Bipartisan Delegation of Electoral College Requests Briefing On Russian Hacking.


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
Electoral College Members Request Intelligence Briefing On Russia, Trump | The Huffington Post

A bipartisan delegation of 10-Members of the College Electors is requesting an intelligence briefing on Russian Meddling in the U.S. Presidential Election.

A letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper the group argues that the information is essential to their duties as Electors to, "Elect a President who is Constitutionally qualified and fit to serve."

Citing Alexander Hamilton's writing in The Federalist Papers, specifically Federalist #68. Which in part charges the Electoral College is charged with preventing a, "Desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils."

John Podesta, Chairman of Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign said, "The Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed."

Now remember all you Flag Waving, Mother Loving, Apple Pie Eating, Girl you fucked and left pregnant back home RePuBliKans, the holiest of Holy's for all you ass hats is the Federalist Papers. You jerk wads bend over backwards and take it up the ass for the Federalist Papers.

Your Cheeto-Faced Fascist der GroppenFuhrer Pussy Grabber invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's Emails. We know Russia Hacked the D.N.C. and we know Russia Hacked John Podesta's Emails.

That Fucked Faced Lying Butt Wad Trump invited Russia to commit espionage against his political opponent. He fucked up. Russia got caught.

Now I know you people who only a few short years ago would never have considered handing the U.S. over to Russia, but times and have changed and you love the idea of Putin being in control.

Hang on all of you ass Racist Assholes, it going to be a bumpy ride.
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Bravo, you need to add some original content to your op.
Real "Fake News" from the Puffington Host. It's as fake as hiLIARy's southern drawl when speaking to negroes....

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