Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

She's a bat shit crazy public dole moocher, like most liberals.
So you're stupid enough to thank Warren qualifies for welfare? You're an idiot.

Did you learn English in a dirt hut in the Congo? Oh the irony :laugh:
Even if that were true, it's completely irrelevant to your stupidity of how welfare works.

Your anger is noted, did that make you feel better venting? Poor lib :itsok:

lol, lol, lol

So is your guys that whine all day about how evil the fucking government is but accept a government pay check. dumb.
She's a bat shit crazy public dole moocher, like most liberals.
So you're stupid enough to thank Warren qualifies for welfare? You're an idiot.

Did you learn English in a dirt hut in the Congo? Oh the irony :laugh:
Even if that were true, it's completely irrelevant to your stupidity of how welfare works.

Your anger is noted, did that make you feel better venting? Poor lib :itsok:
Again, you harp on what's irrelevant. How I feel doesn't matter. You're too dumb to know how welfare works.
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?

#1 I am not a "nazi-con"...whatever the fuck that is......

#2 Neither Elizabeth Warren or Rachael Maddow qualify as "intelligent" or "strong"....ok, I might backtrack on the trans-gendered bull dyke "Rachael Maddcow" when it comes to weight lifting but intelligent? Not hardly....I would have that klunt tongue tied in a debate within mere minutes. She seems to tout an ideology straight out of the communist handbook. Now, with that being said? It's of no wonder to me as to why leftard shills like you defend these sorry sacks of commie minded "useful idiots" as per the comments of Lenin, they always seem to stick together.

Yes, you are most definitely a Nazi Conservative! Hence, NaziCon!

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
Wow, are you talking about Elizabeth Warren, the one that wants to stand up for women's rights, the one that pays women that work for her 30% less...that Elizabeth Warren?
That Right-wing CON$ervoFascist lie has been thoroughly debunked already!
Where have you been?
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?

#1 I am not a "nazi-con"...whatever the fuck that is......

#2 Neither Elizabeth Warren or Rachael Maddow qualify as "intelligent" or "strong"....ok, I might backtrack on the trans-gendered bull dyke "Rachael Maddcow" when it comes to weight lifting but intelligent? Not hardly....I would have that klunt tongue tied in a debate within mere minutes. She seems to tout an ideology straight out of the communist handbook. Now, with that being said? It's of no wonder to me as to why leftard shills like you defend these sorry sacks of commie minded "useful idiots" as per the comments of Lenin, they always seem to stick together.

Yes, you are most definitely a Nazi Conservative! Hence, NaziCon!

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

No, I am a pro -Constitutionalist....the one that was passed in 1787 that was for the united stated for America...not the corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 that changed it to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.INC...and yes, the "all caps" matters a great deal per Black's Law dictionary.

What is so fucking sad is that commies like you are so fucking clueless and you don't even WANT to learn anything that might wake you up to the fact that you and your ilk are nothing but useful idiots of the very elites that you claim to be against. If I was watching this from afar? I would have a tub of popcorn and I would be laughing my ASS off at the hilarity and irony of it all.......unfortunately? We are in the same sinking boat and while some of us are trying to bail out the water? Your kind are drilling more holes. Bad shit is coming down the pike and I only have so many life jackets. You better pay heed to what I am saying here or learn to tread water.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.

Fight fire with fire?

Prob is, they took a full century to gain total control of the media and the schools.....America may not have the same 100 years left to build a bulwark against these curs.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?
Washington Redskin, it would be a stretch calling either one of them women. Stay out of the fire water
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.

The Right Wing thrives on Character Assassination! That is a fact; your lie that it does not is absurd.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
Thanks for letting me know.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.

The Right Wing thrives on Character Assassination! That is a fact; your lie that it does not is absurd.
The left wing created character assassination.

The right wing just attacks genuine pieces of shit that you admire.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

I saw her on Conan... she seems nice enough, but came off as utterly clueless.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.

The Right Wing thrives on Character Assassination! That is a fact; your lie that it does not is absurd.

ptbw will not be able to refute the truth of this statement, and if he tired it would be nothing more than an ad hominem. A typical response of extremists like him will be to call me a libtard or dumbocrat, childish insults even if posted by a dim second grader.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

I missed this...did Loony Liz and Madcow argue over who has the bigger penis?
She's a bat shit crazy public dole moocher, like most liberals.
So you're stupid enough to thank Warren qualifies for welfare? You're an idiot.

Did you learn English in a dirt hut in the Congo? Oh the irony :laugh:
Even if that were true, it's completely irrelevant to your stupidity of how welfare works.

Your anger is noted, did that make you feel better venting? Poor lib :itsok:
Again, you harp on what's irrelevant. How I feel doesn't matter. You're too dumb to know how welfare works.

Translation...I'm a trigger hateful liberal got it. :laugh:

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