black arbys manager throughs grease on customer

So like the ONE mass shooter that makes headlines and is black and now its a problem.

You could tell that the mass shooter was black because no one got killed. Whites and Muslims get shit DONE.
Bro, blacks are responsible for THOUSANDS of murders every year.
So are whites, hispanics and asians. What's your point? White crime is acceptable?
I think white crime in the US is just about as low as you are going to see in a human society in 2022. Black crime on the other hand is crazy rampant and it can certainly be reduced, if people are willing to be critical of current black culture.
I think white crime in the US is just about as low as you are going to see in a human society in 2022. Black crime on the other hand is crazy rampant and it can certainly be reduced, if people are willing to be critical of current black culture.

5,000,000 is as low as you can get in human society? I didn't know that was a low number.

5,000,000 is as low as you can get in human society? I didn't know that was a low number.

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You cant use that as a measuring stick. Do you think India's police force is good at solving crimes and convicting criminals? Dont blame the US for having outstanding detectives. Also, half those people in prison are black. Remove black crime from the US books and we are the most peaceful place on Earth.
We have a lot of people in prison because, our unsolved crime rate is far lower than the rest of the world. If our detectives sucked, our prisons would be empty too. Having a bunch of people in prison is a lot better than having a bunch of unsolved crimes.
Also, half those people in prison are black. Remove black crime from the US books and we are the most peaceful place on Earth.

And even with that "half" we're still a relatively peaceful nation. Black Crime isn't worse than white crime, so who cares? Hispanic crime isn't worse than a black crime or white crime so who cares? Seems to me we should be patting the asians on the back because they don't do shit.
And even with that "half" we're still a relatively peaceful nation. Black Crime isn't worse than white crime, so who cares? Hispanic crime isn't worse than a black crime or white crime so who cares? Seems to me we should be patting the asians on the back because they don't do shit.
Black male crime is half of our murders. What the fuck are you talking about? Get rid of 6% of our population and our murders are cut in half. Clearly there is a problem when 6% causes so much misery.
It was your excuse for why so many crackers are in prison.
No it wasnt. I never mentioned white people in that post. That post was about our ENTIRE prison population. If you cant follow a simple debate, im going to have to put you on ignore. Dont make that mistake again.
Black Crime isn't worse than white crime, so who cares?
WHAT?!!! Black crime is MUCH worse than white crime. The obviously untrue things you are saying are fucking stupid. Im beginning to think you are a fool, which is a waste of my time.
The correct spelling is "throws" not "throughs." Makes you look like white trash when you make a post besmirching black people, yet can't spell the headline correctly.

Was meaning to make this comment and appreciate your earlier present of such.
The folly of the internet and "message boards"/"forums" is too many 'illiterate' and school flunkies post and then distort along the way ...
Ignore me, faggot.
Your ability to debate is very poor, your instincts on how to rebut are terrible, and your arguments are just the worst. I came to USMB in 2008 for one reason only... to debate people. If you bring nothing to the table, you are useless to me.

You are permanently ignored.

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