Zone1 Black Chicagoans vow to "Turn Chicago RED" in November.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Democrats have gone a bridge too far. They are losing their most loyal supporters by putting illegal immigrants first in line. The poor Black community that seemingly would accept whatever exploitation and broken promises the Democrats dished out, have finally had it. I've never read or heard the outrage coming from this disrespected group of AMERICAN CITIZENS that deserve much better than they have gotten.

The Democrats have gone a bridge too far. They are losing their most loyal supporters by putting illegal immigrants first in line. The poor Black community that seemingly would accept whatever exploitation and broken promises the Democrats dished out, have finally had it. I've never read or heard the outrage coming from this disrespected group of AMERICAN CITIZENS that deserve much better than they have gotten.

The DNC have never put Blacks first.

The Democrats have gone a bridge too far. They are losing their most loyal supporters by putting illegal immigrants first in line. The poor Black community that seemingly would accept whatever exploitation and broken promises the Democrats dished out, have finally had it. I've never read or heard the outrage coming from this disrespected group of AMERICAN CITIZENS that deserve much better than they have gotten.

The DNC is finally showing it's true color & it ain't black!
The Democrats have gone a bridge too far. They are losing their most loyal supporters by putting illegal immigrants first in line. The poor Black community that seemingly would accept whatever exploitation and broken promises the Democrats dished out, have finally had it. I've never read or heard the outrage coming from this disrespected group of AMERICAN CITIZENS that deserve much better than they have gotten.

Maybe, or maybe they will vote Democrat anyway simply because they hate the Republicans.

The reality is they just don't have a proper choice. You either choose this party or that party.

Imagine if another left wing party came along that said "we don't support mass illegal immigration", people would then be able to send a real message.

As it is, in dictatorship USA, they get to choose between one dictator or the other.
Maybe, or maybe they will vote Democrat anyway simply because they hate the Republicans.

The reality is they just don't have a proper choice. You either choose this party or that party.

Imagine if another left wing party came along that said "we don't support mass illegal immigration", people would then be able to send a real message.

As it is, in dictatorship USA, they get to choose between one dictator or the other.
Sounds like U R dismayed with the ole RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP)? Don't feel alone 4 U have more company than U think U do!


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