all aspects of Government.
I can only speak for Voter Registration in California, where I have registered over 1,000 voters in 20-Years of doing so.

The person fills out the registration form. Name, Address and Telephone.

There is a party affiliation, with a list of political parties listed which includeds Republican/Democrat/Peace and Freedom/American Independent/Libertarian to name a few. The registrant can also check No Party Preference.

On Primary/Election a individual or individuals who check Independent Decline to State will be give a list of political parties to choose from in order to for certain offices. IF that individual or individual does not wish to vote for those offices, he/she will a ballot with no-partisan offices and propositions (both state and local).

In California any person who is 18-Years Old and a U.S. Citizen can vote. A person who will 18-Years Old on or by Primary/General Election may fill out a Registration Form. But they must be 18-On Primary/Election Day.

Altering a Voter Registration Form in California is a Felony. Giving a false name/address/falsely stating you are Citizen or you are under 18-Years Old is Voter Fraud. A Felony.

No Individual can be denied their Constitutionally Protected Right To Vote based on their Race/Religion/Ethicity/Gender and/or Gender Identity/Religion and/or Religious Practice or the lack thereof.

Harassment of People in line for voting is against the law. There is no campaigning within 100-Feet of the Polling Station.

Voting Twice in an Election is Election Fraud, a felony.

Bi-Lingual ballots are available and for those are hearing impaired there is assistance available for them.

You can take a picture of your ballot, but taking pictures of people in line to vote is against the law as well.

California does have Universal Vote By Mail. Drop Boxes are available to drop off ballots. You can drop you ballot off at your polling station or you can surrender you ballot on Election Day and vote at your polling station.
Keep lying.

Or stop lying.

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