Bipartisanship: 58/28 Believe ChiCom Flu Came from Lab

Joe killed the investigation to determine.

Only after everyone with a room temperature IQ pressured him into giving the WMD attack lip service.
This is a WMD attack?
Apparently Trump knew all along it was a WMD attack (see post from Marvin Martian) and all Trump did was call it the flu.
Amazing how all the bullshit and conspiracy theories can collide a bit, huh? :laugh:
Says Dufus who says China made and released the WMD and then goes into a spittle flying rant about not the Chinese government, but Trump.
Joe killed the investigation to determine.

Only after everyone with a room temperature IQ pressured him into giving the WMD attack lip service.
This is a WMD attack?
Apparently Trump knew all along it was a WMD attack (see post from Marvin Martian) and all Trump did was call it the flu.
Amazing how all the bullshit and conspiracy theories can collide a bit, huh? :laugh:
Says Dufus who says China made and released the WMD and then goes into a spittle flying rant about not the Chinese government, but Trump.
Charlie Brown probably have been better. Fauci said that hydrochroloquine wouldn't have any affect on covid. Well he knew he was wrong and it cost thousands of American lives. Just because he didn't want Trump to get credit for anything. Yes, he should be executed for that alone.
A week ago, I started doing research on HCQ and CQ, since there were over 59 blind studies as of mid 2021 they reported on.

They checked the effectiveness under a number of studies, and a level of different doses, and the conclusion was that within statistical error, hydroxychloroquine had no effect on either reducing the seriousness (hospitalization) or fatality.

Any reports of it's effectiveness were small scale studies, or purely anecdotal.
Joe killed the investigation to determine.

Only after everyone with a room temperature IQ pressured him into giving the WMD attack lip service.
This is a WMD attack?
Apparently Trump knew all along it was a WMD attack (see post from Marvin Martian) and all Trump did was call it the flu.
Amazing how all the bullshit and conspiracy theories can collide a bit, huh? :laugh:
Says Dufus who says China made and released the WMD and then goes into a spittle flying rant about not the Chinese government, but Trump.
So which is it? Chinese government involved or are you a denier?
All these media outlets and politicians who suppressed the Wuhan lab leak theory out of hatred for Trump need to be investigated. They may have contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Let's not forget about Fauci, he should be executed.
All I can say is WOW.

Who did you want in his place? Scott Atlas?
Charlie Brown probably have been better. Fauci said that hydrochroloquine wouldn't have any affect on covid. Well he knew he was wrong and it cost thousands of American lives. Just because he didn't want Trump to get credit for anything. Yes, he should be executed for that alone.
Fauci lied to the American people over and over when lives were at stake. He should be drawn and quartered.
So which is it? Chinese government involved or are you a denier?
I think the biggest question is, if Trump knew China released a WMD against the world. Why did Trump cover it up, and call it the flu?

He didn't know, he suspected. But the corporate media and DemoKKKrat politicians refused to cooperate, because they hate Trump. Hundreds of thousands may have died because of that.
Joe killed the investigation to determine.

Only after everyone with a room temperature IQ pressured him into giving the WMD attack lip service.
This is a WMD attack?
Apparently Trump knew all along it was a WMD attack (see post from Marvin Martian) and all Trump did was call it the flu.
Amazing how all the bullshit and conspiracy theories can collide a bit, huh? :laugh:
Says Dufus who says China made and released the WMD and then goes into a spittle flying rant about not the Chinese government, but Trump.
So which is it? Chinese government involved or are you a denier?
I don't know. And neither do you.
All these media outlets and politicians who suppressed the Wuhan lab leak theory out of hatred for Trump need to be investigated. They may have contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Actually Trump lead the cover up. Saying that the virus he knew was an engineered WMD, was no worse than the flu.

Why didn't Trump tell anybody it was a WMD until months after it had already become a world wide pandemic.
Joe killed the investigation to determine.

Only after everyone with a room temperature IQ pressured him into giving the WMD attack lip service.
This is a WMD attack?
Apparently Trump knew all along it was a WMD attack (see post from Marvin Martian) and all Trump did was call it the flu.
Amazing how all the bullshit and conspiracy theories can collide a bit, huh? :laugh:
Says Dufus who says China made and released the WMD and then goes into a spittle flying rant about not the Chinese government, but Trump.
So which is it? Chinese government involved or are you a denier?
I don't know. And neither do you.
Yea, I know.
I think the biggest question is, if Trump knew China released a WMD against the world. Why did Trump cover it up, and call it the flu?
He didn't know, he suspected. But the corporate media and DemoKKKrat politicians refused to cooperate, because they hate Trump. Hundreds of thousands may have died because of that.
What does corporate and media have to do with it. Trump was told by the CIA it was deadly, and that was in december and january 2020.

Somebody had to tell Trump it was WMD.
I think the biggest question is, if Trump knew China released a WMD against the world. Why did Trump cover it up, and call it the flu?
He didn't know, he suspected. But the corporate media and DemoKKKrat politicians refused to cooperate, because they hate Trump. Hundreds of thousands may have died because of that.
What does corporate and media have to do with it. Trump was told by the CIA it was deadly, and that was in december and january 2020.

Somebody had to tell Trump it was WMD.
Is that why in March Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese people?
By far the largest bio WMD attack in world history. Even if it was originally an accident, the coverup by the ChiCom government prevented containment.

And Joe and his flying monkeys MSM ignore it.

The good news is Moonglow noticed there was a problem.
Only one on USMB I have on ignore.
By far the largest bio WMD attack in world history. Even if it was originally an accident, the coverup by the ChiCom government prevented containment.

And Joe and his flying monkeys MSM ignore it.

The good news is Moonglow noticed there was a problem.
Only one on USMB I have on ignore.
Ignoring Bart Simpson is ignoring a cultural icon.

Imagine ignoring Abbot and Costello, or Laurel and Hardy...or Beavis and Butthead...

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