black arbys manager throughs grease on customer

Your ability to debate is very poor, your instincts on how to rebut are terrible, and your arguments are just the worst. I came to USMB in 2008 for one reason only... to debate people. If you bring nothing to the table, you are useless to me.

You are permanently ignored.

Good enough for me. You just want to blame black people for stuff just like your daddy did. I know you can't read this, but others can. Look up the stats. Whites commit more crimes and go to prison more than blacks hispanics and asians combined. It's just a fact of life. You go look at the ID channel, and all serial killers happen to be white. You look in the arrests coumn of your local newspaper, it's all white druggies.

I'm not a white hater, but I don't like pointing out nothing but problems in another race and not at least post something good once in a while, because we're all humans getting up, living, going to bed and dying.
It's a black thang you wouldn't understand. I miss those tshirts.
So like the ONE mass shooter that makes headlines and is black and now its a problem.

You could tell that the mass shooter was black because no one got killed. Whites and Muslims get shit DONE.
Well the difference is they are not a Mass shooter, they are usually trying to shot one person and end up hitting 5 or 6 innocent folks.
Black male crime is half of our murders. What the fuck are you talking about? Get rid of 6% of our population and our murders are cut in half. Clearly there is a problem when 6% causes so much misery.
It would cut black murders in half not white murders. Whites account for 85% of white murders, so your assessment is asinine at best.

well dang do not piss off the black in charge. terrible.
Local to me... Play nigga games; win nigga prizes. If you go into a restaurant and see mostly black faces behind the counter... Leave. Many of then envy you. And you have no idea which one of these feral is going to spit in your food. Or worse... Just avoid the "Groid". There is no negative outcome.

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