black cop shoots a white man


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
That guy could have avoided any injury by simply OBEYING the orders from the cops. If that cop is disciplined at all, it should be for shooting him in the back as he fled.
That guy could have avoided any injury by simply OBEYING the orders from the cops. If that cop is disciplined at all, it should be for shooting him in the back as he fled.
What if the guy had a hearing impairment or simply couldn't comprehend what the cops were screaming over each other because it was unintelligible crosstalk.
If he were black every relative the guy had would be coming out of the woodwork like termites and suing the city for Bling and Skittles.
Whites cops have gotten away with murdering black folks since this country was founded, go study some history instead of spewing that racist garbage.
First, how is it racist garbage, since you know it’s most likely true? Secondly, white cops don’t go out every day and just decide to murder black folks. Sure, there are rogue cops, they deserve to be punished. There are also black cops killing black folks, why is that different?

First, how is it racist garbage, since you know it’s most likely true? Secondly, white cops don’t go out every day and just decide to murder black folks. Sure, there are rogue cops, they deserve to be punished. There are also black cops killing black folks, why is that different?

The police have been harassing, beating, planting evidence and murdering black folks since this country was founded, that is fact. Black cops don't have a history of harassing, beating, planting evidence and murdering white folks in this country.
The police have been harassing, beating, planting evidence and murdering black folks since this country was founded, that is fact. Black cops don't have a history of harassing, beating, planting evidence and murdering white folks in this country.
Black cops kill black and white criminals. White cops kill black and white criminals. Very few of the killings are by rogue cops. Any time a black criminal is killed by a white cop there is an uproar in the black communities, with too many people siding with the criminal. I don’t condone criminal behavior by whites or blacks or the cops.
Black cops kill black and white criminals. White cops kill black and white criminals. Very few of the killings are by rogue cops. Any time a black criminal is killed by a white cop there is an uproar in the black communities, with too many people siding with the criminal. I don’t condone criminal behavior by whites or blacks or the cops.
only when they try to kill cops. cops have fam,ilies too.
Black cops kill black and white criminals. White cops kill black and white criminals. Very few of the killings are by rogue cops. Any time a black criminal is killed by a white cop there is an uproar in the black communities, with too many people siding with the criminal. I don’t condone criminal behavior by whites or blacks or the cops.
and most of the time when white cop kills black man its the black mans fault.
Black cops kill black and white criminals.
If a black cop murders a white person they are going to pay immediately.
White cops kill black and white criminals.
Many white cops have gotten away with murdering folks of color, don't take my word for it. Study some history.
Very few of the killings are by rogue cops.
That's the lie that is told.
Any time a black criminal is killed by a white cop there is an uproar in the black communities, with too many people siding with the criminal. I don’t condone criminal behavior by whites or blacks or the cops.
Was Amadou Diallo a criminal? What crime did he commit other than being black? Eric Garner was murdered for selling single cigarettes and the list goes on and on. Do you think if a black cop would have walked in the wrong apartment and murdered a white man, she would have only gotten about 5yrs.
If a black cop murders a white person they are going to pay immediately.

Many white cops have gotten away with murdering folks of color, don't take my word for it. Study some history.

That's the lie that is told.

Was Amadou Diallo a criminal? What crime did he commit other than being black? Eric Garner was murdered for selling single cigarettes and the list goes on and on. Do you think if a black cop would have walked in the wrong apartment and murdered a white man, she would have only gotten about 5yrs.
There is no excuse for the cops who commit crimes. The majority of killings are justified. The criminal usually puts themself in the position to be shot by cops. Not all blacks or whites that are approached by cops are guilty, not all white cops are bad.
There is no excuse for the cops who commit crimes. The majority of killings are justified. The criminal usually puts themself in the position to be shot by cops. Not all blacks or whites that are approached by cops are guilty, not all white cops are bad.
Sounds like a bunch of excuse making, instead of dealing with the problem at hand.

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