NC pastor tries to deep-fry McDonald's employee for dissing his wife

Oh, my. Pastor indeed.

With Mexicans making headlines for food stories, blacks are having to up their game.

And boy, did they ever last week in High Point, N.C.

Coming soon from McD’s—the Nappy Meal.

57-year-old local pastor Dwayne Waden rushed to a nearby McDonald’s, where his wife, Latoya Gladney (nothing says “good Christian marriage” like a husband and wife having different last names), was training as a manager. Apparently, she’d called her hubby to complain that one of her young underlings had “disrespected” her on the job, so Pastor Waden, a black gentleman of estimable size, stormed into the kitchen, grabbed the offending coworker (a young black man) by the neck, and tried to stick his face in the deep fryer.

Talk about the world’s worst baptism! You’ve heard of “anointing with oil,” but this is ridiculous.

Pastor Waden, a.k.a. Crispus Attack-us, was arrested by cops. Although his denomination was not released by police, it was likely Mangle-ican. Or possibly Char-ismatic.

His church HQ is now known as the Holy Frica-See.

Martin Luther Singe was booked on charges of assault and beer-battery. He told local media that he was simply following in the footsteps of his hero, W.E.B. Du Boils and the Panfry-African Movement. When asked what he’s going to do with his time in jail, Waden stated that he plans to write his autobiography: The Fryer Next Time.

Perhaps the worst part of the story is, once the young black worker’s head was pulled out of the fryer, he began brawling with his colleagues, complaining that he wasn’t hot enough.
Correction, black religious people are nuts, along with black McDonalds employees
Awesome, make it a racist thing.


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