Black Barbie Sold for Less Than White Barbie at Walmart Store Raises Eyebrows

What was the manufacturer thinking?

I am presuming that WalMart didn't set the price, but merely took its normal markup, of course.

It was marked down to clear out inventory to make shelf space for the new line.

Wal-Mart makes money because it has high inventory turnover. Something sits on the shelf for awhile, the price is cut.

This is a faux issue.
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Do you think race baiters would find it more or less fauxfensive if the white barbie was marked down instead of the black one? I'm thinking they'd be at least as fauxfended, if not moreso. Of course the rhetoric would be all about walmart sticking it to minorities economically rather than slapping them in the face.

I am beyond tired of EVERY FRELLING THING IN LIFE being turned into a racial incident or commentary.
What was the manufacturer thinking?

I am presuming that WalMart didn't set the price, but merely took its normal markup, of course.

It was marked down for clear out inventory to make shelf space for the new line.

This is a faux issue.

This is correct.....

What was the manufacturer thinking?

I am presuming that WalMart didn't set the price, but merely took its normal markup, of course.

WMs normal markup originally had both Barbies selling for the same price. After some period of time they had more black Barbies in inventory than white, so they marked the black ones down to spur sales. Same as they do with other products every day.

For anyone to think there's a racial angle to it is because they want a racial angle to it.

Thanks for pointing out what should be obvious. But obvious is often overlooked by those with an agenda.

One wonders how this story would unfold if it were the white barbie that was 50% off.

We'd see Charlie Bass and all his other SNs posting something to the effect that:
White people don't even want white dolls, but instead want Black dolls because blacks are the superrace and that's why Africa rules-FUCK WHITEY!!!! When's The Man gonna send me my welfare check?
I don't see this as a big deal but there is always someone who wants to play the race card when there is no racial problem present. This is a non issue that ABC should have never reported on.

Walmart: Black Barbie Sold Cheaper Than White Barbie at Store - ABC News

Walmart is raising eyebrows after cutting the price of a black Barbie doll to nearly half of that of the doll's white counterpart at one store and possibly others.

Pricing like items differently is a part of inventory management in retailing," O'Brien said.

But critics say Walmart should have been more sensitive in its pricing choice.

"The implication of the lowering of the price is that's devaluing the black doll," said Thelma Dye, the executive director of the Northside Center for Child Development, a Harlem, N.Y. organization founded by pioneering psychologists and segregation researchers Kenneth B. Clark and Marnie Phipps Clark.

"Most white parents wouldn't think to buy a black doll for their child, even if they believe in equality and all those things," she said.

Maybe they were just trying to create higher demand with lower prices! God help us, it's business in action. It demonstrates that the doll is of lesser value to the seller, not the buyer. The next step will be to just quit making the damn things.
or use them as a springboard for (insert issue) to pollute our kids........


My daughter had black Barbies, one lady made a comment to her once (we took her to the swimming pool one day) asking why she had a 'colored' doll.

Yeah, it was 2001. :cuckoo:

That's just precious. Old folks are so cute.
Walmart cut their price in THAT ONE STORE, because it was not selling at a good rate of sale.....

End of story.... happens every day....once they liquidate their inventory, they may not carry them anymore.

It's called merchandising your business.
Good point, I guess I will just delete my e-mail to Matel proposing a married Lap-Band Barbie and a retired GI Joe with Jack Daniels grip.
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I don't see this as a big deal but there is always someone who wants to play the race card when there is no racial problem present. This is a non issue that ABC should have never reported on.

Walmart: Black Barbie Sold Cheaper Than White Barbie at Store - ABC News

Walmart is raising eyebrows after cutting the price of a black Barbie doll to nearly half of that of the doll's white counterpart at one store and possibly others.

Pricing like items differently is a part of inventory management in retailing," O'Brien said.

But critics say Walmart should have been more sensitive in its pricing choice.

"The implication of the lowering of the price is that's devaluing the black doll," said Thelma Dye, the executive director of the Northside Center for Child Development, a Harlem, N.Y. organization founded by pioneering psychologists and segregation researchers Kenneth B. Clark and Marnie Phipps Clark.

"Most white parents wouldn't think to buy a black doll for their child, even if they believe in equality and all those things," she said.

What crap. The only "implication" here is that WalMart had too many of the black ones in stock and needed to clear space. Who knows why? Maybe they mistakenly ordered too many.

As for "most white parents", this twat needs to take her racist bullshit on down the road and stop projecting her own personal mind filth onto the rest of us. From my own childhood experience, I can tell you that it's very uncommon for a little girl to own only one Barbie. Typically, one does one's best to have all of Barbie's friends, as well (and every outfit one can lay hands on) to enhance the make-believe possibilities. This certainly includes buying dolls of other races and ethnicities, because something new and different is always better than half-a-dozen things exactly alike when you're a kid.

And by the way, way back in the mists of time (the late 60s), my white mother bought my sister a black baby doll when they came on the market and she insisted that was the one she wanted. I sincerely doubt that 2010 has somehow become more full of crazed racists than the late 60s were.
☭proletarian☭;2081282 said:
My daughter had black Barbies, one lady made a comment to her once (we took her to the swimming pool one day) asking why she had a 'colored' doll.

Yeah, it was 2001. :cuckoo:

I'da said 'Barbie's going Green and she needs a plow that doesn't use fossil fuels.'

I'd have said, "Barbie's a social worker, and she needed some clients." Bitch probably would have believed it.

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