Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?
You do realize that Warren is a joke, right?

Why? Give us some "credible" examples that aren't conjured-up NaziCon conspiracy theories. BTW, don't forget to buy her new book.

Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?

#1 I am not a "nazi-con"...whatever the fuck that is......

#2 Neither Elizabeth Warren or Rachael Maddow qualify as "intelligent" or "strong"....ok, I might backtrack on the trans-gendered bull dyke "Rachael Maddcow" when it comes to weight lifting but intelligent? Not hardly....I would have that klunt tongue tied in a debate within mere minutes. She seems to tout an ideology straight out of the communist handbook. Now, with that being said? It's of no wonder to me as to why leftard shills like you defend these sorry sacks of commie minded "useful idiots" as per the comments of Lenin, they always seem to stick together.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
Thanks for giving me the heads-up on this great interview with Senator Elizabeth Warren.

She speaks truth to power. And if it wasn't for your thread, I would have missed it.

Thanks bruh!
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?

Wow, are you talking about Elizabeth Warren, the one that wants to stand up for women's rights, the one that pays women that work for her 30% less...that Elizabeth Warren?
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
Thanks for giving me the heads-up on this great interview with Senator Elizabeth Warren.

She speaks truth to power. And if it wasn't for your thread, I would have missed it.

Thanks bruh!

She speaks "commie truth" which attracts useful little idiots like yourself. You know nothing about her ties to commie front groups and how blatant commie Van Jones claims that avowed commies like Warren and Sanders are now the face of the leftard clown commie party.....good luck with all that.
She's a bat shit crazy public dole moocher, like most liberals.
So you're stupid enough to thank Warren qualifies for welfare? You're an idiot.

Did you learn English in a dirt hut in the Congo? Oh the irony :laugh:
Even if that were true, it's completely irrelevant to your stupidity of how welfare works.

Your anger is noted, did that make you feel better venting? Poor lib :itsok:
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

The misogyny just goes on, and on, and on, and on ....

.... yawn.


Then perhaps you should seek a new roost and take your misogyny with you.



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