Bipartisan House Bill Would Add Religious Exemption to Obamacare Mandate


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
A bipartisan bill in the House would expand the religious exemption to the insurance mandate in Obamacare, allowing those with a religious objection to absolve themselves of the mandate’s health insurance requirement with an affidavit.

Introduced by Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.), the bill has drawn co-sponsors from both sides of the political aisle, including Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Todd Akin (R-Mo.) Ron Paul (R-Texas), and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.).

The bill would allow anyone to be exempt from the individual mandate so long as they filed an affidavit along with their tax returns that “sincerely held religious beliefs” would cause them “to object to the medical health care that would be covered under such coverage.”

The issue of religious exemptions gained prominence late last year when the U.S. Catholic Church raised objections to a federal regulation that all insurance companies provide contraception without co-pay.

The church said that the regulation would violate the religious beliefs of Catholics, because Obamacare forced them to buy insurance that would now pay for contraception, which the Catholic Church believes to be immoral.

The regulations included a narrow religious exemption that would cover only churches and other religious institutions. After a public outcry over the narrow exemption, the Obama administration announced it would expand it, but has yet to produce this compromise.

The House bill would solve this issue by allowing anyone who swears they have a religious objection to insurance coverage to opt out of the mandate

Bipartisan House Bill Would Add Religious Exemption to Obamacare Mandate | CNS News
Good! :clap2: The government has no business punishing people for following their religious convictions.

Hobby Lobby files appeal in battle against ObamaCare contraception provisions | Fox News

Hobby Lobby Stores has appealed a federal judge’s decision denying the craft supply chain’s request to not provide employees with insurance that covers morning-after and week-after birth control pills, as mandated by the ObamaCare law.

The Christian-owned company asked for relief in the face of fines they say could reach $1 million a day for not providing the coverage.

The appeal was filed Tuesday in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals after a federal judge in Oklahoma on Monday denied the owners’ request for a temporary injunction against the provisions of the Obama administration's health law.

The chain's appeal states in part that Chief Executive Officer David Green his family in less than six weeks “must either violate their faith by covering abortion-causing drugs or be exposed to severe penalties -- including fines of up to $1.3 million per day, annual penalties of about $26 million and exposure to private suits.”​
No no it doesn't work like that, that bill will never pass

Why not? it's bipartisan That part should be struck down in the Supreme court anyway...But who knows with this bunch
It will never pass Dave boy, sorry. Hey my religion says it's wrong for me to pay for my car insurance, lol what a joke.
No guy boy, it doesn't. Also there is no way that bill will pass, not in the senate andthe president would veto it, no way that passes.
It will never pass Dave boy, sorry. Hey my religion says it's wrong for me to pay for my car insurance, lol what a joke.
Obama isn't Emperor, kid, no matter how badly you wish he was.
It will never pass Dave boy, sorry. Hey my religion says it's wrong for me to pay for my car insurance, lol what a joke.
Obama isn't Emperor, kid, no matter how badly you wish he was.

I never claimed he was, the op is suggesting that this "bill" will pass and I am saying no it will not. It might make it outof the house, not the senate, and if by some act of god it does, the prez will kill it with a veto.
It will never pass Dave boy, sorry. Hey my religion says it's wrong for me to pay for my car insurance, lol what a joke.
Obama isn't Emperor, kid, no matter how badly you wish he was.

I never claimed he was, the op is suggesting that this "bill" will pass and I am saying no it will not. It might make it outof the house, not the senate, and if by some act of god it does, the prez will kill it with a veto.

Whoop-de-doo!! The bill doesn't NEED to pass, it will serve as the vehicle to get the religious exemption in front of SCOTUS.

THAT'S not a battle that you can win, dude...
It will never pass Dave boy, sorry. Hey my religion says it's wrong for me to pay for my car insurance, lol what a joke.
Obama isn't Emperor, kid, no matter how badly you wish he was.

I never claimed he was, the op is suggesting that this "bill" will pass and I am saying no it will not. It might make it outof the house, not the senate, and if by some act of god it does, the prez will kill it with a veto.
Obama has only used his veto pen twice.
Obama isn't Emperor, kid, no matter how badly you wish he was.

I never claimed he was, the op is suggesting that this "bill" will pass and I am saying no it will not. It might make it outof the house, not the senate, and if by some act of god it does, the prez will kill it with a veto.
Obama has only used his veto pen twice.

The Senate are with him on that veto thing haha. It's called progress- and Pubs are regress.
Muslims will likely be exempt because they consider insurance as gambling.

The biggest question is why Obama and congress are exempting themselves from Obamacare and every other law they create. I would like to know why everyone isn't completely outraged that they don't think it's good enough for them. Any liberals here want to chime in on this one?
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This Religious objection on its face sounds like a pretty good compromise BUT..

What's to prevent other organizations from claiming OTHER religious objections?

Say for example, an religious objection to paying for any health care procedure (blood transfusions for example) that the religion thinks is stands in the way of GODs will?

This Religious objection on its face sounds like a pretty good compromise BUT..

What's to prevent other organizations from claiming OTHER religious objections?

Say for example, an religious objection to paying for any health care procedure (blood transfusions for example) that the religion thinks is stands in the way of GODs will?


As long as it is an established religious doctrine it would apply so yes for some blood transfusion is a no go. But it isn't that simple, you see some blood products can be used.
There is no need to keep the birth control, abortion mandate in the law. It does nothing but divide people get rid of it

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