Bishop apologises for priest who suggested the marriage referendum was the devil’s work


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

St Mel's Cathedral, Longford

The comments made by Fr Okere are not known specifically, but are alleged to have suggested that the referendum result is ‘evidence that the devil is at work in Ireland’.

Longford LGBT have condemned the sentiments expressed by Fr Okere.

“We are greatly saddened and disappointed to hear the passing of the Marriage Referendum being described as the influence of the Devil on society and that this in conjunction with marriage breakdown and divorce is leading to the destruction of humanity,”

Bishop apologises for priest who suggested the marriage referendum was the devil’s work
I think this article covers a lot of ground concerning what is going on throughout. Sad a lot of people are standing on the fence as it is happening.

Radical Anti-God Marxists are Using the Gay Lobby to 'Remake' America
By Erik Rush / 22 April 2015 / 83 Comments
More at link,

"Homosexual activists and sympathetic operatives spy on churches and religious groups, their ears pricked up for anything they might find remotely discriminatory (by their definition, as we’re already experiencing here in America), so that they can mince over to the nearest Human Rights Commission office and file a complaint.

Just what America needs, eh?

Well, I have a wake-up call for the firebreathing, militant homosexuals out there: You don’t get to stigmatize the rest of us – who outnumber you fifty-to-one, by the way – because you have a distorted vision of what society ought to look like, and are so emotionally immature that you think you ought to have your way, “just because.”

If all of this perversion and constitutional nullification takes place in America within my lifetime, I will probably be in prison in fairly short order, because I’m certainly not going to shut up. I know – as well as do many other Americans – that whether they’re misguided middle class professionals, or fornicating-on-Pride-Parade-floats militants, this relatively tiny group of people is merely being used by radicals to consolidate their power.

Integral to this consolidation of power is eradicating traditional concepts of morality, so that they may shift individuals’ allegiance from God to the State."
This is a good thread for this article also. Believers around the globe are under attack at all levels regardless of their religious preferences. Even their attempts to appease and their attempts to get along with those desiring to usurp their belief systems are attacked in order to make them submissive to the gay agenda.

I'm going to share this one on facebook and hope it will be passed around. I know facebook will delete whatever they do not want people to see or be shared but its worth a try. I'm thinking somehow we should create another avenue for people to gather something like facebook for these bits of information can be shared around the globe.

Christian jeweller made gay couples’ rings but still got targeted by gay lobby
"MOUNT PEARL, Newfoundland, May 25, 2015 ( –While North Americans are used to reading about Christian business people being fined and excoriated for refusing to cater to homosexual weddings, Newfoundland has added a novel twist: there a Christian jeweller has been punished financially and deluged with hate mail even though he did do business with a homosexual couple.

Nicole White and Pam Renouf liked the service they got from Esau Jardon of Today’s Jewellers in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador, who took their deposit and proceeded to design and build them two engagement rings. They even recommended the store to friends....." more at link

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