Bizzaro world! Righties are concerned about protestors rights?!


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
man the right wingers really have no shame. For years it's been mostly left groups who've been doing the protesting . And the right has been crapping all over them .

- occupy . Bunch of dirty hippies who should be in jail.

-BLM, well they are terrorists !

- pipeline protestors . Cheered water cannons being used on protesters. Tried to pass laws allowing drivers to run them over .

- woman marchers . Bunch of uppity Whiney bitches .

But wait! Now they've had a change of heart! And all it took was a true cause they could get behind . ......NEO NAZIS!

Lol! If That doesn't show how evil righties are , I don't know what does .
The left rarely actually PROTESTS, they more use force or the threat of force to attempt to dictate policy.

Teh pipeline protesters, were they just protesting or were they blocking construction?
Protesting and rioting are two different things

The left rarely actually PROTESTS, they more use force or the threat of force to attempt to dictate policy.

Teh pipeline protesters, were they just protesting or were they blocking construction?

Both .
The left rarely actually PROTESTS, they more use force or the threat of force to attempt to dictate policy.

Teh pipeline protesters, were they just protesting or were they blocking construction?

Both .
So, the communist left doesn't really engage in discourse to convince anyone that the impossible, fairy-tale marxist promise is the path we should take, so all they can do is try to cockblock other messages. Win by attrition.

It will work in other countries where the goose-stepping commie left has seized all weapons from the people, but not here.

Recent commie behavior should be advertisement gold for the NRA recruiting promotions.

Poor commies.
man the right wingers really have no shame. For years it's been mostly left groups who've been doing the protesting . And the right has been crapping all over them .

- occupy . Bunch of dirty hippies who should be in jail.

-BLM, well they are terrorists !

- pipeline protestors . Cheered water cannons being used on protesters. Tried to pass laws allowing drivers to run them over .

- woman marchers . Bunch of uppity Whiney bitches .

But wait! Now they've had a change of heart! And all it took was a true cause they could get behind . ......NEO NAZIS!

Lol! If That doesn't show how evil righties are , I don't know what does .
Reported massive drug use, robberies, rapes, and left trash everywhere when they left a location

Spewed / spews racism, called / calls for violence against cops, have committed crimes, and just admitted they lied about a black lynching by a white to incite anger / violence

They did break the law..

Top honored / celebrated women marchers / key speakers were an ex-Felon who kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, and murdered an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him AND an ex-Cop killer who had fled the country to avoid prosecution...

man the right wingers really have no shame. For years it's been mostly left groups who've been doing the protesting . And the right has been crapping all over them .

- occupy . Bunch of dirty hippies who should be in jail.

-BLM, well they are terrorists !

- pipeline protestors . Cheered water cannons being used on protesters. Tried to pass laws allowing drivers to run them over .

- woman marchers . Bunch of uppity Whiney bitches .

But wait! Now they've had a change of heart! And all it took was a true cause they could get behind . ......NEO NAZIS!

Lol! If That doesn't show how evil righties are , I don't know what does .
One thing you can learn from Timmy's posts: He's not a reader. Everything he knows is from movies and TV.
The left rarely actually PROTESTS, they more use force or the threat of force to attempt to dictate policy.

Teh pipeline protesters, were they just protesting or were they blocking construction?

Both .
So, the communist left doesn't really engage in discourse to convince anyone that the impossible, fairy-tale marxist promise is the path we should take, so all they can do is try to cockblock other messages. Win by attrition.

It will work in other countries where the goose-stepping commie left has seized all weapons from the people, but not here.

Recent commie behavior should be advertisement gold for the NRA recruiting promotions.

Poor commies.
Remember, ALL successful implementations of full-on communism have been accompanied by mass genocide.
man the right wingers really have no shame. For years it's been mostly left groups who've been doing the protesting . And the right has been crapping all over them .

- occupy . Bunch of dirty hippies who should be in jail.

-BLM, well they are terrorists !

- pipeline protestors . Cheered water cannons being used on protesters. Tried to pass laws allowing drivers to run them over .

- woman marchers . Bunch of uppity Whiney bitches .

But wait! Now they've had a change of heart! And all it took was a true cause they could get behind . ......NEO NAZIS!

Lol! If That doesn't show how evil righties are , I don't know what does .
One thing you can learn from Timmy's posts: He's not a reader. Everything he knows is from movies and TV.

I suspect he's a Dr Seuss fan...just a hunch
When you protest a protester doesn't it make you a protester? Were the inauguration day vandals who torched cars and smashed windows just "protesters"? The point is that the 1st Amendment allows us to protest and to ridicule protesters and counter protesters but it doesn't authorize violence. The media is desperately trying to make a case against the President but for some reason the media has yet to ask the governor of Va. Terry McAuliffe why he sanctioned such an event when it was guaranteed to turn into a riot and why he failed to protect the citizens he represents. It's a legitimate question whether McAuliffe was acting in behalf of the citizens of the Commonwealth or whether he was acting under instructions from the DNC to cause an incident. I don't see the media even attempting to contact him.
Enough of this BS that the right are these pacifist wall flowers ! Neonazis are know for their violence and intimidation tactics . Quit playing the victim .
Enough of this BS that the right are these pacifist wall flowers ! Neonazis are know for their violence and intimidation tactics . Quit playing the victim .
Gee, for the 2nd time violence was instigated by violent, hoodie/mask-wearing Leftist pee-flingers who seek to use violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights, and the snowflakes are trying to make the argument THEY are not the violent ones...

...despite their violent riots, looting, arson, destruction of property, beating and bloodying political opposition supporters, fire-bombong GOP HQs, calling for military coups, calling for assassinations, and trying to carry those assassinations out...

Violent snowflakes seek to destroy the past and re-write history so they will feel better about themselves...
man the right wingers really have no shame. For years it's been mostly left groups who've been doing the protesting . And the right has been crapping all over them .

- occupy . Bunch of dirty hippies who should be in jail.

-BLM, well they are terrorists !

- pipeline protestors . Cheered water cannons being used on protesters. Tried to pass laws allowing drivers to run them over .

- woman marchers . Bunch of uppity Whiney bitches .

But wait! Now they've had a change of heart! And all it took was a true cause they could get behind . ......NEO NAZIS!

Lol! If That doesn't show how evil righties are , I don't know what does .
Reported massive drug use, robberies, rapes, and left trash everywhere when they left a location

Spewed / spews racism, called / calls for violence against cops, have committed crimes, and just admitted they lied about a black lynching by a white to incite anger / violence

They did break the law..

Top honored / celebrated women marchers / key speakers were an ex-Felon who kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, and murdered an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him AND an ex-Cop killer who had fled the country to avoid prosecution...


No one stopped them from taking the podium either. They were allowed to speak. No one said they didnt have the right to speak. The problem I had with those guys was the blocking traffic, turning over cars and burning stores, stuff like that.

that's not 1st Amendment! I think the Cat in the Hat is looking up the wrong tree here.
Enough of this BS that the right are these pacifist wall flowers ! Neonazis are know for their violence and intimidation tactics . Quit playing the victim .
Nazis suck. I think everyone can agree on that, but generally speaking, they arent out assaulting people in the name of their cause. I mean other than this recent incident, when is the last time you even heard anything about them? People have the right to hate other people, but they arent allowed to attack tpeople, which is what your side is doing. You seem completely unconcerned about the continuous violence from the left, while at the same time youre harping on the smallest, most insignificant group in the nation.

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