Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city RED over migrant, crime crisis. "Time to Make a Change"

if 20% of blacks and hispanics flip, they'll be voting repub for 200 yrs..LOLOLOLOOL

this is do much fun seeing this equity shit shoved up your fucking ass you
You won't fool 20 percent of blacks. We we republicans for 100 years and the types of whites that were democrats then are Republicans today. Nothing is being shoved up my ass. I do work on my own. You're the racist and equity will be achieved.
Then why would 'white moochers' vote R, now you're contradicting yourself, or was your post just your typical lying bs?
The white moochers on corporate welfar vot republican. Whites have recieved the most federal economic assistance(moochers) ever in America and some of them vote republican.
The white moochers on corporate welfar vot republican. Whites have recieved the most federal economic assistance(moochers) ever in America and some of them vote republican.

So corporations have a race?

Have you seen the stance of most 'corporations' these days, it's definitely not on the 'right'. They own all politicians, especially your precious 'D' pols, they're as sold out and corrupt as they come. You're the fool that falls for their bullshit propaganda.
That's fox news. Every day they tell their sheep that blacks are all going to turn republican.
Have you seen the Biden polls about how much black support he has lost since he was elected? Its something like a loss of 20%, putting him in the mid 60's, as opposed to the typical 90% that dems enjoy.

That has NEVER happened before with a democrat presidential candidate. It makes the election unwinable for Joe if this is the trend on election day.
Looks like the stupid Negroes, who put the stupid Democrats in charge with their disastrous Sanctuary City bullshit, are now realizing how fucking dumb they were by voting for Democrats.

These tens of millions Illegals that idiot Potatohead invited in are going to cause major problems for everyone in the country, including the welfare Negroes.
Looks like the stupid Negroes, who put the stupid Democrats in charge with their disastrous Sanctuary City bullshit, are now realizing how fucking dumb they were by voting for Democrats.

These tens of millions Illegals that idiot Potatohead invited in are going to cause major problems for everyone in the country, including the welfare Negroes.

It's only temporary.

Blacks are pissed they aren't getting the attention and money they think they should because it's going to illegals.

They will turn to the republicans to get rid of illegals. Once the illegals are gone they will go right back to democrats that tell them they deserve special treatment and that nothing is their fault because of racism.

They only go to the side they think will benefit them best at that moment
Who besides whites mooching off the government would vote Republican?
Who would blacks mooch off if not for whites? You're expecting Hispanics in CA to pay for reparations? That's fucking funny!
Blacks are 12% of the population. Due to murder and abortion, they are shrinking. Hispanics are 15% of the population. Uncontrolled births and invasion is increasing their numbers.

Democrats only play the numbers.
There're stupid then. Hispanics don't like separating the family and abortion. They believe in God. Most will vote republican, when they see the democrats for what they are.
There're stupid then. Hispanics don't like separating the family and abortion. They believe in God. Most will vote republican, when they see the democrats for what they are.
Hispanics will vote for their own who will cater to their concerns. Not necessarily the needs of a diverse citizenry.

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'​

The Windy City has historically battled soaring crime and most recently a crippling migrant crisis.​

As Chicago residents battle various crises including surging crime and an influx of migrants, Black voters are mobilizing to turn the city red and do "away" with far-left Democratic policies in the Windy City.

Blacks are FINALLY waking up to the LYING miserable Democrats!

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'
That would really be nice to see and send a very big message but I'm not betting the farm on it.
Is this the same Mark Carter from your story? The one with Kanye and Farrakhan on his page? :dunno:
And NOW your anti Farrakhan?


Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'​

The Windy City has historically battled soaring crime and most recently a crippling migrant crisis.​

As Chicago residents battle various crises including surging crime and an influx of migrants, Black voters are mobilizing to turn the city red and do "away" with far-left Democratic policies in the Windy City.

Blacks are FINALLY waking up to the LYING miserable Democrats!

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'
I wish they would do something..

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'​

The Windy City has historically battled soaring crime and most recently a crippling migrant crisis.​

As Chicago residents battle various crises including surging crime and an influx of migrants, Black voters are mobilizing to turn the city red and do "away" with far-left Democratic policies in the Windy City.

Blacks are FINALLY waking up to the LYING miserable Democrats!

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'

Lady goes on a rant about Chicago spending all of its social program money on illegal immigrants.

Man asks her who she voted for, since Biden promised he would do this. Great stuff...


Fed Up Chicago Residents Chant ‘Go Red!’ and ‘No More Blue,

No Matter Who’ at City Council Meeting

A resounding message, “Go Red… No More Blue, No Matter Who!” has become the battle cry of frustrated Chicagoans facing neglect from long-standing Democratic leadership.
This outcry is a culmination of pent-up grievances, particularly exacerbated by the Biden regime’s open border policy to illegal immigrants.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that two Chicago Aldermen, Anthony Napolitano (41st) and Anthony Beale (9th), have cosponsored a resolution that would add a referendum to the March 2024 primary ballot asking voters if Chicago should continue to keep its sanctuary city designation.


After decades of corrupt Democrat comtrol, the citizens of Chicago are fed up and totally disgusted.
However, you reap what you sow.
The outcry is a culmination of pent-up grievances, particularly exacerbated by the Biden regime’s open border policy to illegal immigrants. Chicago has spent over $100M to care for the illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s open border.
LBJ's war on poverty didn't work? He started the welfare programs- food stamps, HUD, Section 8, head start, TANF checks, as long the recipients are not married and get no child support from the father. That has virtually destroued the black family unit.
Note that Democrat Neo-Marxists push welfare more than anything.. Yeah keep them poor and dumb. That is why they have been dumbing down education more and more.

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'​

The Windy City has historically battled soaring crime and most recently a crippling migrant crisis.​

As Chicago residents battle various crises including surging crime and an influx of migrants, Black voters are mobilizing to turn the city red and do "away" with far-left Democratic policies in the Windy City.

Blacks are FINALLY waking up to the LYING miserable Democrats!

Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: 'Time for us to make a change'
How is this any different than Democrats saying Texas will turn blue? Wishful thinking!

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