Bipartisanship: 58/28 Believe ChiCom Flu Came from Lab

He did that so he doesnt look like a total pussy.
Haha, you nutjobs always have the game all rigged up for yourselves.

"Biden isnt doing anything!"

Uh yes he is idiot, he launched an investigation.

"He is only doing that so he doesnt look like a pussy!"

Do you guys ever have a moment of clarity and get totally embarrassed of yourselves?
You left out the second sentence. What, you couldnt answer the question either? :laugh:
Again, you think the fact that Biden will do an investigation and then do nothing about it if China is caught, is unimportant.
No, i think it is a stupid little lie you made up to soothe yourself. And in your excitable, addled little brain, "do nothing" has a mystery meaning that will only be defined once you wait for everyone else to take a stance and for time and events to pass, so that you can suck your own dick and tell everyone you told them so.

Dime a dozen.
Godboy let's demonstrate.

It is definitively shown that covid-19 escaped.from the Wuhan lab.

Biden should ___________

Let's hear it.
In fact, what Trump was briefed about concerning the coronavirus, has to have Trumps O.K. to release that information to Faucci.
Trump put Fauci in charge, which he screwed up on. You forget the media and you loons supported the opposite of what Trump recommended, but on every point he was right.
What are you talking about the opposite of what Trump recommended.

Trump didn't recommend wearing masks
Trump didn't recommend taking the virus seriously
Trump didn't recommend shutting down the country.

And Trump put Faucci in charge, but didn't tell Faucci, or anybody else publicly for that matter, what he was briefed on about how deadly the virus was.
Yes, and if all that would've been done. It would've saved everything. The deadly virus had a 99% survival rate. So fuck you.
Again, you think the fact that Biden will do an investigation and then do nothing about it if China is caught, is unimportant.
No, i think it is a stupid little lie you made up to soothe yourself. And in your excitable, addled little brain, "do nothing" has a mystery meaning that will only be defined once you wait for everyone else to take a stance and for time and events to pass, so that you can suck your own dick and tell everyone you told them so.

Dime a dozen.
The lie is you loons saying China doesn't own us through Biden.
By far the largest bio WMD attack in world history. Even if it was originally an accident, the coverup by the ChiCom government prevented containment.

And Joe and his flying monkeys MSM ignore it.

Any normal thinking person understands that modified virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology where they create biological weapons.

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