Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.

Fight fire with fire?

Prob is, they took a full century to gain total control of the media and the schools.....America may not have the same 100 years left to build a bulwark against these curs.
We only have 30 years left until total societal collapse, and that is only with the best possible outcomes.

It is time to fight fire with nukes.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

I missed this...did Loony Liz and Madcow argue over who has the bigger penis?

Since no argument was proffered nor can be inferred from this ^^^ post, the following should not be considered an ad hominem in the singular or the aggregate.

In one line, BL offered evidence he is a homophobic misogynist and as dumb as all other 21st Century self- proclaimed conservatives. We have seen a new set of stupid multiply on this message board since the election results in Nov. '16, and especially after Jan 20th.

We experienced a sea change with the election of Trump. He is President, and yet is the most unfit, unqualified and incompetent POTUS in history. He has transformed the United States into a Plutocracy and with the aid of Sen. McConnell and a majority in the Senate who have put their party and ideology before We the People.

The greatest danger facing us today is not in NK, Iran or Russian, but in the Senate, the Trump Administration and the inner circle in the White House. There are no longer any checks and balances, the Alt. Right (aka, the fascists) now control America.
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Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
Thanks for giving me the heads-up on this great interview with Senator Elizabeth Warren.

She speaks truth to power. And if it wasn't for your thread, I would have missed it.

Thanks bruh!

She speaks "commie truth" which attracts useful little idiots like yourself. You know nothing about her ties to commie front groups and how blatant commie Van Jones claims that avowed commies like Warren and Sanders are now the face of the leftard clown commie party.....good luck with all that.

I'm disappointed that Keith Ellison didn't win the DNC election.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
The right doesn't try to destroy anyone with insults and personal attacks, that is the problem.

Once the right becomes as vicious as the left and creates its own hateful popular culture, that will be the end of clowns like Warren.

The Right Wing thrives on Character Assassination! That is a fact; your lie that it does not is absurd.

ptbw will not be able to refute the truth of this statement, and if he tired it would be nothing more than an ad hominem. A typical response of extremists like him will be to call me a libtard or dumbocrat, childish insults even if posted by a dim second grader.
There isn't any truth to your statement, it is called projection.

Alinsky invented character assassination as a political tool, there has never been a right wing equivalent.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

That's so true. Every time I pinch myself when thinking a giant Orange clown is POS, I remember the insanely evil bulldyke he ran against and understandmhow he got elected.
I understandmhow too.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

I missed this...did Loony Liz and Madcow argue over who has the bigger penis?

Since no argument was proffered nor can be inferred from this ^^^ post, the following should not be considered an ad hominem in the singular or the aggregate.

In one line, BL offered evidence he is a homophobic misogynist and as dumb as all other 21st Century self- proclaimed conservatives. We have seen a new set of stupid multiply on this message board since the election results in Nov. '16, and especially after Jan 20th.

We experienced a sea change with the election of Trump. He is President, and yet is the most unfit, unqualified and incompetent POTUS in history. He has transformed the United States into a Plutocracy and with the aid of Sen. McConnell and a majority in the Senate who have put their party and ideology before We the People.

The greatest danger facing us today is not in NK, Iran or Russian, but in the Senate, the Trump Administration and the inner circle in the White House. There are no longer any checks and balances, the Alt. Right (aka, the fascists) now control America.

Lay off the estrogen pop, you are losing it.
Bizarre, Nasty Weirdo Elizabeth Warren on Transgende Homosexual Rachel Maddow's Show Now

Why are you ignorant NaziCons so afraid and intimidated by intelligent and strong women?
You do realize that Warren is a joke, right?

Why? Give us some "credible" examples that aren't conjured-up NaziCon conspiracy theories. BTW, don't forget to buy her new book.

She writes as she smears middle class Trump voters as "racists"....

She is a regressive clown masquerading as a principled leftist. At least Bernie was sort of believe able.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!

I missed this...did Loony Liz and Madcow argue over who has the bigger penis?

Since no argument was proffered nor can be inferred from this ^^^ post, the following should not be considered an ad hominem in the singular or the aggregate.

In one line, BL offered evidence he is a homophobic misogynist and as dumb as all other 21st Century self- proclaimed conservatives. We have seen a new set of stupid multiply on this message board since the election results in Nov. '16, and especially after Jan 20th.

We experienced a sea change with the election of Trump. He is President, and yet is the most unfit, unqualified and incompetent POTUS in history. He has transformed the United States into a Plutocracy and with the aid of Sen. McConnell and a majority in the Senate who have put their party and ideology before We the People.

The greatest danger facing us today is not in NK, Iran or Russian, but in the Senate, the Trump Administration and the inner circle in the White House. There are no longer any checks and balances, the Alt. Right (aka, the fascists) now control America.

Lay off the estrogen pop, you are losing it.

I prefer Irish Whiskey, and can offer substantive remarks on topical issues; or, when things get boring I can add some hyperbole to get a reaction which usually elicit little more than an ad hominem in response.

Today we have real world problems in Asia and the Middle East, and in The District. I cannot believe any intelligence and aware citizen, who is not in it for themselves, supports Donald Trump's (IMO) lunacy. As I've oft stated, Trump is unfit for the office of POTUS.
Pocahontas talks like a character in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. Folks, democrat leadership is insane! No wonder The Donald won the election in a landslide!
The Right always tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy with their insults and personal attacks.
Thank you.
And you know they are lame, weak and not-to-mention wrong about it, because they ALL say the same stupid thing "Pocahontas!" as it that's the worst thing ever. In other words, they never attack based on any substantive thing, it's just far rightwing fodder that they whip themselves up with into a frenzy.
Fight fire with fire?

Prob is, they took a full century to gain total control of the media and the schools.....America may not have the same 100 years left to build a bulwark against these curs.
Dunce...there's no media more powerful, influential and prolific than rightwing media in America.

You people are masters at calling your so-called enemies the very thing you are.


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