black couple kicked out of eatery for smelling like weed

It's time to treat it like booze. Do you really want to prevent a hard working person from enjoying it in their back yard on a Friday night after a terribly long and arduous work week?
Good bud smells better than cigarette smoke. I used to smoke cigarettes, marijuana smells much better IMO.
I didn’t say one smelled better but I agree that pot smoke smells better. Not everyone feels that way. Pot smell is stronger tho
So now the racism that has been going on in this country for over 400yrs is Pres. Obama's fault. Unfuckingbelievable. You must be 15yrs old.
America was getting along just fine thank you before Obama showed up. He set us back 50 Years. I refuse to be drawn into to Leftist personal insults. Have a nice day!
America was getting along just fine thank you before Obama showed up. He set us back 50 Years. I refuse to be drawn into to Leftist personal insults. Have a nice day!
You mean, as long as, black folks were quiet about the racism going on in this country.

they are suing now. sounds like this restaurant don't like people who smell like weed.

Whatever happened to the proprieters' right to serve or not serve anyone they did not feel inclined to?

This falls under the category of 'Non-Race / 'Non-Descrimination', one in which there is no hate, no bias.

This couple just STANK, reeked of weed after potentially smoked pot, had the munchies, and decided to 'grace this establishment with their presence'.

'Sorry, but YOU STINK, and your STENCH is negatively physically, odiferously, and financially impacting my business. GTFO.'

I have no problem with this.

The law suit has come about because some fragile, easily offended stoner couple with an overblown sense of importance and entitlement believe it is their RIGHT to STINK and still patronize any establishment they want.


Let the free market econemy decide the fate of the business. People will either continue to come or boycott them like people have done with Bud Light.

One question for the court:
If you seriously intend to consider this law suit you MUST consider the specific grievance / issue - REEKING OF WEED.

If you plan on considering finding in the couples' favor will the jury's finding be that just / only the extremely strong odor of WEED is not enough reason to ask customers to leave?

-- What if the next couple walks in and smells like SHIT, reeking like an over-full outhouse under a blazing-hot Arizona sky? Is WEED suddenly ok but the smell of SHIT not, or does finding in the 1st couple's favor mean customers can walk in smelling like they just crawled out from under a manure pile, too?

Does the court, in addressing this case now have to focus on ALL SMELLS?

What if a woman walks in having an extremely, over-powering strong odor of perfume and customers are allergic / start coughing, choking, and throwing up? Can the owners ask HER to leave without the risk of being sued?

How about we avoid all of this by throwing out these stoners' ridiculous lawsuit and tell them next time to do what their other DOOBIE BROTHERS do - run out to the 7-11 and buy a bunch of Fritos, Cheetos, shriveled hot dogs that have been cooking all day, and some soda?!

The couple were kicked out for smelling like weed; not because they are Black. Does the restaurant have a history of removing Blacks for any reasons? Were other Black patrons present in the restaurant when the weed couple were thrown out?
I always take news from Nothing But Crap/ NBC with big grain of salt.
NBC ... Race-baiting for clicks...


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